Template:Inflection of

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|1= (required)
The language code of the lemma, of which this is an inflection. See Wiktionary:List of languages. The parameter |lang= is a deprecated synonym; please do not use. If this is used, all numbered parameters move down by one.
|2= (required)
The lemma form of the term of which this is an inflection. This is used to create a link.
|3= or |alt=
The alternative display form of the lemma. This works like the third parameter of {{l}} and {{m}}.
|4= (required), |5= ... etc.
One or more grammar tags to show. These give the definition by describing the relevant grammatical properties of this inflected form. A grammar tag can potentially be any text, but certain tags such as nominative, feminine, first-person or subjunctive that are recognized internally will automatically be linked to the appropriate entry in Appendix:Glossary (or in some cases, to the relevant Wiktionary or Wikipedia entry). As an example, nominative is displayed as nominative, with an appropriate link. Certain tags are recognised as shortcuts and are equivalent to spelling out the tag. For example, 1 is equivalent to first-person; both will be displayed as first-person. Similarly, f is equivalent to feminine, and nom is equivalent to nominative. The full, up-to-date list of recognized tags and their shortcuts and display forms is specified below.
Multiple tags are normally separated by spaces, so that e.g. nom|f|s will be displayed as nominative feminine singular. However, when punctuation characters are used as tags, they will be displayed appropriately for that punctuation character. For example, nom|,|with|3|s|object will display as nominative, with third-person singular object (i.e. without a space preceding the comma). Among the punctuation characters recognized and handled correctly are comma, colon, parens, brackets, slash, and hyphen. The full list can be found below.
It is also possible to put // separators between one or more tags or shortcuts to create a list separated by slashes. For example, writing nom//acc will expand to nominative/accusative, and writing nom//acc//voc//dat will expand to nominative/accusative/vocative/dative
The inflection tag ; is recognized specially and is used to separate two inflections of the same word. Sets of tags separated by a semicolon tag will be displayed on separate lines. See examples below.
A gloss or short translation of the word. The parameter |gloss= is a deprecated synonym; please do not use.
Transliteration for non-Latin-script words, if different from the automatically-generated one.
Transcription for non-Latin-script words whose transliteration is markedly different from the actual pronunciation. Should not be used for IPA pronunciations.
|p= or |POS=
Part-of-speech tag or abbreviation (see below). Currently used only for categorization, which depends on the particular inflection tags and the language in question. Note that there are related templates {{noun form of}}, {{verb form of}} and {{adj form of}}, which are exactly like {{inflection of}} but automatically set (respectively) the |p=n, |p=v and |p=a parameters.
A sense id for the term, which links to anchors on the page set by the {{senseid}} template.
Script code to use, if script detection does not work.

Grammar tags

The following grammar tags are available for shortcut use in entering descriptions as per Module:form of/data (more common tags) and Module:form of/data2 (less common tags):

