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Gender in Haoli pertains to how nouns are declined and gender agreement for articles.

Neuter Endings

  • Words ending in i, o, þ, and c are always neuter.
  • Words ending in gh, n, r, j, l, lh, v, s, g, h, f, and ð are neuter when preceded by i or o.

Feminine Endings

  • Words ending in e, p, k, m, mh, and rh are always feminine.
  • Words ending in gh, n, r, j, l, lh, v, s, g, h, f, and ð are feminine when preceded by e.

Masculine Endings

  • Words ending in a, u, and nh are always masculine.
  • Words ending in gh, n, r, j, l, lh, v, s, g, h, f, and ð are masculine when preceded by a or u.

Root Form

The definition of the Haoli "root form" is the nominative singular form.

Plural Forms

Regular Plurals

Regular plural formation is used for the majority of words in Haoli and is used for all words who have multiple syllables in their root form. The -c suffix is used for nouns ending in vowels and the -Vc suffix is used for nouns ending in consonants. For the -Vc suffix, the vowel depends on the gender of the noun.

-Vc Vowels:

  • Neuter "i"
  • Feminine "e"
  • Masculine "a"

fujak "animal" > fujakec "animals"
arin "star" > arinic "stars"
anat "gift" > anatac "gifts"
aga "eye" > agac "eyes"
eski "cube" > eskic "cubes"

Ablaut Plurals

Ablaut plurals are a much smaller subset of nouns. All ablaut plurals have a single syllable in their root form but not all single syllable root nouns are ablaut plurals.

  • o > e
  • a > i
  • e > ej
  • u > aj

sar "island" > sir "islands"
ðeg "book" > ðejg "books"
ghoþ "scripture" > gheþ "scriptures"
kuk "place" > kajk "places"

Article Agreement
Note that the gender of the plural form is the same as the root form.

Mass Plurals

Mass plurals are formed by adding the -fen suffix to the root form of the noun.

vatas "body of water" -> vatasfen "waters"
tul "wind gust" -> tulfen "wind"


Person Neuter Feminine Masculine
First Person iani iane iana
Second Person kasi kase kasa
Third Person edi ede eda


Basic Cases

Class of Case Case English Approximation Neuter Feminine Masculine
Grammatical Nominative cat hao kes eldu
Accusative cat haoor keser elduur
Non-Grammatical Dative for/because of the cat haoos keses elduus
Malefactive against/opposed to the cat haomo kesme eldumu
Adverbial cattily haoko keske elduku
Vocative O Cat haogho kesghe eldughu
Contrastive as compared to the cat haoto keste eldutu
Genitive of cat/about cat/cat's haooð keseð elduuð


Class of Case Case English Approximation Neuter Feminine Masculine
Oblique Translative to being a cat haotos kestes eldutus
Exessive from being a cat haotoso kestese eldutusu
Essive as being a cat/like a cat haotosso kestesse eldutussu
Instrumental by use of the cat/with cat haogho kesghe eldughu
Prolative by way of the cat haolog kesleg eldulug


Class of Case Case English Approximation Neuter Feminine Masculine
Internal Locative Inessive inside the cat haoolo kesele elduulu
Hyperessive deep inside the cat haoollo keselle elduullu
Illative into the cat haoono kesene elduunu
Hyperlative deep into the cat haoonno kesenne elduunnu
Elative from inside the cat haoolon keselen elduulun
Hyper-elative from deep inside the cat haoollon kesellen elduullun
Supraperlative throughout the cat haoopo kesepe elduupu
Hyperlative all throughout the cat haooppo keseppe elduuppu
Perlative through the cat haopo kespe eldupu
Traversal Locative Lative towards the cat, catbound haofon kesfen eldufun
Superlative onto the cat haojo kesje elduju
Prosecutive along the cat haovon kesven elduvun
Terminative until the cat (is reached) haoþo kesþe elduþu
Exodal Locative Ablative away from the cat haodoþ kesdeþ elduduþ
Antessive far from the cat haonho kesnhe eldunhu
Delative off/down from the cat haolho keslhe eldulhu
Eblative (sourced) from the cat haovot kesvet elduvut
Relational Locative Superessive on (top of) the cat haoho keshe elduhu
Supraessive above/over the cat haonot kesnet eldunut
Comitative (together) with the cat haosot kesset eldusut
Pertingent touching/adjacent to the cat haomho kesmhe eldumhu
Apudessive next to/beside the cat haoðod kesðed elduðud
Enclosive on either side of the cat haoþor kesþer elduþur
Forbative in front of the cat haoþo kesþe elduþu
Locative nearby/not far from the cat haonoþ kesneþ eldunuþ
Bative behind the cat haovon kesven elduvun
Transversive beyond the cat haovoj kesvej elduvuj
Circumfrentive surrounded by cat haojor kesjer eldujur
Situative wrapped in cat haorok kesrek elduruk
Abessive without the cat haolor kesler eldulur
Intrative between the cat haocok kescek elducuk
Subessive under the cat haolom keslem eldulum


Class of Case Case English Approximation Neuter Feminine Masculine
Temporal Temporal at the time of the cat haobo kesbe eldubu
Temporal-Lative since the time of the cat haobon kesben eldubun
Temporal-Hyper-Transversive long after the time of the cat haoboj kesbej eldubuj
Temporal-Terminative up until the time of the cat haobot kesbet eldubut
Temporal-Hyperbative long before the time of the cat haobor kesber eldubur