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Ufirlandisg (Ufirlandisg: ziūdisg māl /ˈt͡ʃuːtʲisk ˈmaːɫ/; from PGmc *þiudiskaz) is an alternate history Germanic language partly inspired by Mandarin and Russian. It is spoken in the area of real-world France.




Consonant phonemes
Labial Dental/Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
plain pal. plain pal.
Nasal m m n
tenuis b p d , z t̪s ź, ǵ g k
aspirated p pʲʰ t t̪ʰ tʲʰ tʃʰ c
Fricative f f s s ʃ h h
Approximant central w w wi ɥ r r j j
lateral l ɫ

Ufirlandisg has an aspiration distinction in stops; however, the distinction is neutralized in word-final position.

When consonants written with an acute accent is followed by a vowel, the acute accent is replaced with an i (except with /i/ and /iː/).


Vowel phonemes
Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /i/, ü /y/ ī /iː/, ǖ /yː/ u /u/ ū /uː/
Close-mid e, (i)e, (yu)e /ə/ ē /ɤː/
Mid (i)a, (yu)e, (ü)e, (u)e [ɛ] (i)ā, (yu)ē, (ü)ē, (u)ē [ɛː] [ə] (u)ō /ɔː/
Open a /a/ ā /aː/

Diphthongs: ai iau iu /aj aw jəw/

In unstressed syllables, the hard vowels a, e correspond to the soft vowels ie/yue/üe/ue, i.








Ufirlandisg nouns have 2 numbers and 2 cases, but no grammatical gender. The endings are fairly conservative. However, there has been some conflation between different declension paradigms. The nominative has merged with the accusative, and the dative with the genitive. The genitive is thus also used as a dative: jac gaf se cüenar en apel. /jac kaf sə ˈtɕɥœnɑɹ ən ˈapʰəɫ/ 'I gave the woman an apple.'

The indefinite article is indeclinable: e is used before consonants and en before vowels. The definite article is likewise always se.


Also includes the an-stem nouns (which have regularized their declension).

a-stem: dal 'valley'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative dal dale
Genitive dale dalem

a-stem: namen 'name'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative namen namne
Genitive namne namnem

ja-stem: baś 'berry'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative baś basi
Genitive basi basim

Vowel stems

This class also includes the former ō-stems and u-stems (whose stems end in a hard consonant) and former i-stems, īn-stems and z-stems (whose stems end in a soft consonant).

ō-stem: nasa 'nose'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative nasa nasar
Genitive nasar nasam

u-stem: süda 'custom'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative süda südar
Genitive südar südam

i-stem: geburzie 'birth'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative geburzie geburzier
Genitive geburzier geburziem

īn-stem: langinie 'length'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative langinie langinier
Genitive langinier langiniem

z-stem: lambie 'lamb'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative lambie lambier
Genitive lambier lambiem


This class includes only these kinship terms: fadier 'father', mādier 'mother', brāzier 'brother', dūtier 'daughter', süeśtier 'sister'.

r-stem: fadier 'father'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative fadier fadrar
Genitive fadrar fadram

Other irregular nouns

muon 'man'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative muon manier
Genitive manier muonam


case 1sg. 2sg. 3sg. 1pl. 2pl. 3pl. reflexive
'he' 'she' 'it'
nom. jac ir it wīr jūr -
acc. mik zik ina ija it unś jou sik
dat. mir zir ime jare ime unś jou imi sir
gen. mīn zīn jas jarar jas unsier jour jara sīn


Most adjectives take -a (for hard stems) or -ie (for soft stems) if it is definite or plural: cf. se liau watnie 'the lukewarm water' vs. liau watnie 'lukewarm water' vs. se watnie iś liau 'the water is lukewarm'.

The comparative and superlatives are formed by the suffixes -ier and -sd: suōt, suōtier, suōtsd 'sweet, sweeter, sweetest'.

There are a few irregular adjectives, which are listed in the table below.

