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Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
aga a.ga n. m. eye
agage a.ga.gɛ v. to watch
ajat a.jat n. m. thought, intelligent, thoughtful
ajatge a.jat.gɛ v. to think, to ponder, to think on, to analyze
aldus al.dœs n. m. trustworthy, confidently, confidence, confident
alduselheg al.dœs.ɬɛg v. to gain trust, to make trustworthy
aldusge al.dœs.gɛ v. to trust, to have confidence in
alom a.lɔm n. f. dream
alamig a.lam.ig v. to run
sar sar n. r. island, refuge, boat ablaut plural
alomig a.lɔm.ig v. to dream, to have good dreams
anat a.nat n. m. gift, gifted
anatge a.nat.gɛ v. to gift, to give
arad a.rad n. m. tallness, tall
aradarin a.ra.da.rin n. n. tall sun, noon
aradtunh a.rad.tœŋ n. m. tall moon, midnight
aram a.ram n. f. loving, love, lovingly, caring, caringly, care
arin a.rin n. n. sun, solar, solarly, shine, shiny
arinelheg a.ri.n.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make shiny, to shine
arinhoa a.rin.hɔ.a n. m. light, good, hope
arinhoaro a.rin.hɔ.a.rɔ n. n. dark, not light, bad, despair
arinkafta a.rin.kaf.ta n. m. sunfall, sunset
arintap a.rin.tap n. p. star, lit. sun-fleck
arintaptanul a.rin.tap.ta.nœl n. m. astronomy, astrology lit. sun-fleck study
astiaga as.ti.a.ga n. m. pupil
astikiva as.ti.ki.va n. m. obsidian, blackrock
dal dal n. m. male cat
dallion dal.li.ɔn n. n. adolescent cat, young cat, kitten
ðeg ðɛg n. f. book, literate ablaut plural
ðule ðœ.lɛ n. f. surrender, submission, acceptance, peace
ðulero ðœ.lɛ.rɔ n. n. non-surrender, non-submission, rejection, battle
dosad dɔ.sad n. m. fertile dirt, fertile
dosadelheg dɔ.sad.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to fertilize
dosadro dɔ.sad.rɔ adj. infertile, infertile dirt
duinig dœ.in.ig v. to take specifically: what is presumed to be offered, but is not
eiþ ɛ.iθ v. to be irregular
el ɛl n. f. movement, moveable, wavering, shake
el ɛl v. to move irregular
eldu ɛl.dœ n. m. fire
emh ɛb n. f. rest, sleep, slumber, time of sleep
elmun ɛl.mœn n. m. that which has appeared from nothing, creation
Elmunro ɛl.mœn.rɔ n. n. that which has not appeared from nothing, God, the creator
elro ɛl.rɔ adj. immovable, unshakeable, unwaverinɡ
elvon ɛl.vœn n. n. abstractness, abstractly, abstract
enþe ɛn.θɛ n. f. still, stillness, motionless
enþeforheg ɛn.θɛ.fɔ.rʰɛg v. to stand, to be still-legged
eski ɛs.ki n. n. cube
fa fa n. m. tree
far far n. m. fear
farge far.gɛ v. to tremble, to quake, to shake
faron fa.rœn n. n. chest, breast
fas fas n. m. left, north
fel fɛl n. f. crescent
felik fɛ.lik n. f. big, growth
felikað otasa fɛ.li.kað ɔ.ta.sa n. m. eyebrow
felikilhig fɛ.lik.i.ɬig v. to grow, to make growth
feliktirunge fɛ.lik.ti.rœn.gɛ v. to snort
forh fɔrʰ n. f. leg
fujak fœ.jak n. f. animal neutral connotation
fur fœr n. m. color, colorful, colorfully
fur fœr n. m. much, many, excess, more
furaga fœ.ra.ga n. m. iris
furagage fœ.ra.ga.gɛ v. to see too much
furajatge fœ.ra.jat.gɛ v. to overthink colloquial: to overthink every little thing and constantly cry
furlejeg fœr.lɛj.ɛg v. to give color
furro fœr.rɔ n. n. monochrome, uncolorful
furvaste fœr.vas.tɛ adj. chromatic
ghapeg ɣa.pɛg v. to direct away
ghapvoghig ɣap.vɔɣ.ig v. n. bound away from
ghoþ ɣɔθ n. n. writings, scripts, scriptures, written ablaut plural