Canonical tag Shortcut(s) Display form
Person (more common)
first-person 1 first-person
impersonal impers impersonal
second-person 2 second-person
third-person 3 third-person
Person (less common)
second-person-object form 2o second-person-object form
Number (more common)
dual d, du dual
multiple-possession mpos multiple-possession
plural p, pl plural
single-possession spos single-possession
singular s, sg singular
Number (less common)
collective col collective
distributive paucal dpau distributive paucal
paucal pau paucal
singulative sgl singulative
trial tri trial
Gender (more common)
aquatic aq aquatic
common c common
feminine f feminine
lunar lun lunar
masculine m masculine
natural masculine natm natural masculine
neuter n neuter
nonvirile nv nonvirile
solar sol solar
terrestrial terr terrestrial
Gender (less common)
natural feminine natf natural feminine
virile vr virile
Animacy (more common)
animate an animate
inanimate in, inan inanimate
personal pr, pers personal
Tense/aspect (more common)
aorist aor, aori aorist
future fut, futr future
imperfect impf, imperf imperfect
imperfective impfv, imperfv imperfective
non-past npast non-past
past past
past historic phis past historic
perfect perf perfect
perfective pfv, perfv perfective
pluperfect plup, pluperf pluperfect
present pres present
preterite pret preterite
progressive prog progressive
Tense/aspect (less common)
anterior ant anterior
complete compl complete
consecutive consecutive
contemplative contem contemplative
continuous cont continuous
frequentative freq frequentative
gnomic gnomic
habitual hab habitual
iterative iter iterative
posterior post posterior
prospective pros prospective
recently complete rcompl recently complete
semelfactive semf semelfactive
situational situational
Mood (more common)
conditional cond conditional
imperative imp, impr, impv imperative
indicative ind, indc, indic indicative
jussive juss jussive
optative opta, opt optative
subjunctive sub, subj subjunctive
Mood (less common)
cohortative coho, cohort cohortative
desiderative des, desid desiderative
energetic ener energetic
inferential infer, infr inferential
intensive inten intensive
potential potn potential
quotative quot quotative
renarrative renarr renarrative
volitive voli volitive
Voice/valence (more common)
active act, actv active
causative caus causative
ditransitive ditr ditransitive
intransitive intr, vi intransitive
mediopassive mp, mpass, mpasv, mpsv mediopassive
middle mid, midl middle
passive pass, pasv passive
reflexive refl reflexive
transitive tr, vt transitive
Voice/valence (less common)
antipassive apass, apasv, apsv antipassive
applicative appl applicative
autonomous auton autonomous
reciprocal recp, recip reciprocal
Non-finite (more common)
gerund ger gerund
infinitive inf infinitive
participle part, ptcp participle
personal infinitive pinf personal infinitive
possessive poss possessive
supine sup supine
transgressive transgressive
verbal noun vnoun verbal noun
Non-finite (less common)
būdinys budinys būdinys
conjunctive conj conjunctive
connegative conn, conneg connegative
converb converb
debitive deb debitive
gerundive gerv gerundive
l-participle l-ptcp, lptcp l-participle
padalyvis padalyvis
participle of necessity partnec participle of necessity
pusdalyvis pusdalyvis
verbal of necessity verbnec verbal of necessity
Case (more common)
ablative abl ablative
accusative acc accusative
agentive ag agentive
dative dat dative
genitive gen genitive
instrumental ins instrumental
locative loc locative
nominative nom nominative
patientive pat patientive
prepositional pre, prep prepositional
vocative voc vocative
Case (less common)
abessive abe abessive
absolutive absv absolutive
adessive ade adessive
adverbial case advc adverbial
allative all allative
associative ass, assoc associative
benefactive ben, bene benefactive
causal cauc, causc causal
causal-final cfi, cfin causal-final
comitative com comitative
comparative case comc comparative
delative del delative
direct dir direct
distributive dis, dist, distr distributive
elative ela elative
ergative erg ergative
essive ess essive
essive-formal esf, efor essive-formal
essive-modal esm, emod essive-modal
illative ill illative
indirect indir indirect
inessive ine inessive
instructive ist instructive
limitative lim limitative
locative-qualitative lqu, lqua locative-qualitative
objective objv objective
oblique obl oblique
partitive ptv, par partitive
prolative pro, prol prolative
sociative soc sociative
subjective subjv, sbjv subjective
sublative sbl, subl sublative
superessive spe, supe superessive
temporal tem, temp temporal
terminative ter, term terminative
translative tra, tran translative
State (more common)
attributive attr attributive
construct cons, construct state construct state
definite def, defn, definite state definite
indefinite indef, indf, indefinite state indefinite
mixed mix mixed
predicative pred predicative
strong str strong
weak wk weak
Degrees of comparison (more common)
comparative degree comd, comparative comparative degree
positive degree posd, positive positive degree
superlative degree supd, superlative superlative degree
Degrees of comparison (less common)
