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Line 864: Line 864:
| evening || sera
| evening || sera
| dusk || khrefuslu
| dusk || khelfuslu
| night || note
| night || note
Line 925: Line 925:
| already ||  
| already ||  
| today ||  
| today || oje
| tonight ||  
| tonight ||  
Line 933: Line 933:
| last night ||  
| last night ||  
| tomorrow ||  
| tomorrow || khras
| before yesterday ||  
| before yesterday ||  

Revision as of 14:20, 28 February 2023

Cathardic (native: kathárdikhu /kaˈθaɾdixu/) is an African Romance language.

sa lingwa sa kathárdikha
Pronunciation[sa ˈliŋgwa sa kaˈθaɾdixa]
Created byShariifka


Kathárdikhu comes from a hypothetical Latin *Carthaginicus from Carthagō "Carthage" + -icus "-ic".












Nouns are pluralized by adding -s. If the noun ends in a consonant, an epenthetic -e- is inserted before the plural ending.

If the singular ends in a high vowel (-u or -i), it is changed to its mid counterpart (-o- or -e- respectively) before adding the plural ending.


Adjectives agree with the nouns they govern in gender, number, and definiteness.

Adjectives are pluralized in the same way as nouns.


Nouns and adjectives take the definite article: su (m. sg.), sa (f. sg.), sos (m. pl.), sas (f. pl.)


Personal pronouns

Cathardic first person pronouns
Singular Plural
Full Clitic Full Clitic
Subject meu e nos
Direct object mi me nos
Indirect object mi mi nos
Possessive meyu, -a me nostru, -a nos
Cathardic second person pronouns
Singular Plural
Full Clitic Full Clitic
Subject teu tu gos
Direct object ti te gos
Indirect object ti ti gos
Possessive tu, tua te gostru, -a gos
Cathardic third person masculine pronouns
Singular Plural
Full Clitic Full Clitic
Subject isu su isos sos
Direct object isu su isos sos
Indirect object sui si isos sos
Possessive su, sua su isoru, -a sor
Cathardic third person feminine pronouns
Singular Plural
Full Clitic Full Clitic
Subject isa sa isas sas
Direct object isa sa isas sas
Indirect object sei si isas sas
Possessive su, sua su isaru, -a sar
Cathardic third person reflexive pronouns
Full Clitic
Direct object si se
Indirect object si si
Possessive su, sua se


Cardinal Ordinal
0 nulu nulísimu
1 u, ua filmu, -a
2 duos, duas sekhunu, -a
3 thres thelchu, -a
4 kwator kwaltu, -a
5 kingwe kwindu, -a
6 ses sestu, -a
7 sete sétimu, -a
8 oto otabu, -a
9 nobe nobeyu, -a
10 dekhe dékhimu, -a
11 únekhi unékhimu, -a
12 dódekhi dodékhimu, -a
13 thrédekhi thredékhimu, -a
14 kwatórdekhi kwatordékhimu, -a
15 kwínekhi kwinékhimu, -a
16 sédekhi sedékhimu, -a
17 dekhesete dekhesétimu, -a
18 dekhoto dekhotabu, -a
19 dekhenobe dekhenobeyu, -a
20 gwindi gwísimu, -a
21 u eth gwindi u eth gwísimu, -a
30 thrinda thrísimu, -a
40 kwaranda kwarásimu, -a
50 kingwanda kingwásimu, -a
60 sesanda sesásimu, -a
70 setanda setásimu, -a
80 otanda otásimu, -a
90 nobanda nobásimu, -a
100 kendu kendísimu, -a
101 kendu u kendu filmu, -a
200 dukhendos dukhendísimu, -a
300 threkhendos threkhendísimu, -a
400 kwatorkendos kwatorkendísimu, -a
500 kwingendos kwingendísimu, -a
600 seskendos seskendísimu, -a
700 setekhendos setekhendísimu, -a
800 otokhendos otokhendísimu, -a
900 nobekhendos nobekhendísimu, -a
1000 mile milísimu, -a
2000 dumiles dumilísimu, -a


Tenses and Non-finite forms

  • Non-finite forms
    • Infinitive
    • Gerund
    • Participle
  • Indicative
    • Present
    • Imperfect
    • Preterite
      • Archaic; normally replaced with the perfect
    • Perfect
      • Present of aire "to have" + participle
    • Pluperfect
      • Imperfect of aire "to have" + participle
    • Future
      • Present of goire "to intend" + infinitive
    • Future perfect
      • Present of goire + aire + participle
    • Conditional
      • Imperfect of goire + infinitive
  • Subjunctive
    • Present
    • Imperfect
    • Preterite
      • Archaic; usually replaced with the perfect
    • Perfect
      • Present subjunctive of aire + participle
    • Pluperfect
      • Imperfect subjunctive of aire + participle
    • Future
      • Present subjunctive of goire "to intend" + infinitive
    • Future perfect
      • Present subjunctive of goire + aire + participle
  • Imperative

-are verbs

Infinitive -are
Gerund -ande
Participle -athu, -atha
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite¹ Present Imperfect Preterite
1S -o -aba -ái -e -are -ase -e
2S -as -abas -aisti -es -ares -ases -a
3S -ath -abath -áith -eth -areth -aseth -eth
1P -amus -abamus -aimus -emus -aremus -asemus -emus
2P -akhis -abakhis -aistis -ekhis -arekhis -asekhis -athe
3P -and -aband -arund -end -arend -asend -end


¹ Verbs with an irregular preterite indicative stem take the irregular -ere/-ire preterite indicative endings (i.e. -i, -isti, -ith, -imus, -istis, -erunt).

-ere verbs

Infinitive -ere
Gerund -ende
Participle -uthu, -utha
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present¹ Imperfect Preterite
1S -o¹ -eba -í² -a -ere -ise -a¹
2S -es -ebas -isti -as -eres -ises -e
3S -eth -ebath -íth² -ath -ereth -iseth -ath¹
1P -emus -ebamus -imus -amus -eremus -isemus -amus¹
2P -ekhis -ebakhis -istis -akhis -erekhis -isekhis -ethe
3P -end; -und¹ -eband -erund -and -erend -isend -and¹


¹ When the present indicative 1S has an irregular stem, its stem is used to form the present indicative 3S (which takes the ending -und instead of -end), the present subjunctive, and non-second-person imperatives.

² Verbs with irregular preterite stems have unstressed endings in the 1S and 3S.

-ire verbs

Infinitive -ire
Gerund -inde
Participle -ithu, -itha
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present¹ Imperfect Preterite
1S -o¹ -iba -í² -a -ire -ese -a¹
2S -is -ibas -isti -as -ires -ises -i
3S -ith -ibath -íth² -ath -ireth -iseth -ath¹
1P -imus -ibamus -imus -amus -iremus -isemus -amus¹
2P -ikhis -ibakhis -istis -akhis -irekhis -isekhis -ithe
3P -und¹ -iband -erund -and -irend -isend -and¹


¹ When the present indicative 1S has an irregular stem, its stem is used to form the present indicative 3S, the present subjunctive, and non-second-person imperatives.

² Verbs with irregular preterite stems have unstressed endings in the 1S and 3S.

Important irregular verbs

fire "to be"
Infinitive fire
Gerund finde
Participle fithu, fitha
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S sun fiba fui sia fire fise fia
2S es fibas fuisti sias fires fises fi
3S est fibath fuith siath fireth fiseth fiath
1P sumus fibamus fuimus siamus firemus fisemus fiamus
2P sukhis fibakhis fuistis siakhis firekhis fisekhis fiathe
3P sund fiband fuerund siand firend fisend fiant
aire "to have"
Infinitive aire
Gerund ainde
Participle authu, -a
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S ajo aiba api aja aire aise aja
2S as aibas apisti ajas aires aises a
3S ath aibath apith ajath aireth aiseth ajath
1P aimus aibamus apimus ajamus airemus aisemus ajamus
2P aikhis aibakhis apistis ajakhis airekhis aisekhis aithe
3P and aiband aperund ajand airend aisend ajand
goire "to intend"
Infinitive goire
Gerund goinde
Participle gouthu, -a
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S gojo goiba gogwi goja goire goise goja
2S gos goibas gogwisti gojas goires goises go
3S goth goibath gogwith gojath goireth goiseth gojath
1P goimus goibamus gogwimus gojamus goiremus goisemus gojamus
2P goithis¹ goibakhis gogwistis gojakhis goirekhis goisekhis goithe
3P gond goiband gogwerund gojand goirend goisend gojand