Meaning Positive Comparative Superlative
"good" gād batier basd
"bad" ubiel wirsier wirsd
"many" füel mēr mēsd
"high" hau hawier hafsd
"near" niau niawier niafsd


The verbal system is the most conservative part of Ziūdisg grammar. Verbs have three paradigms: athematic stems, thematic a-stems and thematic i-stems.

Most verbs have three principal parts: the present stem (remove the -n from the infinitive), the past stem and the past participle. The past subjunctive always uses the past participle stem.

Thematic verbs

-an verbs

This is the most productive class of verbs.

makan 'to make'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative maka makaś makaź makam makaz makanź
present subjunctive maka makas maka makam makaz makan
past indicative makadie makadiesd makadie makadiem makadied makadien
past subjunctive makadi makadisd makadi makadim makadid makadin
imperative - maka! - - makaz! -
present participle makand
past participle makad

Also: liaufan 'love', lirnan 'learn'

-in verbs
rēcin 'to reach'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative rēci rēciś rēciź rēcim rēciz rēcinź
present subjunctive rēci rēcis rēci rēcim rēciz rēcin
past indicative rēcidie rēcidiesd rēcidie rēcidiem rēcidied rēcidien
past subjunctive rēcidi rēcidisd rēcidi rēcidim rēcidid rēcidin
imperative - rēci! - - rēciz! -
present participle rēcind
past participle rēcid

Also: arbēdin 'work'; haurin 'hear'; lērin 'teach'; sagin 'say'; ertalin 'tell, recount'; ranin 'run (transitive), execute, set into motion'

Verbs with a long vowel and dental suffix t in the past tense, e.g. bringin, brātie, brāt 'bring'; bugin, būtie, būt 'buy'; zancin, zātie, zāt - 'think' form a small subclass of the -in verbs.

Athematic verbs

Strong class 1
bīten 'to bite'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative bīta bītier bītied́ bītem bītied bītend́
present subjunctive bīte bīter bīte bītem bīted bīten
past indicative bēt bētsd bēt bētam bētad bētan
past subjunctive biti bitisd biti bitim bitid bitin
imperative - bīt! - - bītied! -
present participle bītend
past participle biten

Also: śgīnen, sgēn, śginen 'shine', drīfen, drēf, drifen 'drive', clīfen, clēf, clifen 'stick, cling', rīten, rēt, riten 'write'

Strong class 2
ciausen 'to choose'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative ciausa ciausier ciausied́ ciausem ciausied ciausend́
present subjunctive ciause ciauser ciause ciausem ciaused ciausen
past indicative caus causd caus causam causad causan
past subjunctive curi curisd curi curim curid curin
imperative - ciaus! - - ciausied! -
present participle ciausend
past participle curen

Also: biauden, baud, buden 'offer, bid', biaugen, baug, bugen 'bow', fliaugen, flaug, flugen 'fly', fliawen, flau, fluwen 'flee, escape', friausen, fraus, fruren 'freeze'

Strong class 3
binden 'to tie, to bind'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative binda bindier bindied́ bindem bindied bindend́
present subjunctive binde binder binde bindem binded binden
past indicative band bandsd band bandam bandad bandan
past subjunctive bundi bundisd bundi bundim bundid bundin
imperative - bind! - - bindied! -
present participle bindend
past participle bunden

Also: bieginen, biegan, biegunen 'begin'; drincen, dranc, druncen 'drink'; finzen, fanz, funzen 'find'; grinden, grand, grunden 'grind'; rinen, ran, runen 'run'; sbringen, sbrang, sbrungen 'burst, explode'; singen, sang, sungen 'sing'; wierpen, warp, wurpen 'throw'; zringen, zrang, zrungen 'press, force, push through'

Strong class 4

In Jiudisg, Proto-Germanic class 3b strong verbs have merged with class 4 strong verbs.

biaren 'to carry'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative biara biarier biaried́ biarem biaried biarend́
present subjunctive biare biarer biare biarem biared biaren
past indicative bar barsd bar baram barad baran
past subjunctive buri burisd buri burim burid burin
imperative - biar! - - biaried! -
present participle biarend
past participle buren

