Welcome to Linguifex! We hope you will contribute much and well. You will probably want to read the help pages. Again, welcome and have fun! Waahlis.png Waahlis 19:24, 22 September 2013 (CEST)


Hey & Welcome to Linguifex. I'm really jealous you have Welsh! I've been trying to pick up Irish on and off for Months, and have promised myself that I'll pick up Welsh and Breton as soon as I'm conversational. I have a how to learn Welsh book from a friend who spent a year in Swansea staring at me from my bookshelf, judging me.

All the same, I hope to catch you around on the wiki and dig into your conlang as soon as I get the chance!

Hwyl fawr,

-Fauxlosophe (talk) 23:13, 25 September 2013 (CEST)