Eighth edition lekma

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A conlang named lekma /ˈɥexmä/ is an experimental language, language Type (aiming): it is a miniature. being low amount of distinct categories, half of lexicon are adoption of low Germanic languages, rests are from many others. it is for learning about languages, making is to learn languages.
nouns: +morpheme nouns(that are intransitives), +adjective nouns(monotransitives), +demonstrative nouns(which have plurals), +verbal nouns(that are transitives, ditransitives), +verb-derived particle nouns(that are prepositions, connectives). +enclitics(they turn nouns to full nouns): demontratives same as aboves, nominal suffix: e/∅/, adjectival suffix: a,ä.har/ɦä/,/e/ s/s/, verbal suffix: l,hel/ɦel/(habitual, nominaliser), had/ɦät/(subjunctive) aaena, aauda/ŋdɐ/(processive) aaein,aaeni,aandi/ˈ..ndi/(perfective, an,en,ne,hen/ɦen/, vowel to nasalise+/en/.

every words are full nouns or morpheme nouns, full nouns are indicative forms.
borrowing words from other languages enter the group of adjective full noun, some enter full nouns. VO phrases are also full nouns.
e are null vowel null consonants if they are free from diacritics. (in this site uses resemble phonemic notations)

it seems there are laa/ga:/ so some are irregular.
gemination affects vowel before it to lengthen or something then, it is simplified.
tone rises at words initially. i(ǀ) start citing, (end cite), ǃ(ǂ) exclamation, before a loan word.
excepting q w p g j y. consonant u is added as it is ng.
dalse càe látin, vàe áleman, bae látin, cae látin, kae eskanól, aüe elínica, meidallaoduilekma. e lao u aèi velar nasal.

Syntacs Type: SVO.

ergative noun • verbal noun objective noun + topic noun / verbal noun • noun adjectival suffix + topic noun,
where a middle dot separates phrases, focal phrases can switch their places to be at first to others.

an object right after the verbal noun needs no suffix nor particle. an object before the verb needs a support of an objectival particle.

aside from the phonemic orthography, numerals are written with. 0123456789,10,11,12. is oinmfvksba.io/x,ii/e,in/z.

Frontings. A connective noun/focused word/interjection in the usage, that are before the main clause. Also an adjective clause/conditional noun is in front of main clause in a clause + clause construction.

Morpheme inventory

  • s- /sɨ/,allomorpheme;/s/,* n- /nɨ/,allomorpheme;/n/,* a- /ä/* ∅- /ʔ/* -a /ɦä/* -e /ɦe/* -s /s/* -as /ɦäs/* -es /ɦes/* -n /n/* -en /ɦen/
  • -ns /ns/* -ens /ɦens/* -l /l/* -t /t/* -d /t/* -ls /ls/* -ts /t͡s/* -ds /des/* -el /el/* -et /et/* -at /ät/* -ad /äde/* -els /els/
  • -ets /et͡s/* -ats /ät͡s/* -ads /ädes/* -nd /indɐ/* -nt /int/* -nds /indɐs/* -nts /intes/

Phoneme inventory

Consonants Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal mam(m) nan(dental n, ɲ) ɳ uâu,aau(ŋ)
Plosive bab(b-p) dad(dental d-t) cac(k-g) aâe(ʔ)
Affricate zae(voiced t͡s-devoiced t͡s) tât(ʈ͡ʂ)
Fricative fâf(f) sas(s-palatal s) xax(ç-ʂ) iáe(ʝ) kak(χ-x, k) hah,aar(ɦ, ɐ, null)
Approximant vàe(ʋ) aáe,aaé(short i)
Trill rae(ʀ-r)
Lateral approximant aàe,aaè(short u) lál,uae(ɥ-ʎ, l)
Vowels Front Central Back
unround round unround round unround round
Close aie,aîe(i iː) aüe,aúe(y yː) aïe,aui(ɨ ɯ) aue,aûe(u uː)
Mid-open aee,aêe,eäe,aei(e eː) aöe,aeu(ø øː) aëe(ɤ) aoe,aôe(o oː)
Open aae,aaa,aâe(ä äː ai) aao(ʌː)

phonotactics CVC, some are actually CV

| k:allophones; t ʔ ɦ l;ʎ;ɾ sr ɲ ŋ | ä:allophones;â á:ae;ai;oa e é:ei;é;ea i î í o ö:eu;oi ó:ou u ü ú:allophones;;ue;ua;uo | ɲ ŋ h tz cz t ns −vowel length lk −vowel length ks sk

