Tsimulh languages

Revision as of 21:26, 18 February 2018 by IlL (talk | contribs) (→‎Morphology)

Tsimulh languages/Lexicon

The Tsimulh languages are a Trician language family mainly spoken in Txapoalli. The proto-language is Proto-Tsimulh, which is inspired by Tlingit and the Salish languages.


  • -s: past tense, genitive
  • -σi
  • t-...-t for abstract nouns
  • -iyad = augmentative
  • Reduplication
  • relativizer/relative forms for verbs



Somewhere in Txapoalli



Tsimulh syllables are less complex than Salish but more so than Tlingit. CC clusters, including initial CC- clusters were allowed.


A lot of consonants, but no liquids!

Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
central lateral plain labialized plain labialized
Nasal m n
Stop plain p t k q ʔ
voiced b d g ḡʷ
ejective kʷʼ qʷʼ
Affricate plain c ξ č
voiced z ž
ejective ξʼ čʼ
Fricative s σ š x χ χʷ h
Approximant y w


i ü u e ə o a /i y u e ə o a/





Noun classes

PTsN had 13 noun classes:

  1. bu- = animates
  2. ʔəσ-
  3. p-
  4. s-
  5. ut-
  6. ma-
  7. č-
  8. gu-
  9. σi-
  10. sə-
  11. t-
  12. t’em-
  13. pσa-


  • Nominative: -0
  • Genitive: -s


Noun class prefixes

  • I = kʷə-
  • you (sg) = xʷə-
  • he = ʔə-
  • we = wə-
  • you (pl) = cə-
  • Noun class prefixes:
    1. bu-, pl. cu-
    2. ʔəσ-, pl. lə-
    3. p-, pl. əpi-
    4. s-, pl. yuš-
    5. ut-, pl. pσə-
    6. ma-, pl. əwə-
    7. č-, pl. abi-
    8. gu-, pl. d-
    9. σi-, pl. wi-
    10. sə-, pl. dus-
    11. t-, no plural
    12. t’em-, no plural
    13. pda- (common for abstract nouns), no plural

Tense affixes

-s - past tense