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Dialect Table

Minhast Superdialects and Dialects
Superdialect Dialect Region/Prefecture/District Distinguishing Features
Upper Minhast Horse Speaker Umbarak, Hayreb, Nanampuyyi, Wattare, Saxtam, Gannasia Prefectures;

Kattek (Horse Speaker portion of NCR, approx 50%)

Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyyi
Salmon Speaker Hittaħm, Iskamharat, Tuhattam, Perim-Sin, Gaššarat. Ruyāya Prefectures;

Iyyūmi (Salmon Speaker portion of NCR, approx 40%)

Fossilized suffix -ūy preserved
Wolf Speaker Ešked,Attum Attar, Tayyagur, Rakwar, Tabuk Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy preserved
Dog Speaker Hisašarum, Way, Išpa, Warat, Tabbakun, Neweyya, Uħpar, Nikwat, Salabūr, Tawāheb Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyye
Bear Speaker Tannumay, Puyya Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyya
Fox Speaker Kardam, Eħħar Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyye
Elk Speaker Meti, Attuar, Essak Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ūwe
Seal Speaker Pinda, Rukpu Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ūwi
Lower Minhast Gull Speaker Kissamut, Tur'akkam, Senzil, Rēgum Prefectures;

Bayburim, Taliwāz, Urgabal, Tantanay, Nuwway, Kitamta, Antuwe, Sašlar (South Coast Colonies)

Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -we, -ia
Osprey Speaker Uyyuš, Arinak, Naggiriyan, Nāz Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ia
Egret Speaker Nentue, Isku Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ia
Stone Speaker Sakkeb, Neskud,Yaxparim, Izgilbāš, Zurzugul, Higbilan, Narpaz Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ia, -ie

Nankore Vowel IPA Template

  Front Near- front Central Near- back Back
Blank vowel trapezoid.svg
ɯ · u

Minhast Vowel Template

  Front Near- front Central Near- back Back
Blank vowel trapezoid.svg

Minhast Noun Table

Noun Classes
Absolutive Pre-clitic Form Incorporated Form Examples
Class I gal=Ø gal=


galde, galyār
Class II marua marū=


marūde, marūpar
yarea yarē=


yarēde, yarēran
simmia simmī=


simmīde, simmīkan
Class III asr asr-, asre-


asride, asrenī
niss niss-,nisse-


nisside, nissekī

Minhast Portmanteau Pronominal Affixes

Agent (Singular) Patient (Singular)
1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd masc. sg. 3rd fem. sg. 3rd neut. anim sg. 3rd neut. inanim. sg.
1st Sg. ---- -tak- -(e)k- -kk- -k- -tirk-
2nd Sg -ktah- ---- -tah- -lettah- -tah- -tittah-
3rd Masc. Sg -knen- -nten- -nn-, -Ø- -lenn- -enn- -tirenn-
3rd Fem. Sg -kl- -tal- -l- -ll- -l- -till-
3rd Neut. Anim. Sg -k- -t- -Ø- -Ø- -s- -t-
3rd Neut. Inanim. Sg -km- -tam- -m- -mm- -m- -timm-
Agent Patient (Singular)
1st Pl. Incl. ---- ---- -hak- -hlak- -k- -tirhak-
1st Pl. Excl. ---- -ntem- -nn- -lennem- -ennem- -tinnem-
2nd Pl. -aktahm- ---- -mt- -lettem- -ettem- -tittem-
3rd Pl. Common -ekken- -takken- -nk- -lekken- -seššen- -tikken-
3rd Pl. Neut. Anim. -aksen- -tasn- -sn- -less- -sess- -tiss-
3rd Pl. Neut. Inanim. -akmah- -tammah- -mah- -(a)mmah- -mah- -timmah-

Minhast Portmanteau Pronominal Affixes #2

Person - Number - Gender Independant Forms Bound Forms
Ergative Absolutive Oblique Stative
1st Sg. yakte yak yak- -ek
2nd Sg. tahte taħ tah-,taħ- -taħ
3rd Masculine - Common Sg. kūde kua kū- -na
3rd Feminine Sg. lēde- lea lē-, ley- -lea
3rd Neuter Animate Sg. šemet šea šē-, šey- -šea
3rd Neuter Inanimate Sg. mēde mea mē-,mey- -mea
1st Plural Inclusive hakemt(e) hak hak- -hakkem
1st Pl Exclusive nemt(e) nem nem- -nem
2nd Pl. taħtemt(e) taħtem -taħtem -taħtem-
3rd Masc./Common Pl kemt(e) kem kem- -kem
3rd Fem. Pl. wext(e) wexī, weššī wex- (n/a)
3rd Neut. Anim. Pl. sešt(e) seš sešš(i)- -sseš
3rd Neut. Inanim Pl. maħt(e) maħ mah-, maħ- -maħ

Minhast Phonotactics Table

Minhast Phonotactics Table

Initial Consonant Final Consonant
f p b k x g t d s š z l r m n h w y
f ff pp pp fk fx fk ft ft fs ff fs fl fr fm fn ff fw fy
p pp pp pp pk xp pk pt pt ps ħp ps pl pr pm pn ħp pw py
b pp pp bb pk xp mg pt mb ps ħp ps bl br mb mb ħp bw by
k kf kp kp kk kk kk kt kt ks ħk ks kl kr km kn ħk kw ky
x xf xp xp kk xx gg xt xt ss šš ss xl xr xm xn xx xw xy
g kf kp gb kk kk gg kt gd ks ħk zg lg gr gm gn ħk gw gy
t ft pt pt kt xt kt tt tt st št st tt rt mt nt ħt wt šš
d ft pt bb kt xt gd tt dd st ħt zd ld rd mb nd ħt dw dy
s sp sp sp sk xs sk st st ss šš ss sl ss sm sn ħs sw šš
š šf šp šp šk šš šk št št ss šš ss šl šš šm šn ħš šw šš
z sp sp zb sk ss zg st zd ss šš zz zl zz zm zn ħs zw zy
l lf pp lb kk xl lg tt ld sl šl zl ll rr lm,mm nn ħl lw yy
r rf rp rb rk rx rg rt rd, dd rs, ss rš, šš zz ll rn, nn rm, mm nn rħ, ħr rw ry
m mf mp mb nk xn mg mt md ns šm nz ml mr mm nn mh ww my
n mf mp mb nk xn mg, ng nt nd ns, sn, ss nš, šn, šš nz ll rr mm nn nh nw ny,yy
h ff ħp ħp ħk xx ħk ħt ħt ħs ħš ħs ħl ħr ħm ħn ħħ ħw ħy

Vocabulary comparison

Several of the terms in the table below have had semantic drift. For example, the form Sterben and other terms for die are cognates with the English word starve. There is also at least one example of a common borrowing from a non-Germanic source (ounce and its cognates from Latin).

English Scots[1] West Frisian Afrikaans Dutch Limburgish Low German Central

German Yiddish Gothic Icelandic Faroese Swedish Danish Norwegian
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli[2] äpple æble eple eple
bear beir bear beer beer bear Baar Bier Bär בער
𐌱𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌰 (Baira) björn bjørn björn bjørn bjørn bjørn
beech beech boeke beuk beuk beuk Böök Bich Buche 𐌱𐍉𐌺𐌰
beyki bók
bok bøg bok bok, bøk
board buird board bord boord bórdj Boord Briet Brett[4] ברעט
borð borð bord bord bord bord
book beuk boek boek boek book Book Buch Buch בוך
bók bók bok bog bok bok
breast breest boarst bors borst boors Bost Broscht Brust ברוסט
brjóst bróst, bringa bröst bryst bryst bryst
brown broun brún bruin bruin bruun broen brong braun ברוין
brúnn brúnur brun brun brun brun
day day dei dag dag daag Dag Dag Tag טאָג
dagur dagur dag dag dag dag
dead deid dea dood dood doed doot dout tot טויט
dauður deyður död død død daud
die, starve dee, stairve stjerre sterf sterven stèrve staarven stierwen sterben שטאַרבן
deyja doyggja døy, starva
enough eneuch genôch genoeg genoeg genóg noog genuch, genug genug גענוג
nóg nóg, nógmikið nog nok nok nok
finger finger finger vinger vinger veenger Finger Fanger Finger פֿינגער
fingur fingur finger finger finger finger
give gie jaan gee geven geve geven ginn geben געבן
gefa geva ge, giva give gi gje(va)
glass gless glês glas glas glaas Glas Glas Glas גלאָז
glas glas glas glas glass glas
gold gowd goud goud goud goud, góldj Gold, Guld Gold Gold גאָלד
gull gull guld, gull guld gull gull
good guid goed goed goed good goot gutt gut גוט
góð(ur), gott góð(ur), gott god god god god
English Scots West Frisian Afrikaans Dutch Limburgish Low German Central

