
< Azalic
Revision as of 07:21, 3 February 2020 by Praimhín (talk | contribs)
  • phlunċsnə <- plunk-sneh2
    • Khuamnisht phlusen "feather"
  • pheṫər <- peth2r
    • English feather
  • phləíchə 'to pluck' <- plowk-éyeti
    • Dau-Gequoxex plɨəkə
      • English pluck
  • phluiċə 'to fly' <- pluk-yeti
    • English to fly
    • Khuamnisht phluša
    • phluiċə 'fly' (insect) <- pluk-yós (Caland)
      • English fly
  • herph: to arrange <- PIE h₂er + -p- root extension
    • ĐG harp-
      • English harp
  • phləut: flute <- Vulgar Latin flautum
    • English flute
  • dhrəm: drum (onomatopoeic)
    • English drum

"afraid": from random metathesis and vowel change from a-fear-ed

  • sphoich: "to demonstrate"
    • -> communicate -> speak

doom is from dʰuh₁mós "smoke" (with an incomplete GVS)

in Lõis, "doom" isn't related to "deem" and "-dom"

kʷi-ǵenh₁- "what kind" -> qhicən -> which

"when" has a fancy etymology; it's from Early PAzal "qhoen" <- *kʷe-iHn-ey, which was not an interrogative; it was a derivative of kʷe "and", so it meant "and subsequently" but, in Late PAzal it shifted in meaning to an interrogative by analogy with the other qh words and the vowel shortened, making "qhen"

the word "ṫen" (then) came up, again by analogy, in phrases like "qhen ... ṫen ..."

"where" is from *kʷeysu

"why" is from *kʷey

"how" is from *kʷónoh₁ -> *kʷénoh₁ (random change) -> qheno -> qheo

"so" is from *swóy

  • wroes "rice" <- *warinǰ- (Wanderwort from a Paleo-Iranian language, cognate with Harappan vøriṇ)
    • English rice
  • teor "hard" <- duHrós
    • English dour (via a nonstandard dialect)
  • chér, pl. chéir "strand of hair"
    • English hair (not used in the "poetry" sense)
    • Khuamnisht čher (strand of hair, line of poetry)
      • Siészal czáż "string"
  • miəu "cat" (not from PIE)
    • Khuamnisht mev
  • PIE *gwih₃-
    • qik <- hypothetical post-PIE *gʷig <- *gʷih₃-g- (root extension)
      • English quick
    • qíw <- *gʷih₃-w-
      • Middle English to quy "to live"
  • út~ut "out" <- *ud (random lengthening)
    • English out, outer, utmost
    • Khuamnisht ut "out", ucix "outside"
  • bhút "matter" <- *bʰuHtóm (random change from the expected *bhúth)
    • on "about, on"; on bhútə "about"
      • English on, about
    • otbhút "event, happening"
      • Khuamnisht yarbut "boredom" (~ Sanskrit adbhuta "surprise")
  • eiph "on, at" <- *h₁epi
    • English if
  • -q̇e "and"
    • ṫotq̇e
      • Khuamnisht sačh "and" (separating items in a clause, like Estonian "ja")
  • thu <- PIE *tu
    • Dau-Gequoxex tu, -t "and"
      • English too
      • Khuamnisht t̔u "and" (separating clauses, like Estonian ning)
    • Dau-Gequoxex but "in addition" <- bhuHtóm tu
      • English but
  • hoiw "egg" <- *h₂owyóm
    • Old Khuamnisht aig
      • English egg (Philadelphian: /ɛɡ/; Standard, Eastern and Poylish: /eɪɡ/)
      • Khuamnisht yaǰ "egg", tivyaǰ "universe"
      • Siészal tyviadż "world"
  • dhwor, dhur = door <- PIE dʰwor-
    • English door <- dhur
    • Khuamnisht ergor <- dhwor
  • wet, wotər = wet, water <- PIE *wed-
    • English wet, water
    • Khuamnisht get (river) <- PIE *wed-os (s-stem)
  • werthrə = gear <- PIE wert-treh₂ (~ vertebra)
    • Southern Khuamnisht giher, Northern Khuamnisht git̔er
      • English gear
      • Siészal gitь "wheel"
      • Xeno-Mandarin jiar "wheel"
  • weinə = to win <- PIE *wenh₁-yeti
    • English win
    • Southern Khuamnisht gén
      • English gain
  • qhel = to turn, harvest
    • archaic English whel (to harvest)
    • Khuamnisht čhel (to harvest)
    • -el frequentative <- *-q̇el
      • -el habitual tense in Khuamnisht
      • qherṗel "to whirl" <- PIE kʷerp-
        • English whirl
        • qherṗeldh <- qherṗel + PIE -tis
          • English world (the etymology parallels Sanskrit jagat (world) <- gʷe-gʷṃt)
    • -q̇l-iċ univerbated suffix for adverbs <- PIE -kʷl-ikós
      • English -ly adverb suffix
  • woq̇ = speech
    • Khuamisht gočh "language"
    • dialectal English wough /wʌf/ "talk, speech"
  • threch / dhregh = to move (from PIE *trek ~ *dʰregʰ, from Proto-Semitic *drk)
    • English trek, track (via Dau-Gequoxex); drag, draw
  • thoiqə = to abandon
    • Khuamisht thoča "to dispose"
      • Siészal tóczah "to write"
  • qolbh = womb
    • English calf
  • snocə = snake
  • sorphə = snake
  • chret-/chrot- = to believe (*kreddhh1eti)
    • English rate hrât
  • qú = cow
  • qenə = woman
  • phoeq̇ = five (*penkwe)
    • English five phîv
    • ĐG phiêh
  • liq̇th: empty (from *likʷ-tos)
    • English light (low mass)
  • taoth = tooth (*h3donts)
    • English tooth tôth
    • ĐG đuôt
  • sər from OTog šar /ʃar/ 'lord' ~ Biblical Hebrew שר śar 'prince, ruler'
  • jess = yes (Old Togarmite yeš 'there is')
    • English yes
    • ĐG hex
  • rauþər = preferably (*h₁rom-þer from h₁rem 'to rest')
    • English rather (rađr)
    • ĐG ruôdơ 'please'
  • ghost from *ghostis (a loan?)
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday (from *dyews "bright day" since it starts the work week),
  • Wednesday (from *(d)w-iHno- "second day", a doublet with "twin")
  • Thursday (from "third day")
  • Friday (from *kʷetur-iHno, eroded heavily)
  • choph/choiph: to seize
    • English have and keep (doublets)
  • sthuphə: to push (<- stew- and a root extension -p-, perhaps related to the preposition *h₁epi)
    • English stop and stuff (doublets)
  • hechwə-ph (<- hechwə "horse" + -p-)
    • English equip (influenced by Latin equus)
  • troimə: sleep (<- drom-yos)
    • English dream
  • tholqh: to interpret
    • English talk
  • helph: to nourish (from h₂el- and a root extension -p-, perhaps related to the preposition *h₁epi)
    • English help