Linguifex will be changing authoritative nameservers for the domain this weekend (3-5 jan 2025), the change has been carefully planned to not cause any outages, but there is always a risk of disruption. This is part of the 2025 improvement program to beef up Linguifex to be faster, snappier and less prone to outages. |
Gothedish/Swadesh list
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[hide]No. | English | Gothedish |
1 | I | ik |
2 | you (singular) | þou; jou (polite) |
3 | he | is |
4 | we | weis |
5 | you (plural) | jous |
6 | they | ie (eis, ies) |
7 | this | hi (his, hie, hit) |
8 | that | þa (þas, þo, þat) |
9 | here | har |
10 | there | þar |
11 | who | hva (hvas, hvo) |
12 | what | hva (hvat) |
13 | where | hvar |
14 | when | hvan |
15 | how | hveu; hve |
16 | not | ne |
17 | all | all(e) |
18 | many | manige |
19 | some | sum; wäht |
20 | few | fåe |
21 | other | ander |
22 | one | än |
23 | two | twa (twä, twos) |
24 | three | þrie (þreis) |
25 | four | fidduer |
26 | five | fimf |
27 | big | míkjel |
28 | long | lang |
29 | wide | brad |
30 | thick | þik |
31 | heavy | kår |
32 | small | leitel |
33 | short | smal |
34 | narrow | angv; þrähn |
35 | thin | þunn |
36 | woman | kven (s.f.); kvine (w.f.) |
37 | man (adult male) | gume (w.m.) |
38 | man (human being) | manne (w.m.) |
39 | child | barn (s.n.) |
40 | wife | kven (s.f.); kvine (w.f.) |
41 | husband | abe (w.m.); gume (w.m) |
42 | mother | moder (s.f.); äþe (w.f.) |
43 | father | fader (s.m.), atte (w.m.) |
44 | animal | dyz (s.n.) |
45 | fish | fisk (s.m.) |
46 | bird | fugel (s.m.) |
47 | dog | hund (s.m.) |
48 | louse | lous (s.f.) |
49 | snake | más (m.) |
50 | worm | |
51 | tree | géed (geeth-, m.; geethó) |
52 | forest | geethó (coll.) |
53 | stick | úl (f.) |
54 | fruit | |
55 | seed | |
56 | leaf | calleén (calleem-, f.) |
57 | root | |
58 | bark | |
59 | flower | úbax (ubx-, m.; ubxó), fiyooré (m.) |
60 | grass | cáws (m.) |
61 | rope | xárig (xarg-, m.) |
62 | skin | maqáar (m.) |
63 | meat | hílib (hilb-, m.) |
64 | blood | dhíig (dhiigh-, m.) |
65 | bone | láf (f.; lafó) |
66 | fat | baruúr (f.) |
67 | egg | ukún (ukum-, f.; ukumó) |
68 | horn | gées (m.; geesó) |
69 | tail | seén (f.) |
70 | feather | báalle (m.) |
71 | hair | tín (tim-, f.; timó) |
72 | head | máthax (m.) |
73 | ear | dhág (dhagh-, f.; dhaghó) |
74 | eye | íl (f.; indhó) |
75 | nose | sán (m.) |
76 | mouth | áf (m.; afáf) |
77 | tooth | ílig (ilk-, m.; ilkó) |
78 | tongue | cárrab (m.) |
79 | fingernail | cijí (cijiy-, f.; cijiyó) ( |
80 | foot | cág (cagh-, f.; caghó) |
81 | leg | lúg (lugh-, f.; lughó) |
82 | knee | jílib (jilb-, m.; jilbó) |
83 | hand | gacán (gacm-, f.; gacmó) |
84 | wing | |
85 | belly | caloól (f.) |
86 | guts | |
87 | neck | qoór (f.) |
88 | back | dhápar (m.) |
89 | breast | náas (m.; naasó) |
90 | heart | wádne (m.) |
91 | liver | beer (m.) |
92 | drink | cáb (cap-, I) |
93 | eat | cún (cum-, I) |
94 | bite | qaniín (I) |
95 | suck | dhuúq (dhuuq-, I) |
96 | spit | túf (I) |
97 | vomit | mantág (mantagh-, I) |
98 | blow | afuúfish (afuuf(i)sh-, I) |
99 | breathe | neefsó (neefsath-, I) |
100 | laugh | qósol (qosl-, I) |
101 | see | árag (ark-, I) |
