Welcome to Linguifex! Here you can add your constructed language, peruse others, interact with other conlangers and enjoy e-pancakes!

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Hi there! Be sure to stop by at Billy! Waahlis (talk) 12:36, 10 November 2012 (CET)

Ça va? :)   Waahlis 19:20, 11 November 2012 (CET)

Ça va bien merci :D tout va bien chez toi? Pá mamūnám ontā́ bán 23:00, 11 November 2012 (CET)


*Places flag on this*

I declare this page to be mine in my own name!

How are you doing mate? Been too long. EmperorZelos (talk) 17:57, 12 November 2012 (CET)

Oh no :O I've been conquered!

Doing well thanks! It has, are you well?

Also, is this useful? Pá mamūnám ontā́ bán 17:59, 12 November 2012 (CET)

I am doing just ifne, got worried about all my language data at worst.

thats one of those yes EmperorZelos (talk) 18:01, 12 November 2012 (CET)