! colspan="1" |noun root ! colspan="1" |gloss the agent of a transitive verb ! style="width: 90px; "|the subject/locative of an intransitive verb ! style="width: 90px; "|the direct/indirect object of a verb ! style="width: 90px; "|possessive form ! style="width: 90px; "|plural form ! style="width: 90px; "|plural possessive form ! style="width: 90px; "| |- ! style="text-align: center; "|uac/ʋɐk/| sac/sɐk/| nac/nɐk/| uac/ʋɐk/[ʔɐk]| uacs/ʔäks/| sacen/säːgen/,nacen/näːgen/,uacen/ʔäːgen/| uacens/ʔäːgens/| I ! style="text-align: center; "|uue/ʋyː/| sue/syː/| nue/nyː/| uue/ʋyː/[ʔyː]| uues/ʋyːs/[ʔyːs]| suen/syːen/,nuen/nyːen/,ʋuen/ʔyːen/| uuens/ʔyːens/| You ! style="text-align: center; "|hia/ɦiä/| sia/siä/| nia/niä/| hia/ɦiä/| hias/ɦiäs/| sian/siän/,nian/niän/,hian/ɦiän/| hians/ɦiäns/| They (singular)

! colspan="1" |verb rootindicative form}}subjunctive form}}connective form}}noun-like formgloss! style="width: 90px; "|present/habitual! style="width: 90px; "|the motion is futural! style="width: 90px; "|-ing, /if! style="width: 90px; "|the motion is incomplete! style="width: 90px; "|the motion is completed! style="text-align: center; "|sel/sel/ | ser/sel/| seat/seɦät/| sad/säːt/| selnd/selindɐ/| selnt/selint/| be! style="text-align: center; "|bal/bäl/| bar/bäl/| baat/päɦät/| bad/päːt/ | balnd/pälindɐ| balnt/pälint/| have! |tel/tel/| ter/tel/| teat/teɦät/| tad/täːt/| telnd/telindɐ/| telnt/telint/| hang,raise

Made text

of it is what. nerca sèdno nac-har séd-nan i.be swed-ish

of this is what. famseldoclea fam sel-doc-leh-har fruits are-this-place-of

nacioneus uekma. neidoc. is.romlang uekma it.is.not uekma is a romlang. no, it's not.

