Verse:Irta/English/Non-Azalic etyma

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A list of English words not inherited from Proto-Azalic. (with etymologies different from Earth etymologies)

Semitic (non-Arabic)

  • dint as in by dint of from Togarmite dint 'judgment, sentence', from the root √d-n 'to opine, to judge'
  • main meaning 'high seas' from Togarmite mein 'water' (cognate to Hebrew מים máyim)
  • siren from Togarmite seiran 'alarm, smoke signal' from the root √š-r 'to call, to warn' (hypothetical cognate to Hebrew שר shar 'to sing')

Scythian and Iranian

  • bad, from Late Middle Persian
  • shelter, from a Scythian language, ultimately from ḱel-trom
  • curry, from a Scythian language, ultimately from kʷer-ih₂


  • land, from Gaulish landā <- *lendʰ
  • island, from Norman isle and Gaulish landā


  • dance, from dannsa, from the root dann (rhythm; onomatopoetic)
  • wife from waeph (lady, Mrs.)