German Yiddish Gothic Icelandic Faroese Swedish Danish Norwegian
hand haund hân hand hand hand Hand Hand Hand האַנט
hönd hond hand hånd hånd hand
head heid holle hoof,[5] kop[6] hoofd, kop[6] kop[6] Hööft, Kopp[6] Kopp,[6] Kapp Haupt, Kopf[6] הויפט, קאָפּ
(hoypt, kop)[6]
höfuð høvd, høvur huvud hoved hode hovud
high heich heech hoog hoog hoeg hooch héich hoch הויך
hár høg, ur hög høj høy, høg høg
home hame hiem heim,[7] tuis[8] heem, heim,[7] thuis[8] thoes[8] Tohuus,[8] Heem Heem Heim(at) היים
heim heim hem hjem hjem, heim heim
hook, crook heuk hoek haak haak haok Haak Krop, Kramp, Hoken Haken האַק
haki, krókur krókur, ongul hake, krok hage, krog hake, krok hake, krok[9]
house hoose hûs huis huis hoes Huus Haus Haus הויז
hús hús hus hus hus hus
many mony mannich, mennich baie, menige veel, menig minnig veel, männig vill manch, viel מאַנכע
margir mangir, nógvir många mange mange mange
moon muin moanne maan maan maon Maan Mound Mond לבֿנה
máni, tungl máni måne måne måne måne
night nicht nacht nag nacht nach Nacht Nuecht Nacht נאַכט
nótt nátt natt nat natt natt
no, nay nae Template:Not a typo Template:Not a typo Template:Not a typo nei Template:Not a typo Template:Not a typo Template:Not a typo, Template:Not a typo, nein, nö ניין
nei nei nej, nä nej, næ nei nei
old (but elder, eldest) auld âld oud oud aajt (old), gammel (decayed) oolt (old), gammelig (decayed) aal alt אַלט
gamall (but eldri, elstur), aldinn gamal (but eldri, elstur) gammal (but äldre, äldst) gammel (but ældre, ældst) gammel (but eldre, eldst) gam(m)al (but eldre, eldst)
one ane ien een één ein een eent eins איין
einn ein en en en ein
ounce unce ûns ons ons óns Ons Eng kéier, Eemol Unze 𐌿𐌽𐌺𐌾𐌰
únsa únsa uns unse unse unse, unsa
snow snaw snie sneeu sneeuw sjnie Snee Schnéi Schnee שניי
snjór kavi, snjógvur snö sne snø snø
English Scots West Frisian Afrikaans Dutch Limburgish Low German Central

German Yiddish Gothic Icelandic Faroese Swedish Danish Norwegian
stone stane stien steen steen stein Steen Steen Stein שטיין
steinn steinur sten sten stein stein
that that dat daardie, dit dat, die dat, tot dat, dü dat das דאָס
það tað det det det det
two, twain twa twa twee twee twie twee zoo, zwou, zwéin, zwee zwei, zwo צוויי
tveir, tvær, tvö tveir, tvey, tvær, tvá två, tu to to to[10]
who wha wa wie wie wee wokeen wien, ween wer ווער
hver hvør vem hvem hvem kven
worm wirm wjirm wurm worm weurm Worm Wuerm, Mued Wurm, Made וואָרעם
maðkur, ormur maðkur, ormur mask, orm [11] orm makk, mark, orm  [11] makk, mark, orm[11]
English Scots West Frisian Afrikaans Dutch Limburgish Low German Central

German Yiddish Gothic Icelandic Faroese Swedish Danish Norwegian
  1. ^ The spellings used are those based on the prestigious literary conventions described in the article Modern Scots. Others spelling variants may be encountered in written Scots, e.g. aipil (apple), buik (book), huik (hook), houss (house) and monie (many).
  2. ^ The cognate means 'potato'. The correct word is 'Súrepli'.
  3. ^ Attested meaning 'letter', but also means beech in other Germanic languages, cf. Russian buk 'beech', bukva 'letter', maybe from Gothic.
  4. ^ Brett is used in the South, Bord is used additionally in the North
  5. ^ Now only used in compound words such as hoofpyn (headache) and metaphorically, such as hoofstad (capital city).
  6. ^ a b c d e f g From an old Latin borrowing, akin to "cup".
  7. ^ a b Archaic: now only used in compound words such as 'heimwee' (homesickness).
  8. ^ a b c d From a compound phrase akin to "to house"
  9. ^ ongel is also used for fishing hook.
  10. ^ Dialectally tvo, två, tvei
    (m), tvæ
    (f), tvau
  11. ^ a b c The cognate orm usually means 'snake'.