Chlouvānem/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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Lexicon of the [[Chlouvānem|Chlouvānem language]], in Latin alphabetical order.
Lexicon of the [[Chlouvānem|Chlouvānem language]], sortable.

→ ''See [[Chlouvānem/Phrasebook|Chlouvānem phrasebook]] for a list of common expressions.''
→ ''See [[Chlouvānem/Phrasebook|Chlouvānem phrasebook]] for a list of common expressions.''

'''NOTE''': entries from letter '''D''' onwards are not up to date.
'''NOTE''': this page is being rebuilt. Only entries in the table are 100% up to date.

==Abbreviations used==
==Abbreviations used==
* '''A''' - ''a-class'' verb
In the '''PoS''' (part of speech) column:
* '''ABL''' - ablaut (with ''a'')
** '''N''' noun
* '''ADV''' - adverb
** '''V''' verb
* '''DVA''' - dvandva compound
* '''IRR''' - irregular
In the '''Class/principal parts''' column:
* '''PL''' - plural only
* '''-T''' thematic verb
* '''R.ABL''' - root ablaut
* '''-A''' athematic verb
* '''ROOT''' - root (no ablaut)
* '''irr''' irregular
* '''SG''' - singular only
* '''1''' Class 1 verb (no vowel changes). Principal parts for this class are not included as they always use the same vowel as the infinitive.
* '''2''' Class 2 verb (regularly ablauting)
* '''ah''' Class 11 (''-ah'') verb
* '''tr''' (di-)transitive verb (when not causative)
* '''it''' intransitive verb
* '''eo''' only has exterior forms (when not causative)
* '''io''' only has interior forms (when not causative). A verb with neither ''eo'' nor ''io'' has both interior and exterior forms.
* '''5h''' 5th declension ''h-noun'' (ablauting). Direct and genitive plural forms given.
In the '''English''' column:
* '''arch.''' archaic in this sense
* '''hon.''' honorific word
* '''lit.''' meaning/word used only or mostly in literature
In the '''Etymology''' column:
* '''LLS''' Lällshag
* '''MTW Dab.''' Mid-Third-Era Western Dabuke
* '''PLB''' [[Lahob languages|Proto-Lahob]]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Chlouvānem  !! PoS !! Class/principal parts !! English !! Notes !! Etymology
| abanda || N || || turban || || MTW Dab. ''abanda'' (turban)
| åbdvake || V || 1T tr || to swell, bloat || || PLB *wō-bədw-o- (to swell)
| åbdvoe || N || || swelling (= on the body; something concrete which is swollen) || ||
| åbdvyāva || N || || swollenness, bloating || ||
| abhūmi || N || || ''arch.:'' skin, bark || ||
| āḍhyāsa || N || || brain || || PLB *azdə-hēsə (head [for] words)
| āḍhyāsnūlia || N || || meninx || || ''āḍhyāsa'' (brain) + ''nūlia'' (leaf)
| āḍhyāsnūlimåkṣan || N || || meningitis || ||
| āḍhyāsūkas || N || || retroflex consonant || ||
| agan || N || || hunger || "I am hungry" = ''lili mæn agan'' ||
| ajhārake || V || 1T it io || to be naked || || PLB *oš-dodʱārs (not covered)
| ajhārāmašāh || N || || monk and monastic current of the "naked thinkers" || || ''ajhār-'' (naked) + ''āmaha'' (abode)
| ajhārmita || N || || nakedness || ||
| ajodhambaɂas || N || || free practice session (in motorsports) || || ''ajodh-'' (free) + ''mbaɂas'' (practice, attempt)
| ajodhake || V || 1T it io || to be free, to be independent || ||
| ajodhyāva || N || || freedom, independence || for freedom also ''mānīh'' ||
| ājva || N || || dawn (nautical + civil twilight); the last hour of the Chlouvānem day; ''poetry:'' gold || || LLS ''aashiwa'' (dawn)
| ājvalunai || N || || breakfast || to have breakfast = ''ājvalunai yųlake'' || ''ājva'' (dawn) + ''lunai'' (tea)
| alūs || N || || bottle || ||
| amaha || N || || ''lit., hon.:'' abode || || from a pre-Chl. language of the Eastern Plain
| amahajānake || V || 11T ''amahajānah - amahajānek - amahājāna'' it eo || to live, reside, inhabit || || ''amaha'' (abode) + ''jān-'' (to feel)
| āmaya || N || || collection || ||
| āmayadarlila || N || 5h ''āmayadarleliė, āmayadarlaili'' || collector || || ''āmayadṛ-'' (to collect) + ''lila'' (person)
| āmayadṛke || V || 2A irr ''āmayadarė - āmayadṛk - āmayadadrā'' tr || to collect || || ''āmaya'' (collection) + ''dṛ-'' (to do, make)
| āmflonanah || N || || ascent, climb, way up || || ''āmflun-'' (to go/walk up (monod.))
| āṃhālkadṛke || V || 2A irr ''āṃhālkadarė - āṃhālkadṛk - āṃhālkadadrā'' tr || to go to bed, to position something on the bed || || ''ān-'' (up, on) + ''hālkah'' (bed) + ''dṛ-'' (to do, make)
| āṃhånna || N || || sunrise || || ''ān-'' (up, on) + ''hånna'' (sun)
| āṃlāṇṭake'' || V || 1T tr || to wear/put on something on the head || || ''ān-'' (up, on) + ''lāṇṭam'' (head)
| āmmęliāmita || N || || passion || ||
| æflike || V || <small>irr</small> ''æftilu - æflik - iɂæflia'', <small>PRES 3SG</small>: ''æftil'' tr eo || to plan, to be going to, to have the intention for || || PLB *ewpʰətiŋ (to think about)
| ætherai || N || || marmite, large cooking pot || ||
| æthermilkīs || N || || potholder || || ''ætherai'' (marmite) + ''milk-'' (to take)
| åldarvin || N || || a goblin-like creature (usually good-minded) of Eastern Plain Chlouvānem folklore || || PLB *wō-foldorwi (big *foldorwi)

==A, Ā, Ą==
==A, Ā, Ą==