absolute superlative degree asupd, absolute superlative absolute superlative degree
elative degree elad elative degree
equative degree equd, equative equative degree
excessive degree excd excessive degree
relative superlative degree rsupd, relative superlative relative superlative degree
Register (less common)
archaic arch archaic
colloquial colloq colloquial
contemporary conty contemporary
dated dated
emphatic emph emphatic
familiar fam familiar
formal formal
informal inform informal
intimate intim intimate
literary lit literary
obsolete obs obsolete
polite pol polite
slang slang
Deixis (less common)
distal dstl distal
medial medl medial
proximal prox, prxl proximal
Clusivity (less common)
exclusive excl exclusive
inclusive incl inclusive
obviative obv obviative
Inflectional class (more common)
pronominal pron pronominal
Attitude (more common)
augmentative aug augmentative
diminutive dim diminutive
pejorative pej pejorative
Attitude (less common)
endearing end endearing
Sound changes (more common)
contracted contracted
Misc grammar (more common)
adjectival adj adjectival
adverbial adv adverbial
dependent dep dependent
form form
independent indep independent
long long
negative neg negative
nominalization nomzn nominalization
nominalized nomz nominalized
root root
short short
simple sim simple
stem stem
Misc grammar (less common)
absolute abs absolute
affirmative aff affirmative
affix af affix
affixal afl affixal
analytic anal, analytical analytic
aspect asp aspect
augmented augmented
circumfix circ, cirf, circf circumfix
circumfixal circl, cirfl, circfl circumfixal
conjunct conjt conjunct
deuterotonic deut deuterotonic
infix infx infix
infixal infxl infixal
ji-ma class object inflected ji-ma_obj ji-ma class object inflected
ji-ma class relative object inflected ji-ma_rel ji-ma class relative object inflected
ji-ma class subject inflected ji-ma ji-ma class subject inflected
ki-vi class object inflected ki-vi_obj ki-vi class object inflected
ki-vi class relative object inflected ki-vi_rel ki-vi class relative object inflected
ki-vi class subject inflected ki-vi ki-vi class subject inflected
ku class object inflected ku_obj ku class object inflected
ku class relative object inflected ku_rel ku class relative object inflected
ku class subject inflected ku ku class subject inflected
ku locative class object inflected ku-loc_obj ku locative class object inflected
ku locative class relative object inflected ku-loc_rel ku locative class relative object inflected
ku locative class subject inflected ku-loc ku locative class subject inflected
m-mi class object inflected m-mi_obj m-mi class object inflected
m-mi class relative object inflected m-mi_rel m-mi class relative object inflected
m-mi class subject inflected m-mi m-mi class subject inflected
m-wa class object inflected m-wa_obj m-wa class object inflected
m-wa class relative object inflected m-wa_rel m-wa class relative object inflected
m-wa class subject inflected m-wa m-wa class subject inflected
mu locative class object inflected mu_obj mu locative class object inflected
mu locative class relative object inflected mu_rel mu locative class relative object inflected
mu locative class subject inflected mu mu locative class subject inflected
n class object inflected n-n_obj n class object inflected
n class relative object inflected n-n_rel n class relative object inflected
n class subject inflected n-n n class subject inflected
non-possessed npossd, npossed, nonpossessed non-possessed
nonfinite nonfin nonfinite
object obj object
pa locative class object inflected pa_obj pa locative class object inflected
pa locative class relative object inflected pa_rel pa locative class relative object inflected
pa locative class subject inflected pa pa locative class subject inflected
periphrastic peri periphrastic
possessed possd, possed possessed
possessive affix posaf, possaf possessive affix
possessive prefix pospref, posspref possessive prefix
possessive suffix possuf possessive suffix
prefix pref prefix
prefixal prefl prefixal
prototonic prot prototonic
relative rel relative
subject sbj subject
suffix suf, suff suffix
suffixal sufl, suffl suffixal
synthetic synth synthetic
tense tense
tenseless tenseless
u class object inflected u-n_obj, u-u_obj u class object inflected
u class relative object inflected u-n_rel, u-u_rel u class relative object inflected
u class subject inflected u-n, u-u u class subject inflected
unaugmented unaugmented
Other tags (more common)
( (
) )
, ,
- -
/ /
: :
[ [
] ]
and and
Other tags (less common)
Multitag shortcuts (more common)
12 first-person second-person
123 first-person second-person third-person
13 first-person third-person
23 second-person third-person
fn feminine neuter
ls lunar solar
mf masculine feminine
mfn masculine feminine neuter
mn masculine neuter
pp plural paucal
sc singular collective
ta terrestrial aquatic
List shortcuts (more common)
1d first-person/dual
1p first-person/plural
1s first-person/singular
2d second-person/dual
2p second-person/plural
2s second-person/singular
3d third-person/dual
3p third-person/plural
3s third-person/singular
simple past simple/past
simple present simple/present
spast simple/past
spres simple/present