of who does what. hainimdaines doc hai nim daines doc they eat some-of this

  • I: ʋɐk /uac* you (singular): ʋyː /uue* he: ɦäŋ /han* we: /uacen* you (plural): ʋyːen /uuen* they: ɦiä /hia* this : tog,ɦiä /toc,hia* that: àe,kosa /hae,cos* here: tocma /tcm* there: kkaema /aem* who: hhia,lhia /lia* what: kva /kva* where: kvime /kvm* when: kvatzuí /kvn* how: kvamuí /kvi* not: né /nei* all: àen /aen
  • many: àens /aens* some: de àen /duiaen* few: làes /leas* other: né daes /neidae* one: éna,ená,ésa,esá /ina,isa* two: tzue /dva* three: mal /mal* four: cut /cut* five: unal /hal* big: lhens* long: naelhens* wide: daesbala* thick: bala* heavy: né fie /neifias* small: nal* short: kul* narrow: tis /tsm* thin: kadtis* woman: lhúa /lua* man (adult male): lhúa /lua* man (human being): hhan/lhúo /luo* child: tisluo
  • mother: mâma /mam* father: dâda /dad* animal: tissor d tis* fish: fisker* bird: tofie /tfl* snake: lam* worm: hhom /orm* tree /bim
  • forest: bsk* stick: baunel /uncertain* fruit: fam /flm* seed: fam /sem* leaf: hhüo /lif* root: lád /lad* flower: uncertain /lili* grass: ladlil
  • rope: sinn /uncertain* skin: bäl /* meat: salk /slk* blood: salk* bone: lám * fat (noun): bét /fat* egg: ais* horn: kol /krn* tail: lámen /lam* feather: fie /fli* hair: tetr /khr* head: uncertain /cab* ear: olhen /orh* eye: ain /oin* nose: nis* mouth: uncertain /lif* tooth: tzann /fnc* tongue (organ): tzann /zau* fingernail: tzann /fau* foot: uncertain /bam* leg: uncertain /bam* knee: baim* hand: tec /tek* wing: fiem /fli* belly: mac
  • guts: mac * neck: nec* back: tzüc /ruc* breast: bec /fec* heart: kel /kor* liver: kel* to drink: sifel /drk* to eat: nem /nhm* to bite: tzaunel /tnf
  • to suck: sifel * to spit: nemel* to vomit: tue dae nems* to blow: bolel * to breathe: nesel /* to laugh: hrak /rch* to see: vis /ver* to hear: sanhel /oir* to know: caän* to think: canel /dik* to smell: nesel /uncertain* to fear: bai* to sleep: bei /slf* to live: súmel* to die: né súmel /meisumel* to kill: sral * to fight: sral /uncertain* to hunt: sral* to hit: láb /lfn* to cut: kul* to split: tuinde kut,tua tzues /dval
  • to stab: binn * to scratch: skilel* to dig: binn /nem* to swim: uncertain /sìm* to fly: uncertain /fei* to walk: salkel* to come: hhim /clm
  • to lie (as in a bed): lob* to sit: sidel /set* to stand: hrec /tnd* to turn (intransitive): silkel* to fall: feiel /fei* to give: duo* to hold: hrantel* to squeeze: tzecal* to rub: vask * to wash: vasker* to wipe: vaskel /vsk* to pull: tec* to push: tec,ffon* to throw: tue toc náe* to tie: ticel /bnd* to sew: ffinticel* to count: teltzif* to say: seu* to sing: séunel /seu* to play: bil /sfl* to float: lom /flt* to flow: ae /flt
  • to freeze: íelel /iel* to swell: rcol /uncertain* sun: hrá /uncertain* moon: daehrá /mun* star: lucz /trl* water: súm /sumi* rain: lein /rcn
  • river: léne /len* lake: léne /len* sea: léneen /len* salt: saltee* stone: shè /stn* sand: sahr /snd* dust: hroma* earth: thi /nulmaf
  • cloud: küt /sku* fog: küt /foc* sky: séo /sulmaf* wind: fendas /vnd* snow: nívas /snu* ice: íelen /ais* smoke: féu /feo* fire: féu /feo* ash: daeféu
  • to burn: tocféu tue /feol* road: vei /vec* mountain: uncertain /mon* red: hrot /rod* green: léu /crn* yellow: col /clb* white: hrát /vit* black: dal /blc* night: dal /nkt* day: dis /dac* year: iálen /zuames* warm: nôk /vrm* cold: íels /chl* full: buk /ful* new: bil* old: né bil* good: hhim /bim
  • bad: né hhim* rotten: tocel nae* dirty: mud* straight: bim* round: kadbal* sharp (as a knife): dis * dull (as a knife): dos* smooth: dilel
  • wet: suːmmɯi /summui* dry: sekal /sek* correct: bim* near: tocmas* far: naema* right: hris /lkt* left: chol /lnk* at: ʈ͡ʂɯi /zui
  • in: lhea /ins* with: mɯi /mui* and: e,elk /elk* if: o,sôm /som* because: fɯi /fui* name: námel /nam

Lexics mam*mom mim mum mon miu mou mac miz muk mil mul mai*value nac*i nacmi*europant naciò*romlang nal nui*snake nuf nab nul*down nim*eat niska nat uil*arm uih*then bim bab beb bid*house boske*forest bah*brace diu dol*fish dad*dad dek dui*do what dál*draw cac cuf cal cilke aam*aim aas aal aelkä abbreviated to e*accompanying with aolsë or o*compared with den*keep deh*hang zil zul zah*nail zeica d zêc*sore tam tau*fang tal*string tin tax tic sel*be by súmmi*water sul süe*you seh*be sud saf xan xul*up xai*why xei*what xui*how,when fam*fruits fun foù*fire kalmê kum kat*hands kalke ham han*he neuter hai*they singular vad*what,who vie*why,how vaska von*when,where rac*cross ril*lough len*wind lan*group lis*smile lal*pilor lul*food iel*slope ser*being.