
From Linguifex
Revision as of 16:37, 23 August 2017 by Raistas (talk | contribs) (→‎About me)
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Hello everyone who happened to find me, I'm Raistas. If you are from the parallel Universe, you may know that it's a Pomorian surname which can be translated as "duckweed".

About my language

The Pomorian language (or [pɑ.ˈmaː.reːskɑ] as I call it) is an a posteriori (and my first) conlang based on Balto-Slavic languages (on those which I know). And I do my best to make it beautiful. Any suggest you could ever have would be helpful, if you want to, of course.

About me

I'm currently living in Halyczyna which is a western part of Western Ukraine. That's why I like snow and mountains and enjoy learning about languages. If you want, you may contact me and ask about anything (you can write me in English, Northern Karelian (if you happen to know it), and some Balto-Slavic languages). I'm not a linguist, just like some languages. Because languages are just like cute kittens. I created my first language on August 2017, so I'm still new to this. I like both a priori and a posteriori conlangs.