Also: briaken, brak, bruken 'break', niamen, nam, numen 'take', cüemen, kam, kumen 'come', sbriaken, sbrak, sbruken 'speak', śdialen, sdal, sdulen 'steal', hialpen, halp, hulpen 'help', driasg, drasg, drusgen 'thresh', śdiarf, sdarf, sdurfen 'die'

Strong class 5
giafen 'to give'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative giafa giafier giafied́ giafem giafied giafend́
present subjunctive giafe giafer giafe giafem giafed giafen
past indicative gaf gafsd gaf gafam gafad gafan
past subjunctive giafi giafisd giafi giafim giafid giafin
imperative - giaf! - - giafied! -
present participle giafend
past participle giafen

Also: driapen, drap, driapen 'hit, meet', fergiaten, fergat, fergiaten 'forget', liasen, las, liaren 'read', siawen, saw, siawen 'see'. There are also the j-present verbs bidin, bad, biaden 'beg, pray', ligin, lag, liagen 'lie'

Strong class 6
grafen 'to dig'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative grafa grafier grafied́ grafem grafied grafend́
present subjunctive grafe grafer grafe grafem grafed grafen
past indicative grāf grāfsd grāf grāfam grāfad grāfan
past subjunctive grafi grafisd grafi grafim grafid grafin
imperative - graf! - - grafied! -
present participle grafend
past participle grafen

Also: faren, fār, faren 'spread', slagen, slāg, slagen 'strike', sdanden, sdānd, sdanden 'stand', wagsen, wāgs, wagsen 'grow', wasgen, wāsg, wasgen 'wash', jaten, jāt, jaten 'eat' (reclassified from class 5)

Strong class 7

hēten, hīt, hīten - to be called

laupen, liaup, liaupen - to leap

sdauten, śdiaut, śdiauten - to bump, crash

fān, fādie, fād - to get, to obtain (regularized)

hald, hiald, hialden - to hold

liāten, līt, liāten - to let

siān, siādie, siād - to sow (regularized)

Preterite-present verbs

witen 'to know'
witen 'to know'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative wōt wōsd wōt witam witad witan
present subjunctive witi witir witi witim witid witin
past indicative wiśdie wiśdiesd wiśdie wiśdiem wiśdied wiśdien
past subjunctive wiśdi wiśdisd wiśdi wiśdim wiśdid wiśdin
imperative - wit! - - witad! -
present participle witend
past participle wisd
cunen 'can'
cunen 'can'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative can cansd can cunam cunad cunan
present subjunctive cuni cunir cuni cunim cunid cunin
past indicative cundie cundiesd cundie cundiem cundied cundien
past subjunctive cundi cundisd cundi cundim cundid cundin

Similarly sgulen 'should', zurfen 'must'.

magen 'may'
magen 'may'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative mag magsd mag magam magad magan
present subjunctive magi magir magi magim magid magin
past indicative mātie mātiesd mātie mātiem mātied mātien
past subjunctive māti mātisd māti mātim mātid mātin

Other irregular verbs

wilen 'want to, will'
wilen 'want to, will'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative wīsd wīm wīd wīn
present subjunctive wili wilir wili wilim wilid wilin
past indicative wildie wildiesd wildie wildiem wildied wildien
past subjunctive wildi wildisd wildi wildim wildid wildin
biaun 'be'
biaun 'to be'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative im ir wiram wirad wiranź
present subjunctive sije sijer sije sijem sijed sijen
past indicative was wasd was wiēram wiērad wiēran
past subjunctive wiēri wiērisd wiēri wiērim wiērid wiērin
imperative - biau! - - biaud! -
present participle wiesend
past participle wiēren
han 'have (auxiliary)'
han 'to have (auxiliary)'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative ha haś haź ham haz hanź
present subjunctive hafe hafis hafi hafim hafiz hafin
past indicative hadie hadiesd hadie hadiem hadied hadien
past subjunctive hadi hadisd hadi hadim hadid hadin
imperative - ha! - - haz! -
present participle hafind
past participle had
dān 'do'
dān 'to do'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative dāś dāź dām dāz dānź
present subjunctive dās dām dāz dān
past indicative diadie diadiesd diadie diadiem diadied diadien
past subjunctive diadi diadisd diadi diadim diadid diadin
imperative - dā! - - dāz! -
present participle dānd
past participle dān
gān 'go'
gān 'to go'
tense jac ir/sī/it wīr jūr
present indicative gāś gāź gām gāz gānź
present subjunctive gās gām gāz gān
past indicative giang giangsd giang giangam giangad giangan
past subjunctive giangi giangisd giangi giangim giangid giangin
imperative - gā! - - gāz! -
present participle gānd
past participle giangen

