User:Ceige/Western Romance

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Stolen from Wikipedia:

Table of Old French outcomes of Latin vowels
Letter Classical
Early Old French
(through early 12th c.)
Later Old French
(from late 12th c.)
closed open closed open
Short A /a/ /a/ a /a/ e, ie /æ, iə/ a /a/ e, ie /ɛ, jɛ/
Long A /aː/
AE /ai/ /ɛ/ e /ɛ/ ie /iə/ e /ɛ/ ie /jɛ/
Short E /e/
OE /oi/ /e/ /e/ e /e/ ei /ei/ oi /oi/ > /wɛ/
Long E /eː/
Short I /i/ /ɪ/
Short Y /y/
Long I /iː/ /i/ i /i/
Long Y /yː/
Short O /o/ /ɔ/ o /ɔ/ uo /uə/ o /ɔ/ ue /wɛ/ > /ø/
Long O /oː/ /o/ /o/ o /o/ ou /ou/ o(u) /u/ eu /eu/ > /ø/
Short U /u/ /ʊ/
Long U /uː/ /u/ u /y/
AU /aw/ /aw/ o /ɔ/

Chronology of Consonant related sound changes

  • sC- initial clusters become isC- (and thus ésC)
  • Loss of final -m except in monosyllables
  • Loss of H
  • ns > s
  • rs > ss sometime, rs othertimes
  • -er > -re; -or > -ro
  • -cəl-, -cər-, -gəl- and -gər- > cl, cr, gl, gr
  • kj > kkj
  • k + e,i etc > kj
  • g + e,i etc > gj
  • dj, (prior dj, gj, g+e/i >) gj > j


  • kj, tj > tsj ⟨c, z⟩
  • kkj > ttsj
  • kt > jt ⟨-it⟩
  • ks > js ⟨-is⟩
  • (Opt: open+stressed ɛ, ɔ > ie, uo (> ue in Fr/Sp))
  • nox > nocte > nojte > nuojte > nuite in French
  • First lenition: (intervocalic, and vCr) voiced plosives + unvoiced fricatives > v ð j, single unvoiced plosives > voiced
  • tsj > dzj (not ttsj)
  • pl > bl
  • Final t/d following a vowel lost?
  • nj, jn, jl, gl (from gn, ngj, gl, kl) > nj, lj
  • unstressed interior vowels lost except pretonic /a/; happened at same time as first lenition, thus manica > manche but granica > grange