

Leipzig-Jakarta List
Rank Meaning Ndongan Qafesona
1 fire фогонь огнь
2 nose нзуныв хвире
3 to go
4 water меҥыв вода
5 mouth муста уста
6 tongue нязик йизик
7 blood ҥклофь крейва
8 bone
9 2sg pronoun (you) тоб тобу
10 root
11 to come (move)
12 breast мьпелші грудь
13 rain гяцимба дуждь
14 1sg pronoun (I) я йа
15 name
16 louse (Phthirapteron)
17 wing
18 flesh/meat
19 arm/hand нвука рука
20 fly (insect, Dipteron)
21 night (time of day)
22 ear
23 neck
24 far (prep.)
25 to do/make
26 house/structure цѣдом
27 stone/rock (singular object) камень камеунь
28 bitter
29 to say
30 tooth
31 hair
32 big
33 one (number) дин йеден
34 who?
35 3sg pronoun (they) ҥом ньом
36 to hit/beat
37 leg/foot
38 horn
39 this (pron.)
40 fish
41 yesterday
42 to drink
43 black (color) чёлне чирны
44 navel
45 to stand
46 to bite
47 back (body-part)
48 wind
49 smoke (substance)
50 what?
51 child (kin term)
52 egg яйцо фаце
53 to give
54 new (adj.)
55 to burn (intr.)
56 not (adj./adv.) не не
57 good
58 to know нжаць
59 knee
60 sand
61 to laugh
62 to hear
63 soil
64 leaf ліст лист
65 red (color) кѣлвоне чирмины
66 liver (body-part)
67 to hide
68 skin/hide
69 to suck
70 to carry
71 ant (Formid)
72 heavy
73 to take
74 old
75 to eat
76 thigh
77 thick
78 long (spacially)
79 to blow
80 wood
81 to run
82 to fall
83 eye (body-part)
84 ash
85 tail
86 dog ҥхондта левке
87 to cry/weep
88 to tie
89 to see
90 sweet
91 rope
92 shade/shadow
93 bird
94 salt
95 small
96 wide
97 star озвѣзда хвезда
97 in
99 hard (materially)
100 to crush/grind давиць