102 | hear | máqal (maql-, I) |
103 | know | aqáan (II) |
104 | think | mood (mooth-, I) |
105 | smell | úrish (ur(i)sh-, I) |
106 | fear | ká cabsó (ká cabsath-, I) |
107 | sleep | seexó (seext-, I) |
108 | live | noól (III) |
109 | die | dhimó (dhint-, I) |
110 | kill | díl (I) |
111 | fight | dagháal (I) |
112 | hunt | athámish (athamish-/athansh-, I) |
113 | hit | kú dhufó (kú dhuft-, I) |
114 | cut | jár (I) |
115 | split | fíiq (I) |
116 | stab | |
117 | scratch | xóq (I) |
118 | dig | qód (qoth-, I) |
119 | swim | dabáal (I) |
120 | fly | dúul (I) |
121 | walk | socó (soct-, I) |
122 | come | imoó (imaath-, II); káali |
123 | lie | jiifsó (jiifsath-, I) |
124 | sit | fariisó (fariist-, I) |
125 | stand | kác (I) |
126 | turn | wareeghó (wareegt-, I) |
127 | fall | dhác (I) |
128 | give | síish (I) |
129 | hold | qapó (qabt-, I) |
130 | squeeze | |
131 | rub | |
132 | wash | dháq (I) |
133 | wipe | tírtir (I) |
134 | pull | |
135 | push | ríix (I) |
136 | throw | túur (I) |
137 | tie | |
138 | sew | tól (I) |
139 | count | tírish (tir(i)sh-, I) |
140 | say | dhéh (dheh-, I); oró (iraath-, II) |
141 | sing | hées (I) |
142 | play | ciyáar (I) |
143 | float | |
144 | flow | |
145 | freeze | |
146 | swell | bárar (I) |
147 | sun | qorráx (f.), cadceéd (cadceeth-, f.) |
148 | moon | dáyax (m.), bíl (f.), qámar (m.) |
149 | star | xídig/xidíg (xidigh-, m./f.) |
150 | water | bishó (coll.) |
151 | rain | róob (roop-, m.) |
152 | river | wépi (m.) |
153 | lake | |
154 | sea | bád (bath-, f.) |
155 | salt | cusbó (f.); mílix (m.) |
156 | stone | dhághax (m.) |
157 | sand | carró (f.) |
158 | dust | carró (f.) |
159 | earth | dhúl (m.); arló (f.) |
160 | cloud | daruúr (f.) |
161 | fog | |
162 | sky | cír (m.); samó (f.) |
163 | wind | dabeél (f.) |
164 | snow | báraf (m.); tálji (taljiy-, m.)<//tr> |
165 | ice | báraf (m.); tálji (taljiy-, m.) |
166 | smoke | qíiq (m.) |
167 | fire | dáb (dap-, m.) |
168 | ash | dambás (m.) |
169 | burn | gubó (gubt-, I) |
170 | road | wadó (f.) |
171 | mountain | búur/buúr (m./f.; buuró) |
172 | red | cás (III); casáan (m.) |
173 | green | caghaarán (cagaarn-, III); caghaár (f.) |
174 | yellow | huruuthán (huruudn-, III); huruúd (huruuth-, f.) |
175 | white | cád (cad-, III); cadáan (m.) |
176 | black | mathoów (mathoop-, III) |
177 | night | hapéen (m.) |
178 | day | maalín (maalm-, f.; maalmó) |
179 | year | sánad/sanó (sanath-, f.; sanathó) |
180 | warm | diirán (diirn-, III) |
181 | cold | qapoów (qapoop-, III) |
182 | full | búux (I); buuxsán (III) |
183 | new | cusúb (cusb-, III) |
184 | old | dúq (c.) |
185 | good | fiicán (fiicn-,III) |
186 | bad | xún (xum-, III) |
187 | rotten | |
188 | dirty | wasákh (f.) |
189 | straight | toosán (III); tóos (m.) |
190 | round | |
191 | sharp | |
192 | dull | |
193 | smooth | |
194 | wet | qooyán (qooyn-, III); qooyáan (m.) |
195 | dry | qalalán (qalaln-, III) |
196 | correct | sáx (III); sáx (f.); saxíix (f.) |
197 | near | dhow (III) |
198 | far | fóg (fogh-, III) |
199 | right | míthig/mithíg (m./f.) |
200 | left | bíthix/bithíx (m./f.) |
201 | at | kú; Ø |
202 | in | kú; dhéx |
203 | with | lá |
204 | and | ii |
205 | if | hadíi |
206 | because | casháan |
207 | name | mághac (m.) |