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family cinren (extended), teem (immediate)
father faðer
mother moðer
parent elder
brother broðer
sister sister
son sun
daughter douter
child barn
children barn-teem, childer
husband man
wife hween
spouse, partner meac
grandfather faðer-faðer (paternal), moðer-faðer (maternal)
grandmother faðer-moðer (paternal), moðer-moðer (maternal)
grandson sun-sun, douter-sun
granddaughter sun-douter, douter-douter
uncle faðer-broðer, moðer-broðer, eem
aunt faðer-sister, moðer-sister, modrie
nephew neef
niece nift

Days, Months and Seasons


colour hiw
red reed
orange orancg
yellow fau, gul
green grein
blue blea (dark), hew (bright)
purple beas
black blac
white hwiyt
grey grey, hear
brown bruyn, dun
variegated fauh




Plants and Trees

Food and Drink


The Body

English Norþimris
head heed
hair fax
eyebrow brey
eye ei (pl. ein)
ear lug
nose neb
cheek wang
mouth muyþ
tooth teuþ (pl. teiþ)
tongue tung
chin chin
face anlit, leir
neck haus
shoulder schuuder
arm arm
elbow elbou
wrist rist
hand hand
finger finger
thumb þuym
chest breist
breast breist
lung lung (pl. lungen)
heart hert
stomach mau
belly buyc
back bac, rig
spine rigbean
liver lifer
kidney neir
womb, uterus weam
intestine þarm
bladder bleðer
penis terṡ (penis)
vagina scheeþ (vagina)
buttocks arṡ
anus arṡþrel
hip hip
waist midel
leg leg
knee hnei
testicle bauluc
scrotum cod, pung
calf sparliyr
ankle anclew
foot feut (pl. feit)
toe tea
nail neyl

Adjectives and Adverbs

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of Quantity


