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Modern Netagin (nwtakin [nəˈdʰɔgin]) is the modern descendant of Classical Netagin and the official language of the island nation of Poneteku /punæˈdægy/ in Verse:Tricin. Modern Netagin pop culture is very well-known worldwide; outside of Bunätägü, the language is often learned by Netaginophile otakus.

Similarly to Modern Hebrew, Modern Netagin is morphologically similar to Classical Netagin but exhibits a kind of diglossia: the classically-based "correct" vocalization (such as observing initial consonant mutations) is used only by the upper classes, in newscasts and in some public speech, or in poetry and classical singing, much like the RP accent in British English.

This article will give both the "Received Vocalization" (RV; RV: äs-ʔUbalü Þhisukamü) and the common vocalization of the capital Xbiʔü (XV; RV: äs-ʔUbalü Xhbiʔäyü), where the two differ.



Modern Netagin is written in an abjad.



Labial Alveolar Lateral Palatal Velar Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ j /ɲ/ γ /ŋ/
Plosive p /p~b/ t /t~d/ z /c~ɟ/ k /k~g/ l /ʔ/
Affricate c /ts/ q /tɬ/
Fricative spirant φ /f~v/ θ /θ~ð/ g /x~ɣ/
nonspirant s /s/ x /ɬ/ ш /ʃ/ b /ħ/ h /h/
Approximant v /w/ r /ɾ/ y /j/


Same as Dodellian: a w o e i u /a ı u æ i y/





Much of Classical Netagin noun morphology is preserved: nouns inflect for number and absolute and construct states, and may take possessive suffixes. Nouns have three principal parts: absolute singular, absolute plural and construct singular.


Adjectives in -in decline as follows:

nðoḡin 'Netagin'
Singulative Plurative
Masculine nðoḡin nðoḡino
Feminine nðoḡiye nðoḡiḇ


Colloquial Modern Netagin is similar to Scottish Gaelic and colloquial Welsh, in using analytic constructions with auxiliaries and verbal nouns instead of conjugated verbs - but they're syntactically ergative. High-register Modern Netagin uses conjugated verbs like Classical Netagin.


Se ʔaḏnaʔex es rȝun.
in cook.VN-1SG DEF vegetables
I am cooking the vegetables. (lit. "The vegetables are in my cooking" i.e. in the process of being cooked by me)

Compare an intransitive clause:

Se mir es sam.
in walk.VN DEF dog
The dog is walking.


Vat ʔaḏnaʔex es rȝun.
after cook.VN-1SG DEF vegetables
I cooked the vegetables. (lit. The vegetables are after my cooking.)


Verbal nouns may be pluralized to mark pluractionality (an action occuring multiple times or affecting a plural number of patients). Pluractional verbal nouns are also used as an antipassive, to some extent.

Derivational morphology


Unlike Classical Netagin, Modern Netagin is a VOS, split-ergative language.

Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Other resources