Clofabosin/Swadesh list

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< Clofabosin
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  1. I: endin, en
  2. thou: valin, van, provolin (polite)
  3. he/she: flurin (animate), flusin (inanimate)
  4. we: enazin
  5. ye: vazin, provolin (polite)
  6. they: flurazin (animate), flusazin (inanimate)
  7. this: cerin (animate), cesin (inanimate), cef- (for a noun)
  8. that: flurin (animate), flusin (inanimate), flu- (for a noun)
  9. here: cefib
  10. there: flufib
  11. who: glirin
  12. what: glisin, gli- (for a noun)
  13. where: glifib
  14. when: nertib
  15. how: glipastat, glistat
  16. not: -flo-
  17. all: pre-, prerin (animate), presin (inamimate)
  18. many: nal-, narin (animate), nasin (inamimate)
  19. some: nor-, norin (animate), nosin (inamimate)
  20. few: vin-, virin (animate), visin (inamimate)
  21. other: luta-, lutarin (animate), lutasin (inamimate)
  22. one: esin, es-
  23. two: rivin, riv-
  24. three: salin, sal-
  25. four: tizin, tiz-
  26. five: orfin, orf-
  27. big: clotrivir
  28. long: lapavir
  29. wide: bunavir
  30. thick: mifevir
  31. heavy: locravir
  32. small: tipavir
  33. short: rucivir
  34. narrow: quacartavir or peforavir
  35. thin: dranavir
  36. woman: siflin, siflin-
  37. man: vestin, vestin-
  38. human: ampin, amp-
  39. child: cibin, cibin-
  40. wife: vigidin, vigid-
  41. husband: vigidin, vigid-
  42. mother: mixin, mix-
  43. father: paxin, pax-