Glommish/Northern: Difference between revisions

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m (Replaced content with "placeholder for a Hmooby Slavlang")
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[[Nail Polish/Swadesh list]]
placeholder for a Hmooby Slavlang
This is a short reminder of the language format policy.
I. Write a short piece stating your intents and purposes when creating the language (Design goal, inspiration, ideas, and so on).
II. Write a short introduction to your language. (Who speaks it? When was it created? By whom? or what? are some example questions that can be answered here)
III. Once done, try making sure everything is properly spelt so as to avoid unnecessary reader fatigue.
'''Nail Polish''' is a descendant of [[Varrkkún]]. It's inspired by French and Polish.
<!-- Design goals, inspiration, ideas, who speaks it?, when was it created?, where does it come from?, any peculiarities? -->
<!-- Example categories/headings:
<!-- ***Phonology*** -->
<!-- What sounds does your language use? -->
<!-- Here are some example sub-/other categories:
Vowel inventory
Consonant inventory
Syllable structure
/i y u e ø o ə æ ɑ/ < í ú u i/é ay aw a á ó?
{{User:Ceige/Template:Swadesh_list_207_plain|language = [[Nail Polish]]
|wrd001=''hál'' (informal) > ''häl''
|wrd002=''azj'' (informal) > ''õrz''
|wrd003=''bbil'' (animate) > ''bel''
|wrd004=''háliŋ'' (informal) > ''häleŋ''
|wrd005=''azjiŋ'' (informal) > ''õrzeŋ''
|wrd006=''bbilúrr'' (animate) > ''belür''
|wrd007=''a-'' > ''õ-''
|wrd008=near 2: ''be-'', distal: ''rõ-''
|wrd010=near 2: ''beźa'', distal: ''rõza''
|wrd012=which/what kind of X: ''czer'', which of two: ''hedzum''
|wrd018=''énvah'' > ''eńviõ''
|wrd019=''nnahah'' > ''nõhõ''
|wrd020=''ussíyah'' > ''usyjõ''
|wrd021=''mudu'' > ''mi''
|wrd022=''adj'' > ''õż''
|wrd023=''físj'' > ''fiż''
|wrd024=''iyav'' > ''iw''
|wrd025=''ŋŋuzzan'' > ''ŋun''
|wrd026=''túl'' > ''cül''
|wrd027=''ppallkkah'' > ''pokõ''
|wrd028=''vvíyah'' > ''vyjõ''
|wrd029=''llahmah'' > ''lamõ''
|wrd030=''xxisjtjah'' > ''chiczõ''
|wrd031=''návvah'' > ''niävõ''
|wrd032=''zjuwah'' > ''żuwõ''
|wrd033=''virhah'' > ''vieszõ''
|wrd034=''kkakkartah'' > ''kõgõrcõ''
|wrd035=''hŋéyah'' > ''niejõ''
|wrd036=''djuŋŋ'' > ''dżuŋ''
|wrd037=''zzít'' > ''zydz''
|wrd038=''llósj'' > ''waż''
|wrd039=''rakku'' > ''rzõg''
|wrd040=''vvúlltja'' > ''vucz''
|wrd041=''yalí'' > ''jõli''
|wrd042=''sjumma'' > ''szum''
|wrd043=''sjudda'' > ''szud''
|wrd044=''kkalltt'' > ''kot''
|wrd045=''óra'' > ''arz''
|wrd046=''híŋ'' > ''hiŋ''
|wrd047=''nuhl'' > ''nux''
|wrd048=''haré'' > ''hõrze''
|wrd049=''ddúf'' > ''düv''
|wrd050=''éwsa'' > ''joź''
|wrd051=''sjayf'' > ''szöv''
|wrd052=''usskk'' > ''uk''
|wrd053=''ŋadji'' > ''niaż''
|wrd054=''fédd'' > ''fiew''?