Derivational morphology

  • and-: 'de-, dis-'
  • bie-: "be-", forms applicatives
    • biecrīten 'complain about' < crīten 'complain'
    • bierīten 'describe' < rīten 'write'
    • biesingen 'praise' < singen 'sing'
  • -bier: '-able'
    • jatebier 'edible' < jaten 'to eat'
  • er-: telic
  • fer-: "for-"
    • ferwundran 'surprise, amaze' < wunder 'wonder, miracle'
  • for-: "fore-"
  • -ful: "-ful"
  • ge-
    • gebiaren 'give birth' < biaren 'bear, carry'
  • -hēd: -ness, -hood
  • -ig: forms adjectives from nouns
  • -laus: "-less"
  • -lik: "-ly"; forms adjectives from nouns
    • wurdlik 'literal' < wurd 'word'
  • mis-: "mis-"
  • -nes: forms nouns from verbs
  • -sam: "-some"
  • un-: "un-" (negation or opposite)
    • unrāwa 'unrest, unease'
  • -unga: forms nouns from verbs
    • hētinunga 'heating' < hētin 'to heat'


Like in German, prepositions govern certain defined cases and change meaning based on the case of the noun. Prepositions may govern the nominative (accusative for pronouns) or the genitive (dative for pronouns). Ordinals are formed with the suffix -za.


  • 1: ēn /ɤːn/ (ordinal ērsd)
  • 2: tuō /tʰwɔː/ (ordinal anzier)
  • 3: zrī /tsrʲiː/
  • 4: fiur /fʲʊr/
  • 5: finf /fʲinf/
  • 6: siags /ʃaks/
  • 7: süef /ʃɥœf/
  • 8: āta /ˈaːtʰa/
  • 9: niaun /nʲaun/
  • 10: tiaun /tʲʰaun/
  • 11: ēnlif
  • 12: tuōlif
  • 13: zrītiun
  • 14: fiurtiun
  • 15: finftiun
  • 16: siagstiun
  • 17: süeftiun
  • 18: āttiun
  • 19: niauntiun
  • 20: tuōntig
  • 30: zrītig
  • 40: fiurtig
  • 50: finftig
  • 60: siagstig
  • 70: süeftig
  • 80: āttig
  • 90: niauntig
  • 100: hundrad
  • 1000: zūsand́


Constituent order

Word order is V2 (also SAuxVO), but is VSO in questions and VO in imperatives:

sī iś mīn lēraŕ.
She is my teacher.
Giasdern giang jac bugin ubati.
Yesterday I went to buy fruit.
Wōsd zū zat ēnć?
Don't you know that?
Jat zīn krūtsakar!
Eat your vegetables!

Verbs are negated with ēnć:

jac fersdanda ēnć huat zū sagiś.
I don't understand what you're saying.

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts


  • Gād murgen! [kaːt ˈmʊrkɨn] - Good morning!
  • Gād dag! [kaːt tak] - Hello! Good day!
  • Gād üēfend! [kaːt ˈɥœːfɨnt] - Good evening!
  • Gād nātie! [kaːt ˈnaːtʰʲɛ] - Good night!
  • Wielkumen! [ˈɥœɫkʰʊmɨn] - Welcome!
  • Jac hēta... [jac ˈhɤːtʰa...] - My name is...
  • Zanke! [tsaŋkʰə] - Thank you!
  • Mir/Unś iś rǖ. [mʲɪr/ʊnʃ ɪʃ rʲyː] - I'm/We're sorry.
  • Jac sbriaka ēnć Ufirlandisg. - I don't speak Ufirlandisg.

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