ghoþig ɣɔθ.ig v. to write
kasak ka.sak n. f. command, will, irrevocable wish
kasakeg ka.sak.ɛg v. to command,to will
ghoþþen ɣɔθ.θɛn n. f. writer, scribe
ghul ɣœl n. m. pyramid triangle base)
gomh gɔb n. f. sphere
gulam gœ.lam n. f. coldness, cold, coldly
halos ha.lɔs n. n. pyramid (square base)
halci hal.ʃi n. n. throat, neck
halciig hal.ʃiːg v. to swallow
hamh hab n. f. tooth ablaut plural
hamheg haβ.ɛg v. to bite
hao ha.ɔ n. n. land, place where þe Haonai live
haoli ha.ɔ.li n. n. language of þe Haonai
haonai ha.ɔ.na.i n. n. people who live in hao
har har n. m. possession, possessive, possessively ablaut plural
hara ha.ra n. m. upper arm, shoulder
harge har.gɛ v. to have, to possess
harro har.rɔ n. n. nonpossession
hat hat n. m. tomb, entombment, closed in, preserved ablaut plural
haul ha.œl n. m. symmetric, equal, equality, symmetry
haulelheg ha.œl.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make symmetrical, to make equal, equalize
haulro ha.œl.rɔ n. n. inequality, unsymmetrical
hescad hɛs.ʃad n. m. bad person, ruffian, brute, villain
hid hid n. n. slow, slowly, sloþ
hidelheg hid.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to slow, to make slow
hirinh hi.riŋ n. m. day/night cycle
ho n. n. snowflake, snow, time of snow ablaut plural
horo hɔ.rɔ n. n. grooviness, groove, groovy
horoig hɔ.rɔ.ig v. to be groovy
impa im.pa n. m. circle
isat i.sat n. m. self, selfish, selfishly
isatro i.sat.rɔ n. n. selflessness, selfless
jaf jaf n. m. gut, stomach
jaffu jaf.fœ adj. able to be choked on
jaffuro jaf.fœ.rɔ adj. not able to be choked on
jafge jaf.gɛ v. to choke, to cough
jafvaste jaf.vas.tɛ adj. gutteral
jalga jal.ga n. m. foot
jam jam n. f. simple, easlily, simplicity, simply
jamro jam.rɔ n. n. complexity, complex, complexly
jataf ja.taf n. m. affirmative, affirmatively, affirmativeness
jatafge ja.taf.gɛ v. to confirm
jiho ji.hɔ n. n. skin
jihoig ji.hɔ.ig v. to touch
jon jɔn n. n. existence
jonig jɔn.ig v. to exist
jonro jɔn.rɔ n. n. nonexistence
joo jɔː n. n. night
juksed jœk.sɛd n. f. hair
juksedeg jœk.sɛd.ɛg v. to hide
juvanh jœ.vaŋ n. m. language, linguistic, linguistically, speech
juvanhge jœ.vaŋ.gɛ v. to speak
juvanhro jœ.vaŋ.rɔ n. n. gibberish, non-language
kafatge ka.fat.gɛ n. f. yearning, yearnful, wantingly
kafatge ka.fat.gɛ v. to yearn, to want
kafatroig ka.fat.rœ.ig n. n. indifference, unwanting, unwantingly, non-yearnful
kafatroig ka.fat.rœ.ig v. to be indifferent
kafta kaf.ta n. m. falling, fallen, dead, death
kaftaelheg kaf.ta.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to kill, to make dead
kaftage kaf.ta.gɛ v. to have fallen, to be dead
karid ka.rid n. n. desire, lust, lustfuly, lustful
karidig ka.rid.ig v. to lust, to desire
kel kɛl n. f. back of tongue, uvula
keleg kɛl.ɛg v. to taste, to savor
kil kil n. n. hidden, covering, inconspicuously
kilelheg kil.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make cover
kina ki.na n. m. forearm
kes kɛs n. f. female cat, cat (general)
kiva ki.va n. m. stone, rock, rocky, solid, steadfast
kok kɔk n. f. all, every, always, everything, constant
kokeg kɔk.ɛg v. to continue, to be constant
kokro kɔk.rɔ n. n. inconsistent
kom kɔm n. f. female dog, dog (general), canine, doggedly
komi kɔ.mi n. n. triangle
kor kɔr n. n. ear
korig kɔr.ig v. to listen
kuj kœj n. m. shape, form