¹ The dissimilation of -kh- in 2P endings to -th- is regular when it is preceded by a velar with only a vowel or diphthong intervening.

dere "to have to"
Infinitive dere
Gerund dende
Participle duthu, -a
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S dejo deba depi deja dere dese deja
2S des debas depisti dejas deres deses de
3S deth debath depith dejath dereth deseth dejath
1P demus debamus depimus dejamus deremus desemus dejamus
2P dekhis debakhis depistis dejakhis derekhis desekhis dethe
3P dend deband deperund dejand derend desend dejand
stare "to stay"
Infinitive stare
Gerund stande
Participle stathu, statha
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S sto staba stethi stia stare stase stia
2S stas stabas stethisti stias stares stases sta
3S stath stabath stethith stiath stareth staseth stiath
1P stamus stabamus stethimus stiamus staremus stasemus stiamus
2P stakhis stabakhis stethistis stiakhis starekhis stasekhis stathe
3P stand staband stetherund stiand starend stasend stiand
dare "to give"
Infinitive dare
Gerund dande
Participle dathu, datha
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S do daba dedi dia dare dase dia
2S das dabas dedisti dias dares dases da
3S dath dabath dedith diath dareth daseth diath
1P damus dabamus dedimus diamus daremus dasemus diamus
2P dakhis dabakhis dedistis diakhis darekhis dasekhis dathe
3P dand daband dederund diand darend dasend diand
fakhere "to do, make"
Infinitive fakhere
Gerund fakhende
Participle fatu, -a
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S facho fakheba fekhi facha fakhere fekhise facha
2S fakhes fakhebas fekhisti fachas fakheres fakhises fakhe
3S fakheth fakhebath fekhith fachath fakhereth fakhiseth fachath
1P fakhemus fakhebamus fekhimus fachamus fakheremus fakhisemus fachamus
2P fakhethis¹ fakhebakhis fekhistis fachakhis fakherekhis fakhisekhis fakhethe
3P fachund fakheband fekherund fachand fakherend fakhisend fachand


¹ This dissimilation of -khis to -this is regular in all relevant 2P forms whenever the ending is immediately preceded by a velar consonant.

dikhere "to say"
Infinitive dikhere
Gerund dikhende
Participle ditu, -a
Indicative Subjunctive Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Present Imperfect Preterite
1S dikho dikheba disi dikha dikhere dikhise dikha
2S dikhes dikhebas disisti dikhas dikheres dikhises dikhe
3S dikheth dikhebath disith dikhath dikhereth dikhiseth dikhath
1P dikhemus dikhebamus disimus dikhamus dikheremus dikhisemus dikhamus
2P dikhethis dikhebakhis disistis dikhathis dikherekhis dikhisekhis dikhethe
3P dikhend dikheband diserund dikhand dikherend dikhisend dikhand


Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses


Time - Sa ora

Seasons -Sas stachones
English Cathardic
Spring gweráu
Summer estathe
Fall athunu
Winter iberu
Gregorian months - Sos meses sos gregoljanos
English Cathardic
January jangwalju
February febralju
March malchu
April aprí
May manju
June junju
July lunju
August austu
September setembre
October otombre
November nobembre
December dekhembre
Days of the week - Sos dis de la setimana
English Cathardic
Sunday difilma
Monday disekhuna
Tuesday dithelcha
Wednesday dikhwalta
Thursday dikhwinda
Friday disesta
Saturday disápathi
Parts of the day - Sos partes de so di
English Cathardic
day di
dawn arora
morning demane
noon mesudí
afternoon merije
evening sera
dusk khelfuslu
night note
midnight mesanote
Units of time - Sas unithathes de sa ora
English Cathardic
second sekhunu
minute minuthu
hour ora
day di
week setimana
month mese
season stachone
year anu
Time adverbs - Sos adverbos de sa ora
English Cathardic
now adissu
then alora
recently, a short time ago
soon, shortly
always sémper
still, yet
today oje
last night
tomorrow khras
before yesterday
two nights ago
after tomorrow
this week
last week
next week

Colours - Sos kolores

Colours - Sos kolores
English Cathardic
white albu
grey kirenju
black nigru
red rusu
orange naranju
brown kastanju
yellow krokhu
green gwirdi

Example texts

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