
Morphology is the most complex part of Old Tíogall. Much of Proto-Talmic morphology survives in Old Tíogall. However, Old Tíogall is most notorious for its often unpredictable verbal allomorphy.




Verb prefixes

Object prefixes

Verb TAMs

Old Tíogall inherits many TAMs directly from Thensarian. In addition, Old Tíogall displays extensive verb allomorphy. Verbs can be grouped in two ways: non-prefixed and prefixed, and non-ablauting and ablauting. The verb tables below will use the following example verbs:

  • Unprefixed, non-ablauting verbs: e.g. túsaiṁ /ˈtuːsai̯mʰ/ 'he prays', ní·túsa /niːˈtuːsa/ 'he does not pray' (modern tús)
  • Unprefixed, ablauting verbs: e.g. sormaiṁ /sormai̯mʰ/ 'he finds (intransitive)', ní·sorma /niːˈsorma/ 'he does not find' (modern sorm)
  • Prefixed, non-ablauting verbs: e.g. as·tóċ /asˈtoːkʰ/ 'he proves', ní·assaċ /niːˈasːakʰ/ 'he does not prove' (modern stóch)
  • Prefixed ablauting verbs: e.g. dos·coḃ /dosˈkobʰ/ 'he tolerates' (*de-as-coḃ), ní·dép /niːˈdeːp/ 'he does not tolerate' (modern déab)

In case where there is a preverb, the first syllable after the interpunct is stressed.


Person túsain "pray, request"
(non-prefixed, non-ablauting)
as·tóċan "prove"
(prefixed, non-ablauting)
1SG túsain < tússanis
ní·tús < nīs tússan
as·tóċ < astósāconis
ní·assaċ < nīs ástosācon
2SG túsair < tússaris
ní·túsar < nīs tússar
as·tóċar < astósācoris
ní·assaċar < nīs ástosācor
3SG.M túsaiṁ < tússamis
ní·tús < nīs tússam
as·tóċ < astósācomis
ní·assaċ < nīs ástosācom
3SG.F túsaé < tússasis
ní·túsaé < nīs tússasi
as·tóċaé < astósācosis
ní·assaċ < nīs ástosācosi
3SG.N tús < tússas
ní·tús < nīs tússa
as·tóċ < astósācos
ní·assaċ < nīs ástosāco
1EX túsme < tússamēs
ní·túsaiṁ < nīs tússamē
as·tóċaiṁ < astósācomēs
ní·assaċaiṁ < nīs ástosācomē
1IN túsait < tússantis
ní·túsat < nīs tússant
as·tóċat < astósācontis
ní·assaċat < nīs ástosācont
2PL túsaisc < tússasces
ní·túsaisc < nīs tússasce
as·tóċaisc < astósācosces
ní·assaċaisc < nīs ástosācosce
3PL túsaiḋ < tússatis
ní·túsaḋ < nīs tússat
as·tóċaḋ < astósācotis
ní·assaċaḋ < nīs ástosācot


The imperfect is formed with reduplication as in Thensarian.


Person túsain "pray, request"
(non-prefixed, non-ablauting)
as·tóċan "prove"
(prefixed, non-ablauting)
1SG túsnaim < tússannemis
ní·túsainn < nīs tússannem
as·tóċainn < astósāconnemis
ní·assaċainn < nīs ástosāconnem
2SG túsaí < tússavȳs
ní·túsaí < nīs tússavȳ
as·tóċaí < astósācovȳs
ní·assaċaí < nīs ástosācovȳ
3SG.M túsaim < tússasmis
ní·túsaim < nīs tússasmi
as·tóċaim < astósācosmis
ní·assaċaim < nīs ástosācosmi
3SG.F túsais < tússastis
ní·túsais < nīs tússasti
as·tóċais < astósācostis
ní·assaċais < nīs ástosācosti
3SG.N túsá < tússasos
ní·túsá < nīs tússaso
as·tóċá < astósācosos
ní·assaċá < nīs ástosācoso
1EX túsmair < tússameris
ní·túsmar < nīs tússamer
as·tóċmar < astósācomeris
ní·assaċmar < nīs ástosācomer
1IN túsdair < tússanteris
ní·túsdar < nīs tússanter
as·tóċdar < astósāconteris
ní·assaċdar < nīs ástosāconter
2PL túscair < tússasceris
ní·túscar < nīs tússascer
as·tóccar < astósācosceris
ní·assaccar < nīs ástosācoscer
3PL túsṫair < tússateris
ní·túsṫar < nīs tússater
as·tóċṫar < astósācoteris
ní·assaċṫar < nīs ástosācoter




Combination of optative/future + preterite


Verbal noun