kujlejeg kœj.lɛ.jɛg v. to give form, to give shape
kuk kœk n. f. place, where ablaut plural
kumh kœb n. f. hotness, hot, hotly
kun kœn n. m. honor, honorable, honoringly, respect, respectful, respectfully
kunge kœn.gɛ v. to be honorable
kunlejeg kœn.lɛ.jɛg v. to honor, to give respect
kunro kœn.rɔ n. n. dishonorable, dishonor, disrespectful, disrespect
laþ laθ n. n. presence
nuasag nœ.as.ag v. to fly, to flap wings
latna lat.na n. m. hearing, audible, audibly
latnage lat.na.gɛ v. to hear
latnaro lat.na.rɔ adj. inaudible
latnaujneeg lat.na.œj.nɛːg v. to have hearing
lau la.œ n. m. hand
lauge la.œ.gɛ v. to hold
lauhamh la.œ.hab n. f. fingernail
leka lɛ.ka n. m. jaw, chin
lekage lɛ.ka.gɛ v. to chew
lhas ɬas n. m. food, sustinence, nourishment
lheveg ɬɛv.ɛg v. to direct towards
lhevvoghig ɬɛv.vɔɣ.ig n. n. en route, bound
lik lik n. n. dirt, ground, stable, dirty
likeg lik.ɛg v. to be stable, to be grounded
likelheg lik.ɛ.ɬɛg v. bury, to plant, to ground
liknoage lik.nɔ.a.gɛ v. to be dirty, to be like dirt
likro lik.rɔ n. n. unstable, instability
lip lip n. f. untrust due to fear
lipro lip.rɔ n. n. trust due to fear
lipig lip.ig v. to be afraid, to not trust for fear
liv liv n. n. sand, sandy, roughly
liveg liv.ɛg v. to be rough
livelheg liv.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make rough
livro liv.rɔ n. n. non-sandy, non-rough, smooþ, smooþly
loik lɔ.ik n. f. a cut
loikig lɔ.ik.ig v. to cut
luk lœk n. f. animal, critter positive connotation
lumi lœ.mi n. n. lower eyelid
lumiig lœ.miːg v. to wink
mag mag n. m. stomach, torso, waist
mal mal n. m. small, shrinked
malað otasa mal.að ɔ.ta.sa n. m. eyelash
malelheg mal.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make small, to shrink
malge mal.gɛ v. to be small
mar mar n. m. number, numbered, count, numeric, numerically
marlejeg mar.lɛ.jɛg v. to count, to give number
megeg mɛg.ɛg v. to go [away]
mhi βi n. n. city, civilization, civilized
mhielheg βi.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to civilize
mhiig βiːg v. to be civilized
mhinen βi.nɛn n. f. nirvana, ultimate afterlife
mhiro βi.rɔ n. n. uncivilization, uncivilized, unsettled land, wild, wilderness
mig βig n. n. fast, quickly, haste
migelheg mig.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make fast, to make quick
migig mig.ig v. to be fast
min min n. n. past, before, in þe past, not current, old
minelheg min.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make old, to age
minig min.ig v. to be old
minro min.rɔ n. n. non-old, young
mita- mi.ta n. m. void, nothing, not, empty, null
mitat- mi.tat n. m. void, nothing, not, empty, null
mitaldus mit.al.dœs n. m. betrayal, betrayingly, betraying
mitaldusge mit.al.dœs.gɛ v. to betray
mitaldusþen mit.al.dœs.θɛn n. f. traitor, trecherous, trechery
mitatge mi.tat.gɛ v. to void, to empty, to null
mosol mɔ.sɔl n. n. smile
muuta mœː.ta n. m. change, alternative
muutage mœː.ta.gɛ v. to change, to flip, to alternate
muutaro mœː.ta.rɔ n. n. non-change, non-alternative, unchanging
nag nag n. m. vision, vigilant, vigilantly
nagfuge nag.fœ.gɛ v. being able to see [truth], knowledge of good and the lack thereof, to know
nagge nag.gɛ v. to see
nagro nag.rɔ n. n. blindness, non-sight, non-vigilant
nagujneeg na.gœj.nɛːg v. to have sight
nalak na.lak n. f. hunger, hungry, hungrily
