The Chlouvānem people have a naming tradition which strongly reflects the traditional matrilinear society and the fact that names come from a variety of sources, due to the Chlouvānem people having absorbed many other different cultures and their names being kept, sometimes regionally in the territories of the Inquisition, some other times nationwide.

All names are adapted into their language, and follow its phonological rules and nominal declensions.

Chlouvānem names are made by three different parts: the matronymic (in Chl. nāḍimāvi), the surname (lelyēmihaloe), and one or more personal (or given) names (lilahaloe, pl. lilahalenī— commonly just haloe/halenī). This is the standard for people everywhere in the Inquisition, but note that ethnic Bazá people from Tūnambasā diocese may also be called with the standard names for the Bazá people; anyway in the last two decades the Chlouvānem standard has grown from being used by 25% to 93% of all Bazá people living in Tūnambasā diocese; titular ethnicities in other ethnic dioceses follow the Chlouvānem standard.
All people, everywhere in the Inquisition, also have an unofficial but commonly used informal name (laltihaloe).

The standard format is matronymic - surname - personal name(s) ; the latter are usually romanized in italic in order to better distinguish them.

Matronymics (nāḍimāvīye)

The matronymic or nāḍimāvi (from nāḍima, honorific word for "mother") are always the first part of the name and are also the simplest to form, by adding -āvi to the mother's (first) given name. For example, the children of a woman named Līṭhaljāyim will all have the matronymic Līṭhaljāyimāvi.

A few names have particular matronymics:

  • Martayinām (and other rarer names compounds of -yinām) has Martayināvi
  • Nouns in make their matronymic in -yāvi, e.g. LairēLairyāvi
  • Nouns in -ca or -cha make their matronymic in -šāvi, e.g. LañekaicaLañekaišāvi
  • The common name Bandyē has Bandityāvi.
  • Lākhnī keeps the ī but shortened and therefore has Lākhniyāvi.

Surnames (lelyēmihalenī)

The surname or lelyēmihaloe (from lelyēmita "family", and haloe "name") is of newer formation when compared to the matronymic, especially in rural areas. Chlouvānem people have a huge number of surnames, and there are different possible origins. The commonly accepted proportion of Chlouvānem surnames is that about 50% of them are matronymical; 30% are toponymic; 10% are occupational; 6% are cognominal, and the rest are either clan names from other civilizations or of unknown origin (most probably either clan or given names from Chlouvānemized peoples).

Surnames derived from a given name

Chlouvānem surnames derived from a given name are almost invariably matronymical. They may be formed with the following suffixes (mostly listed in order of commonness); note that the root name may also be (and often is) currently unused, regional (i.e. from a non-Chlouvānem language), vernacular (i.e. from a Chlouvānem-descended language), or even the diminutive of a given name:

  • -(y)æša (♂MAR -(y)ærās, ♂UNM -(y)æmīs) and -(y)æha (♂MAR -(y)ąrās, ♂UNM -(y)ąmīs): among the most common surname-forming suffixes. Examples include Lænkæša, Chilmukæha, Daleyæša, Lūmāvæha, Nīmulyæša, Nilāmyæša, Tainæha, Hilviyæša.
  • -nāri and -nārų (invariable): originally the genitive and the ablative of the otherwise obsolete collective suffix -nāras - therefore meaning respectively "of the descent of..." and "from the descent of...". Also extremely common, e.g. Taupanāri, Hānyunāri, Dēleninārų, Håneināri, Namihūnāri, Nājalanāri, Šulaghṇārų.
  • -i or or -ei (invariable): simply the genitive form of a noun; e.g. Lairī, Lārti, Hånei, Dalaigani, Mæmihūmei. They are often not even declined.
  • -(i)bayeh (♂MAR -(i)bairās, ♂UNM -(i)bemīs) — e.g. Naišibayeh, Bandimbayeh, Šulamibayeh, Laukimbayeh, Nainibayeh.
  • -haidī (invariable): originally the genitive of a compound form with name + haidā ("clan"); especially from the Eastern Plain, but now spread nationwide, e.g. Mirayuhaidī, Darvaṃhaidī, Ħārjahaidī, Dānehaidī, Buyāṃhaidī.
  • -ga (invariable): a suffixed form of the appositive particle (that formerly also had a genitive meaning): e.g. Chališirelga, Dānega, Jādāga, Lārtaga.
  • -(i)taisa (♂MAR -(i)tairās, ♂UNM -(i)tamīs) — e.g. Hūmeitaisa, Kæltaisa, Læšitaisa, Hālitaisa.

Occupational surnames

Occupational surnames, being originally more informal than matronymic-derived ones, often trace their origins to non-Chlouvānem local languages. Most commonly they end in -i or -ga (or are prefixed with ga-) if they refer to a workplace, in -a otherwise. Examples include:

  • Bhiti, Vaihati, Vihalga, Vīyati, Bīyati, Gavīta, Gabīhata, Bīyā — all ultimately from the Chlouvānem root vīhatam (farm).
  • Andūra, Ndā, Ndarī, Andīra, