
Revision as of 23:06, 9 February 2018 by IlL (talk | contribs)


Qazhrian (/kɑːʒriən/ KAHZH-ree-uhn; natively: Qazhrem /ˈqaʒrem/ or gje Lazhrem /ɟe ˈʟaʒrem/) is a Talmic language spoken in Qazhra (from Thensarian Ȝactrasē), a Talman country. It is descended from Thensarian.

External history

This language was originally called Benocian and was Romance- and Ashkenazi Hebrew-inspired, and it had a strong Portuguese flavor. Recently I decided to rework it, basing the aesthetic more on Albanian and Breton.


  • Breton-ish but not too gibby. Get more palatal consonants.
  • /ts, dz/ from Thensarian /θ ð/
    • or > /š ž/?
    • d and dz both lenite to z
  • /q/ lenites intervocallically to /ʟ/
  • /m/ does NOT lenite.


  • i ī u ū e o ē ō a ā e ae ao ei eo iu oe ui > i e ou u ë o ō ē a ō ai au e ou u e



Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ nj /ɲ/ ng /ŋ/
Plosive voiceless p /p/ t /t/, c /ts/ kj /c/ k /k/ q /q/
voiced b /b/ d /d/, x /dz/ gj /ɟ/ g /g/
Fricative voiceless f /f/ s /s/ sh /ʃ/ c'h /x/ ħ /χ/ h /h/
voiced v /v/ z /z/ zh /ʒ/ gh /ɣ/
Liquid r /ɾ/, rr /r/ l /ɴ̆~ʟ/
Approximant w /w/ y /j/

p, f are found in loanwords (e.g. from Clofabic and Windermere).

Auslautverhärtung operates for plosives and is reflected in the orthography.


Front Central Back
Close i /i/ u /y/ ou /u/
Close-mid e /e/ ë /ə/ o /o/
Open-mid ē /ɛ/ ō /ɔ/
Open a /a/

Diphthongs: ai au /əi əu/; ië uë ouë /iə yə uə/ from loans



Qazhrian has three types of mutations: soft, nasal, and hard.

Radical p f t c s sh kj k q ħ b d x z gj g
Soft b f d x s sh gj g l ħ v zj z z y gh
Nasal p f t c s sh kj k l ħ m n x z nj ng
Hard p f sj s c kj kj c'h ħ ħ p t c s kj k
Radical m n nj w l rr y
Soft v n nj w l r y
Nasal m n nj w l rr y
Hard m n nj gw gl gr gj


  • The definite article triggers soft mutation.
  • The relativizer re triggers nasal mutation.


Qazhrian lost grammatical gender and all nominal inflections except number and construct state.

There is no indefinite article. The definite article is gje (< φinom), and it triggers the soft mutation:

  • tëzh 'a child'; gje dëzh 'the child'
  • rronn 'a man'; gje ronn 'the man'
  • kavër 'a woman'; gje gavër 'the woman'

Construct state is usually formed with :

  • tëzhë gje ront 'the man's child'


There are finite verbs, but auxiliaries are also important