nalakeg na.lak.ɛg v. to hunger, to be hungry
nalakro na.lak.rɔ n. n. non-hunger
nen nɛn n. f. woman, human general term
nhar ŋar n. m. thirst, thirsty, thirstily
nharge ŋar.gɛ v. to be thirsty, to thirst
nharro ŋar.rɔ n. n. non-thirst
nianjeg ni.aɲ.ɛg v. to intimidate
nit nit n. n. now, present, presently, current
ok ɔk n. f. right, south
osuv ɔ.sœv n. m. happiness, happy, joyous, joy, merriment, merry
osuvge ɔ.sœv.gɛ v. to be happy, to be joyous, to be merry
otasa ɔ.ta.sa n. m. eyelash, eyebrow
pah pah n. m. bad, evil, injustice
pakalan pa.ka.lan n. m. still, motionless, lazy, lazily, stillness
pakalange pa.ka.lan.gɛ v. to be still, to be lazy, to not work
pakalanro pa.ka.lan.rɔ n. n. unstill, in motion, non-lazy, non-lazily, active, activeness
pav pav n. m. day
peah pɛ.ah n. m. head
pek pɛk n. f. life, organism, biological, biologically
pekeg pɛk.ɛg v. to live, to be alive
pik pik adj. oblong, stretched
pikimpa pi.kim.pa n. m. oval, oblong circle
piktor pik.tɔr n. n. rectangle, oblong square
pil pil n. n. cloud
pinh piŋ n. m. mediocore, mediocraty, medicraticly, bland, blandly, boringly
pinhge piŋ.gɛ v. to be boring, to be bland
pinhro piŋ.rɔ n. n. interesting, interestingly
pit pit n. n. elegant, elegantly, elegantness
pit pit n. n. long, longly, longness, longlasting
pitelheg pit.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make proper, to make elegant
pitig pit.ig v. to last
puf pœf n. m. song, music
pufelheg pœf.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make song, to make music
puol pœ.ɔl n. n. side, edge
ras ras n. m. common, commonly, commonality
raselheg ras.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make common, to normalize
rasro ras.rɔ n. n. uncommon, rare, rarely
res rɛs n. f. fraction, part, partial, fractional, partially, divisional, division
reseg rɛs.ɛg v. to be divided, to be fractured
reselheg rɛs.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make fractured, to divide, to break
resro rɛs.rɔ n. n. undividedness, undivided, unfractured
rhiadiakalumaliþaloasiðia rʰi.a.di.a.ka.lu.ma.li.θa.lo.a.si.ði.a n. m. supercalafragalisticexpialidocious
rov rɔv n. n. shortness, short, shortly
ruagage rœ.a.ga.gɛ v. to watch oneself
ruajatge rœ.a.jat.gɛ v. to analyze oneself
rualdusge rœ.al.dœs.gɛ v. to have confidence in oneself
rughapeg rœ.ɣap.ɛg v. to direct away from oneself
ruhaulelheg rœ.ha.œl.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make oneself equal
rujafge rœ.jaf.gɛ v. to choke oneself
rujatafge rœ.ja.taf.gɛ v. to confirm oneself, to justify oneself
rujihoig rœ.ji.hɔ.ig v. to touch oneself
rujuksedeg rœ.jœk.sɛd.ɛg v. to hide oneself
rujuvanhge rœ.jœ.vaŋ.gɛ v. to talk to oneself, to reflect to oneself
rukaftaelheg rœ.kaf.ta.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to commit suicide
rukokeg rœ.kɔk.ɛg v. to be true to oneself
rukorig rœ.kɔr.ig v. to listen to oneself
rukujlejeg rœ.kœj.lɛ.jɛg v. to form oneself, to make one’s identity
rukunujneeg rœ.kœ.nœj.nɛːg v. to have self respect
rulheveg rœ.ɬɛv.ɛg v. to direct towards oneself
ruliveg rœ.liv.ɛg v. to be rough to oneself
rumheg rœβ.ɛg v. to take, to steal specifically: what is not offered without being known, negative connotation
run rœn n. m. art, passion, artistic, passionate, passionately
runge rœn.gɛ v. to be passionate, to be artistic
