Glommish: Difference between revisions

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Line 286: Line 286:

====Grab bag====

{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style=" text-align: center;"
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg " style=" text-align: center;"
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! Dative
! Dative
| ''lambier'' || ''lambiem''  
| ''lambe'' || ''lambiem''  
! Genitive
! Genitive
| ''lambrier'' || ''lambie''  
| ''lambs'' || ''lambie''  

Revision as of 05:45, 20 May 2016

Σiúdьsk /ɬʲuːtʲsk/) is a Germanic language spoken in Northern France and Western Germany on the alt-hist of Lõis. It has the most speakers on Lõis out of any Germanic language. Glommish is intended to have a pseudo-Slavic aesthetic.

1-10: ýn, twý, σrí, fiór, finf, siaks, siawen, acht, nión, tiachn /ɨːn, tvɨː, ɬʲrʲiː, fʲoːr, fʲinf, sʲæks, sʲævən, axt, nʲoːn, tʲæxn/

11-19: ýlьf, twalьf, σrýtián, fiórъtián, finfъtián, siaksъtián, siafъtián, achъtián, nióntián /ɨːlʲf, tvalʲf, ɬʲrʲiːtʲæːn, fʲoːrtʲæːn, fʲinftʲæːn, sʲækstʲæːn, sʲæftʲæːn, axtʲæːn, nʲoːnʲtʲæːn/

20-90: twýntiech, σrítiech, ... achъtiech, nióntiech /tvɨːnʲtʲəx, etc./

100: hunderσ /hundərɬ/

1000: σúsendь /ɬuːzənʲdʲ/


Like its southern neighbor Ufirlandisg, Glommish phonology is characterized by hard and soft consonants.


Consonant phonemes
Labial Dental/Alveolar Lateral Palatal Velar Glottal
plain pal. plain pal. plain pal.
Nasal m m n
voiceless p p t č k k
voiced b b d g g
Fricative voiceless f f s s~z sʲ~zʲ σ ɬ~ɮ σь ɬʲ~ɮʲ š ʃ~ʒ ch x~ɣ h h
voiced w v
Liquid r r l ɫ j j

Orthographical note: The soft sign ь and the palatalizing i soften every consonant in the cluster by default; however, the hard sign ъ prevents the softening of consonants to the left of it.


Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /ɪ/ í /iː/ y /ɨ/ ý /ɨː/ u /ʊ/ ú /uː/
Mid e /ɛ/ é /eː/ e [ə] o /ɔ/ ó /oː/
Open a /a/ á /aː/



Like German, Glommish has 4 noun cases.


Glommish uses the indefinite article ýn (declined as an adjective) and the definite article σar.

Definite article
case singular plural
m. f. n.
nom. σar σí σat σí
acc. σan σí σat σí
dat. σam σiar σam σím
gen. σas σiar σas σiar

Consonant stems

Also includes the an-stem nouns (which have regularized their declension).

a-stem: wulf (m.) 'wolf'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative wulf wulfe
Accusative wulf wulfe
Dative wulf, wulfe wulfem
Genitive wulfs wulfe

a-stem: namn (n.) 'name'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative namn namne
Accusative namn namne
Dative namn, namne namnem
Genitive namnes namne

ja-stem: basь (n.) 'berry'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative basь basie
Accusative basь basie
Dative basь, basie basiem
Genitive basies basie

Vowel stems

ō-stem: nase (f.) 'nose'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative nase naser
Accusative nase naser
Dative nase nasem
Genitive naser nase

u-stem: side (f.) 'custom'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative side sider
Accusative side sider
Dative side sidem
Genitive sider side

i-stem: burσie 'birth'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative burσie burσier
Accusative burσie burσier
Dative burσie burσiem
Genitive burσier burσie

Grab bag

z-stem: lamb (n.) 'lamb'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative lamb lambier
Accusative lamb lambier
Dative lambe lambiem
Genitive lambs lambie


Adjectives are declined, like in German but unlike in Ufirlandisg. For attributive adjectives, the weak declension is used when the noun is preceded by a definite article or demonstratives. The strong declension is used otherwise. Below are the strong and weak declensions of the adjective gád 'good':

Strong declension for hard-stem adjectives
case singular plural
m. f. n.
nom. gáder gáde gádet gáde
acc. gáden gáde gádet gáde
dat. gádme gáder gádme gádem
gen. gádes gáder gádes gáder


Weak declension for hard-stem adjectives
case singular plural
m. f. n.
nom. gáde gáde gáde gáden
acc. gáden gáde gáde gáden
dat. gádenь gádenь gádenь gádem
gen. gádenь gádenь gádenь gáden

Soft-stem adjectives such as skónь 'beautiful' can be declined similarly.

Strong declension for soft-stem adjectives
case singular plural
m. f. n.
nom. skónier skónie skóniet skónie
acc. skónien skónie skóniet skónie
dat. skónьme skónier skónьme skóniem
gen. skónies skónier skónies skónier


Weak declension for soft-stem adjectives
case singular plural
m. f. n.
nom. skónie skónie skónie skónien
acc. skónien skónie skónie skónien
dat. skónienь skónienь skónienь skóniem
gen. skónienь skónienь skónienь skónien


case 1sg. 2sg. 3sg. 1pl. 2pl. 3pl. reflexive
m. f. n.
nom. ik σú er it wír júr í -
acc. mik σik ín it unsь í sik
dat. mir σir ime jar ime unsь ím sir
gen. mín σín is jar is unsier júrer jar sín

