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Too C

筆画 Class SKIP 部首 Notes
5 中国制造 1/3/2 Not in Kangxi. Replace with .
17 異体字 1/3/14 Variant of 奶. Replace with 乳.
8 異体字 1/3/5 Variant of 奶. Replace with 乳.
5 中国制造 2/3/2 On 単亜語/HSK/2 only. We use 他 or 彼 instead
5 異体字 2/3/2 Variant of 另. Replace with 他 or 彼.
5 中国制造 2/3/2 On 単亜語/HSK/1 only. No 3rd person pronoun in D.
6 中国制造 1/3/3 On 単亜語/HSK/1 only. No 3rd person pronoun in D. Originally a variant of 姐 (jiě, “elder sister”). Later repurposed as a feminine third-person pronoun influenced by European languages. Linguist Liu Bannong is credited with coining this use around the 1910s.
7 混乱 1/3/4 Used for sound, but we'd never agree. Use 叫 for the meaning and 那 for the sound.
8 中国制造 2/4/4 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. Use 父 instead. 巴 has the sound.
7 中国制造 1/2/5 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. Use 汝 for second-person intimate, 爾 for 'yeah'.
10 中国制造 1/2/8 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. Use 等 to make plural personal pronouns. First attested in the Song dynasty.
5 異体字 1/2/3 Variant of 們
11 中国制造 2/7/4 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. First attested in the Yuan era. Use 君 for 'you'.
6 中国制造 4/6/1 HSK/1, but mainly Chinese.
6 異体字 4/6/1 丿 Variant of 丟

汢, 圷, 圸, 找, 矣, 吾, 吵, 呀, 呢, 垉, 枠, 拆, 垈, 扔, 怕, 岾, 挖, 峠, 畓, 趴, 哎, 怎, 很, 咱, 捗, 疼, 烤, 掉, 厠, 啦, 夠, 偷, 棵, 喊, 趁, 塀, 喂, 裃, 筷, 躲, 榊, 嗎, 嗯, 睜, 靹, 麼, 嘛, 魸, 踢, 擋, 鮗, 錻, 膵, 撿, 鴫, 懂, 敾, 嘴, 擠, 鎺, 瀬, 鰒, 贏, 嚷, 鰚, 鱰, 傻=儍, 摔, 撕, 捡=撿, 趟, 搶=抢

Too K

筆画 Class SKIP 部首 Notes
2 口訣 1/1/1 Korean 구결 for '하다'
3 口訣 2/2/1 Korean 구결 for '라/다'
4 口訣 2/2/2 Korean 구결 for '샤'.
8 口訣 2/5/3 Korean 구결 for '라'.
8 口訣 2/6/2 Korean 구결 for '란/난/역'.
3 口訣 3/2/1 Korean 구결 for '절'.
5 口訣 2/3/2 Korean 구결 for '산'.
𰆊 2 口訣 4/1/2 Korean 구결 for 'ㄴ'.
3 국자 2/2/1 Alternative form of 亇 (마/망치 (“hammer”))
3 국자 2/2/1 Korean-coined hanja for "slave" or "maid", 절.
3 口訣 2/3/1 Korean 구결 for '홀'.