runro rœn.rɔ n. n. unpassionate, nonartistic, non-passion
sad sad n. m. raindrop, rain, time of raining
caka ʃa.ka n. m. beard, beard hair, mustache
sarið sa.rið n. n. war, fighting, violence, argument, fight, arguing
sariðig sa.rið.ig v. to fight, to war, to argue
sacal sa.ʃal n. m. beast, animal negative connotation
sasal sa.sal n. m. clear, unhindered, open, openly, clearly, openness, clearness, transparency
sasalelheg sa.sal.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to make transparent, to clear, to open
sasalge sa.sa.l.gɛ v. to be clear, to be open
cem ʃɛm n. f. upper eyelid
cemeg ʃɛm.ɛg v. to blink
serov sɛ.rɔv n. n. bottom lip
siid siːd n. n. silk, fine cloth
coa ʃɔ.a n. m. cylinder
corak ʃɔ.rak n. f. cheek, face
corakeg ʃɔ.rak.ɛg v. to face
su n. m. mouth
suge sœ.gɛ v. to kiss
cuk ʃœk n. f. to be closed, hindered, hinderance, closed, closedness
taf taf n. m. tongue, tip of tongue
tafge taf.gɛ v. to lick, to taste lightly
tak tak n. f. behind, ward, west
takpuol tak.pœ.ɔl n. n. back side, back, back of body
tamhoj ta.βɔj n. n. cone
tanac ta.naʃ n. n. council, to council, counceling
tanul ta.nœl n. m. study, research
tanulge ta.nœl.gɛ v. to study, to research
tap tap n. f. fleck, speck
tares ta.rɛs n. f. romantic companion
tatur ta.tœr n. m. form, style, styled, formed, to make, stylish, formly
tavas ta.vas n. m. sky
terves tɛr.vɛs n. f. health
terveseg tɛr.vɛs.ɛg v. to be healthy
þurke θœr.kɛ n. f. dry, dryness, desert
tirun ti.rœn n. m. nose
tirunge ti.rœn.gɛ v. to sniff
tista tis.ta adj. pure, purely
tistaro tis.ta.rɔ adj. unpure
tistavogh tis.ta.vɔɣ n. n. þe sate of being pure, purity
tor tɔr n. n. square
tos tɔs n. n. front, forward, east
tul tœl n. m. wind, windy
tulge tœl.gɛ v. to come
tulik tœ.lik n. f. future, after, futuristic
tunen tœ.nɛn n. f. emotion, emotional, emotionally
tunenro tœ.nɛn.rɔ n. n. non-emotion, emotionless, unemotional, unemotionally
tunh tœŋ n. m. moon
tunhkafta tœŋ.kaf.ta n. m. moonfall, sunrise
tununge tœ.nœn.gɛ v. to be emotional
tununlejeg tœ.nœn.lɛ.jɛg v. to give emotion, to show emotion
ugras œg.ras n. m. a large gap
ugrasge œg.ras.gɛ v. to jump, to leap
uko œ.kɔ n. n. thunder, lightning, lightning bolt, thunderstorm
usi œ.si n. n. repeat, repetition, repeatedly, repetitive, meter
uson œ.sɔn n. n. build, order, structure, building, structured, ordered, orderly
usonelheg œ.sɔn.ɛ.ɬɛg v. to build, to make order, to build structure
vajin va.jin n. n. just, good, correct, correctly, justice
vajinig va.jin.ig v. to be just, to be good, to be correct
vajinro va.jin.rɔ n. n. unjust, injustice, incorrect
vareteg va.rɛt.ɛg v. to take, to steal specifically: what is not offered, negative connotation
varvas var.vas n. m. appendage, phalange
varvasaðjalga var.va.sað.jal.ga n. m. toe
varvasaðlau var.va.sað.la.œ n. m. finger
vatas va.tas n. m. generic body of water
vehka vɛh.ka n. m. good person, saint, hero
vel vɛl n. f. sister ablaut plural
vemaaga vɛ.maː.ga n. m. cornea
vemajuksedude vɛ.ma.juk.sɛ.dœ.dɛ n. f. white-haired person
vemaude vɛ.ma.œ.dɛ n. f. albino
vemkiva vɛ.ma.ki.va n. m. marble, whiterock
vecig vɛʃ.ig v. to take specifically: what is offered, positive connotation
vinu vi.nœ n. m. companion, friend
vor vɔr n. n. top lip ablaut plural
vul vœl n. m. brother ablaut plural
vuloikig vœ.lɔ.ik.ig v. to cut oneself