Other items (such as "atelic") may be used as needed, but should be spelled out in full (see examples).


Example 1

On the page for the Spanish non-lemma form Spanish aman:

# {{inflection of|es|amar||3|p|pres|act|ind}}
  1. 3 plural pres act ind of amar

Example 2

On the page for the Russian non-lemma form пути́:

# {{inflection of|ru|путь||gen//dat//pre|s|;|nom//acc|p}}
  1. gen//dat//pre singular
nom//acc plural of путь

Note here how the // separator separates tags when multiple tags apply, and ; separates inflections. When ; is used, the display format changes to a multi-line format, as shown. Furthermore, since the lemma is in a non-Latin script in a language with automatic transliteration, that transliteration is automatically shown.

Example 3

On the page for the Japanese non-lemma form 飛び移らず:

# {{inflection of|ja|飛び移る||neg|continuative|tr=tobiutsuru}}
  1. neg continuative of 飛び移る

Note here how an unrecognized tag continuative is used. Such tags need to be spelled out in full, and won't be linked to anything. Furthermore, in this case, although Japanese uses a non-Latin script, no automatic transliteration is available, so the transliteration needs to be manually supplied if desired.

Part-of-speech tags

The following part-of-speech tags are available for use as the |p= or |POS= parameter. Note that either the full (canonical) form or any of the short forms can be used and are equivalent.

Canonical part of speech Shortcut(s)
adjective a, adj
adverb adv
article art
cardinal numeral cnum
conjunction conj
determiner det
interjection int, intj
intransitive verb vi
noun n
numeral num
ordinal numeral onum
participle part
particle pcl
postposition postp
preposition pre, prep
pronoun pro, pron
proper noun pn, proper
transitive and intransitive verb vti
transitive verb vt
verb v, vb


Some languages will add the non-lemma form to a category, depending on the particular tags and on the presence/absence of the |p=/|POS= parameter (the absence of this parameter disables most but not all categorization; in particular, categorization for participles may work in the absence of a part-of-speech parameter). The exact conditions under which this happens are described in Module:form of/cats, but the following is a list of all language-specific categories that may be added:

adjective masculine forms
adjective feminine forms
adjective neuter forms
adjective plural forms
adjective vocative forms
adjective definite forms
adjective indefinite forms
noun indefinite forms
noun definite forms
noun vocative forms
noun count forms
noun plural forms
noun plural forms
adverbial participles
present active participles
past passive participles
past active aorist participles
past active imperfect participles
noun plural forms
adjective feminine forms
adjective plural forms
participle forms
present participles
past participles
Modern Gallaecian
nasal-mutation forms
soft-mutation forms
present participles
past participles
dative forms
verb past tense forms
verb nonfinite forms
Middle English
first-person singular forms
second-person singular forms
third-person singular forms
first/third-person singular past forms
second-person singular past forms
plural forms
plural subjunctive forms
plural past forms
singular subjunctive forms
singular past subjunctive forms
singular imperative forms
plural imperative forms
present participles
past participles
adjective feminine forms
adjective plural forms
present participles
past participles
past participles
present participles
future participles
adverbial participles
verbal participles
adjective feminine forms
adjective plural forms
past tense verb forms
conjunctive verb forms
Northern Kurdish
present participles
past participles
verb forms (present indicative)
verb forms (past indicative)
verb forms (imperative negative)
verb forms (imperative)
verb forms (negative)
verb forms (conditional)
verb forms (jussive)
verb forms (quotative)
present active participles
present passive participles
past active participles
past passive participles
supine abessives
būdinys participles
padalyvis participles
pusdalyvis participles
dalyvis participles
pronominal dalyvis participle forms
dalyvis participle forms
comparative pronominal adjective forms
superlative pronominal adjective forms
comparative adjective forms
superlative adjective forms
negative verb forms
definite comparative participles
comparative participles
definite comparative adjectives
comparative adjectives
superlative participles
superlative adjectives
adjective feminine forms
adjective plural forms
noun feminine forms
noun plural forms
noun augmentative forms
noun diminutive forms
verb forms
present active participles
present passive participles
present adverbial participles
past active participles
past passive participles
past adverbial participles
desiderative verbs
verbs derived from primitive verbs
frequentative verbs
verbs derived from primitive verbs
root forms
verb simple past forms
third-person singular forms
past participles
verb forms
present active participles
present passive participles
present adverbial participles
past active participles
past passive participles
past adverbial participles