乬 乯 乲 乺 乻 㐇 㐈 㐉 㐊 㐋 𠃗 㐎 㐏 乧 㐓 乭 㐘 乷 㐠 乼 乽 㐢

侤 㒱

㔖 㔔

唟 㖯 㖰 㖱 㖲 㖳 喸 嗭 㕾 㖙 唜 㗠

巪 巬 巭

㪲 㪳

旀 㫇 㫈 旕

栍 椧 榌 橴 欌 櫷 欕 㭐 㭗

㳓 𣴘 㳲 㵜 㶂 㶃

莻 虄

頔 頉

Too J

筆画 Class SKIP 部首 Notes
4 国字 4/4/4 A native Japanese unit of weight (momme). It was a former Jōyō character, but since 2010, it is merely 単亜語/常用/日本人名用漢字.
4 国字 3/2/2 A "new" Japanese character. Dan'a'yo uses 味覚(뮈각) for "smell". This character was added to the 単亜語/常用/高等 in 2010.
5 国字 3/2/3 Invented character in Japan for 'kite'. We use 鳶 for the bird and 紙鳶(저연) for the paper. On the 単亜語/常用/日本人名用漢字.
6 国字 3/2/4 Invented character in Japan for 'calm, lull'. On 日本人名用漢字. Just use 和
6 国字 3/4/2 Replace with 十 or 汁. On 単亜語/常用/日本人名用漢字.
4 国字 4/3/3 Origin of katakana ホ.
16 国字 1/11/5 Japanese fluvial sculpin (Cottus pollux). Use 杜父魚
21 国字 1/11/10 'sardines'. Use 沙丁魚 instead. In the 日本人名用漢字.
23 国字 1/11/12 'lizardfish'. Use 狗母魚.
13 国字 1/11/2 'weir, trap'. Use 漁具
18 国字 1/7/11 'grosbeak'. Use 斑鳩
𫠍 21 国字 1/11/? 'Japanese needlefish'
5 国字 2/3/2 For the meaning, use 会.
2 異体字 4/2/4 丿 Variant of 〆, an ancient scribal mark for "closed"
1 国字 4/1/4 丿 Ancient scribal mark for "closed"
21 国字 3/5/16 Originally 'menstrual cramps', then 'anger', then 'spasm'
𱁬 84 国字 2/6/76 Probably only ever a joke kanji!
7 幽霊文字 2/3/7 Misspelling of 𡚴. Use 蚩 + 女
13 異体字 1/3/10 Use 蚩 + 女.
12 国字 3/8/4 Coined by Date Tsunamura when he was looking at the sea through the gate of Dainenji Temple in Sendai.
16 国字 1/8/8 ornamental metal fixtures (esp. on furniture, temples, shrines, etc,.) 'kazari'
11 国字 2/8/3 'Raindrop'. Appears only in the Longkan Shoujian. Use 滴 and/or 雨
5 国字 3/3/2 'crowded'. Appears on 常用漢字/高等. For the sound, use 入, for the meaning 複雜.
6 国字 1/3/3 'low lands'. For the sound, use 下. For the meaning, use 低地.

圷 圸 塰


𢭏 𪮇 𪮷

栃 杁 杣 杤 枠 梻 榁 榊 樰 橳 檪 欟

熕 燵

瓧 瓰

畩 疂

筺 簗 簱 籏 籡

𫂲 籾 粭

苆 萙 蘰

褝 襅


躮 躵 軈

𨋳 𨏍 𨑕 𫐤 遖 𨕫

𨛗 錻 鎺 鑓 𰽔 𨵱

饂 𩛰

𬵂 魸 鮗 𫙕 𬵑 鮱 鮲 鯎 鯏 鯑 𩸽 鯱 𫙧 鰘 鰚 鰰 鱜 鱩 鱪 鱫 鱰

鳰 鴫 鵆 鵇 鶫




墸 壥

椦 槞



俣 俧 働 𠏹



哘 噺 囎

圦 圷 圸 垰 垳 﨏 塀 墹

𪥽 嬶


岾 峅 峠

𪩣 𪩩

怺 𪫧

𬀧 𪰪

杢 杤 𣏒 枠 枡 栃 𪱻 桛 桝 梺 椙 椛 椣 椥 﨓 榊 樫 𪳤



瓩 𤭯

硲 硴

𥫤 笹 簓

粁 粂 糀 糎

腺 膵

𦻙 蘒

﨡 蟎

𫌷 𮘁 𬣐

躾 𫏮 𬧬 軈

辷 辻 迚 﨤 𫐤


釺 𨦈 錻 鎹


𬵂 鮗 𫙕 𬵑 鯥 鯰 鯱 鯳 𩸕 𩸽 𫙧

鳰 鶎 鶫 麻 麿 龜 𪚲

  • 蟐 is an typo for 蟷
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