|wrd055=''yaxxá'' > ''jõchä''
|wrd056=''dawrr'' > ''dzor''
|wrd057=''rróŋgi'' > ''randź''
|wrd058=''hllandj'' > ''xõndż''
|wrd059=''áll'' > ''äw''
|wrd060=''hédj'' > ''heż''
|wrd061=''ggarru'' > ''gõr''
|wrd062=''allab'' > ''ob''
|wrd063=''raŋŋa'' > ''rzõŋ''
|wrd064=''vésji'' > ''vież''
|wrd065=''tjín'' > ''cziń''
|wrd066=''hunvi'' > ''huńv''
|wrd067=''kké'' > ''ke''
|wrd068=''aki'' > ''õdź''
|wrd069=''ffúra'' > ''fürz''
|wrd070=''llayind'' > ''wönd''
|wrd071=''yósj'' > ''jaż''
|wrd072=''ssttána'' > ''stäń''
|wrd073=''hóy'' > ''haj''
|wrd074=''nill'' > ''niu''
|wrd075=''téha'' > ''ce''
|wrd076=''istu'' > ''ic''
|wrd077=''sawdj'' > ''śoż''
|wrd078=''bbúda'' > ''büź''
|wrd079=''haski'' > ''hać''
|wrd080=''annddal'' > ''õnõl''
|wrd081=''lénd'' > ''lendz''
|wrd082=''rraxtj'' > ''rajcz''
|wrd083=''bbár'' > ''bärz''
|wrd084=''tallss'' > ''ćos''
|wrd085=''bré'' > ''brze''
|wrd086=''ŋŋúli'' > ''ŋül''
|wrd087=''zzán'' > ''zäń''
|wrd088=''mazar'' > ''miärz''
|wrd089=''ŋihni'' > ''nin''
|wrd090=''hallan'' > ''hoń''
|wrd091=''rruhar'' > ''rurz''
|wrd092=''slayah'' > ''xöõ''
|wrd093=''kanah'' > ''ćõńõ''
|wrd094=''ŋíffah'' > ''nivõ''
|wrd095=''yakkah'' > ''jõgõ''
|wrd096=''ttéyah'' > ''teõ''
|wrd097=''axxttah'' > ''ajtõ''
|wrd098=''hrrágah'' > ''räjõ''
|wrd099=''yiŋufah'' > ''jiniuõ''
|wrd100=''hizrah'' > ''herzõ''
|wrd101=''ímah'' > ''imiõ''
|wrd102=''fissttah'' > ''fitõ''
|wrd103=''vvandah'' > ''võndzõ''
|wrd104=''hmáyah'' > ''miäjõ''
|wrd105=''ussíyah'' > ''uzyjõ''
|wrd106=X-TOPIC Y-NOM ''kkammayah'' ( = X fears Y) > ''kõmõjõ''
|wrd107=''kkúyah'' > ''küjõ''
|wrd108=''lawrah'' > ''lorzõ''
|wrd109=''sjtjíŋah'' > ''szcziniõ''
|wrd110=''hnéddah'' > ''nieõ''
|wrd111=''nóŋah'' > ''nianiõ''
|wrd112=''sjagrah'' > ''szajrõ''
|wrd113=''zjikkah'' > ''żegõ''
|wrd114=''xxúsjah'' > ''chüżõ''
|wrd115=''ssŋŋóhah'' > ''sŋaõ''
|wrd116=''rráxxah'' > ''rächõ''
|wrd117=''xxózjah'' > ''charzõ''
|wrd118=''dabbah'' > ''dzõvõ''
|wrd119=''bbllaxah'' > ''bwõśõ''
|wrd120=''vrínnah'' > ''vrzinõ''
|wrd121=''huvvah'' > ''huõ''
|wrd122=''hribah'' > ''szeviõ''
|wrd123=''ggíyah'' (lie down) > ''gijõ''
|wrd124=''ihnah'' (sit down) > ''inõ''
|wrd125=''ŋúlah'' (stand up)
|wrd126=''ayfah'' > ''õviõ''
|wrd127=''zjúzjah'' > ''żürzõ''
|wrd128=''ttuggah'' > ''tuõ''
|wrd129=''gníffah'' > ''gnivõ''
|wrd130=''ssrruwah'' > ''sruõ''
|wrd131=''spówah'' > ''śpiaõ''
|wrd132=''nihrah'' > ''nierõ''
|wrd133=''sséyah'' > ''seõ''
|wrd134=''xrahah'' > ''chrzõõ''
|wrd135=''véllah'' > ''viewõ''
|wrd136=''ttnnáyah'' > ''tnäjõ''
|wrd137=''ffrrítjah'' > ''frydżõ''
|wrd138=''mallggah'' > ''mogõ''
|wrd139=''nnówah'' > ''naõ''
|wrd140=''sjixxah'' > ''szeõ''
|wrd141=''xxunnddaffah'' > ''chundõvõ''
|wrd142=''dahllah'' > ''dzahwõ''
|wrd143=''zjínayah'' > ''żinõjõ''
|wrd144=''ssaŋŋah'' > ''sõngõ''
|wrd145=''yuŋkah'' > ''juńćõ''
