
Broad-slender Hellenic

Atče glasatь /attʃe glasatʲ/

A masculine noun ("person"):
(indef, def) othrap, othrapos othrapu, othraput othrapy, othrapyt othrapo, othrapoto
another masculine noun:
odra, odras
oder, odrot
oderь, odriet
odro, odroto
A feminine noun:
mačhe, mačhetь
mačhi, mačhitь
makhe, makhet
makho, makhoto
khara, kharatь
khary, kharytь (analogy with nouns like mačhe)
khare, kharet
kharo, kharoto
poltja, poltjatь
poltji, poltjitь
poltje, poltjet
poltjo, poltjoto
cieriuga, cieriugatь
cieriug, cieriugotь
cieriudž, cieriudžet
cieriugo, cieriugoto
polь, polietь
polia, poliatь
poli, polit
polio, polioto
A neuter noun
onmat, onmatot
onmatu, onmatut
onmata, onmatat
onmato, onmatoto


Salishized English

  • 1-10: wud, tiw, łx̌i, xʷuwə, xʷayxʷ, səks, səxʷəd, əyt, dayd, təd /wud, tiw, ɬχi, xʷuwə, xʷajxʷ, səks, səxʷəd, əjt, dajd, təd/
  • 11-19: = ləxʷəd, txʷəʕxʷ, łəʈid, xʷuʈid, xʷixʷʈid, səkʂʈid, səxʷʈid, əyʈid, dayʈid
  • 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 = txʷədi, łəɖi, xʷuɖi, xʷidi, səksti, səxʷədi, əydi, daydi
  • 100 = hudx̌t
  • 1000 = ławzəd
  • cat = xʷilid


  • present: əbxʷubd, yəxʷubd, həsxʷubd, šəsxʷubd, cxʷubd, uxʷubd, tixʷubd
  • imperfect: əwsxʷubd, yuxʷubd, husxʷubd, šusxʷubd, tusxʷubd, wixʷubd, tiwxʷubd
  • future: əʕbxʷubd, yəʕbxʷubd, hiʕbxʷubd, šiʕbxʷubd, iʕbxʷubd, uʕbxʷubd, tiʕbxʷubd
  • perfect: ədxʷubd, yədxʷubd, hədxʷubd, šədxʷubd, cədxʷubd, udxʷubd, tidxʷubd
  • imperative: xʷub

Kwenya lhusa

1-10: hel (m)/maa (f)/heon (n), doo, tril (m/f)/trá (n), teottareol, peonta, heosta, heowta, ohta, eonnaa, deoka 11-20: heondyutru, dwidyutru, tridyutru, tettareodyutru, peontadyutru, heostadyutru, ... ikori (< hen deuterou, dyo deuterou, ... "one of the second, two of the second, ..." c.f. Estonian üks-teist, kaks-teist, ...) 100: heokaton 1000: khilwe


Other languages:

  • Nurian gib in Celtic (not in Lõis)
    • ū > ȳ
    • ou > ū
    • au > eu > iū? or just ō or au
    • ei / oi, ai > 'ai, ai
    • or u > y, o > u
    • Numbers: ainuh, bau, tīh, fettareh, finfe, ses, setthan, utthȳ, navan, dekan, 100: kantun, 1000: mille
    • wlatis > vlatis > viatis > viatih "law"
  • Present ind. act.: berumi, beresi, bereti, berumyn, berete, berunti
  • Past imperfect ind. act.: berennen, berītȳ, beretu, beremmes, beretes, berentes
  • Preterite ind. act: bettiuh tāmi, bettiuh tāsi, ...
  • Present subj. act.: berāmi, berāsi, berāti, berāmyn, berāte, berānti
  • Past imperfect ind. act.: berannen, berātȳ, berātu, berammes, berātes, berāntes
  • Present. ind. pass.: berȳ, bereta, beretu, berummu, berebe, beruntu
  • Past ind. pass.: beruntannen, beruntātȳ, beruntātu, beruntammes, beruntātes, beruntantes
  • Preterite imperfect ind. act.: bituh tāmi, bituh tāsi, ...
  • Preterite ind. act: bettiuh tāmi, bettiuh tāsi, ...
  • Present. subj. pass.: berā, berāta, berātu, berammu, berābe, berantu
  • Past subj. pass.: beruntunnen, beruntutȳ, beruntutu, beruntummes, beruntutes, beruntuntes
  • Present active part: beruns
  • Present passive part.: berunnuh
  • Past passive part.: bituh