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Raapthingi Itskoongathee — Toy Soldiers

Yeethaiwalderstaishlawga, tlandeiskoonfashbawthloolm,
Oosenflaukhchaegawdenal, tlandeaahuhngtagaaraapthingibasheln,
Mauluhmpeedeseolsenraapaakothaistoobnaleega. WendesketlesteoosenmelkeeyorMaudaegeed, Yelzosyuhneechaw, Ootchaegmauyaindnaakeegaaagraagenawtluhtotlaidoo. “Felderaapthingi,” awkanbashenaacheshlabrootawrawftluhl, Thoowenawpaashlehbasheln, thoowenotlaiinduhtlooh.”

Beneath the wide sky where the autumn winds play,
A boy knelt in soil, where his soldiers lay.
From the box at his side, he cast them around,
A scatter of warriors upon the dirt mound.

Disorder reigned first, a chaos untamed,
Yet the boy, undeterred, would see it reframed.
“For soldiers,” he said, “must stand in their line,
Each in their station, each by design.”