|wrd146=''palah'' > ''piõlõ''
|wrd147=''pass'' > ''piõz''
|wrd148=''kalda'' > ''kajd''
|wrd149=''wihnu'' > ''winiu''
|wrd150=''rrá'' > ''rä''
|wrd151=''zérr'' > ''źer''
|wrd152=''briyaŋ'' > ''brzijõng''
|wrd153=''hédja'' > ''heż''
|wrd154=''laxxatt'' > ''lad''
|wrd155=''yawkk'' > ''jog''
|wrd156=''hŋŋáy'' > ''ngäy''
|wrd157=''ŋlimé'' > ''lemie''
|wrd158=''djanu'' > ''dżõniu''
|wrd159=''vvóll'' > ''vo''
|wrd160=''skúdj'' > ''śćüż''
|wrd161=''hullál'' > ''huwäl''
|wrd162=''lóppu'' > ''lapu''
|wrd163=''djukkarr'' > ''dżugõr''
|wrd164=''zaŋŋkk'' > ''źõngk''
|wrd165=''ddól'' > ''dal''
|wrd166=''tlór'' > ''xarz''
|wrd167=''nnay'' > ''nö''
|wrd168=''ttága'' > ''täjõ''
|wrd169=''léssah'' > ''lezõ''
|wrd170=''zuhl'' > ''źul''
|wrd171=''umm'' > ''um''
|wrd172=''ppawah'' > ''poõ''
|wrd173=''waygah'' > ''wöõ''
|wrd174=''vvrrúwah'' > ''vrüõ''
|wrd175=''éttayah'' > ''edöõ''
|wrd197=''émmah'' > ''emõ''
|wrd198=''ddussnnah'' > ''dusnõ''
|wrd199=''zammu'' > ''źõmu''
|wrd200=''óttu'' (''óttur'' = 'wrongly, badly')
|wrd201=''-(i)ha'', ''-ih''
|wrd202=''-arr ffáyih(a)''
|wrd203=''-tju'' (nouns), ''-ínih'' (clauses)
|wrd204=''-tju'', ''-tju tnáxa''
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg" style=" text-align:center;"
!  colspan="2" style="width: 136px; "|
!  style="width: 68px; " |Labial
!  style="width: 68px; " |Dental
!  style="width: 68px; " |Lateral
!  style="width: 68px; " |Retroflex
!  style="width: 68px; " |Palatal
!  style="width: 68px; " |Velar
!  style="width: 68px; " |Glottal
! colspan="2" style="" |Nasal
| m
| n
| ɳ
| ŋ
! rowspan="2" style=""  |Plosive
! |<small>tenuis</small>
| p
| t
| k
! |<small>voiced</small>
| b
| d
| g
! rowspan="2" style="" |Fricative
! |<small>voiceless</small>
| f
| s
| ɬ
| ʂ
| ɕ
| x
| h
! |<small>voiced</small>
| v
| z
| ʐ
! rowspan="2" style="" |Affricate
! |<small>tenuis</small>
| ts
| tʂ
| tɕ
! |<small>voiced</small>
| dz
| dʐ
| dʑ
! colspan="2" style="" |Resonant
| r
| l
| ɻ
| j
| w
/i y u e ø o ə æ ɑ/ < í ú u i é/ay aw a á ó?
<!-- Explain the consonant clusters and vowel clusters that are permissible for use in the language. For example, "st" is an allowed consonant cluster in English while onset "ng" isn't. -->
<!-- How do the words in your language look? How do you derive words from others? Do you have cases? Are verbs inflected? Do nouns differ from adjectives? Do adjectives differ from verbs? Etc. -->
<!-- Here are some example subcategories:
Derivational morphology
===Constituent order===
===Noun phrase===
===Verb phrase===
===Sentence phrase===
===Dependent clauses===
<!-- etc. etc. -->
==Example texts==
==Other resources==
<!-- Example: Word order, qualifiers, determinatives, branching, etc. -->
<!-- Template area -->

Revision as of 05:55, 26 June 2018

placeholder for a Hmooby Slavlang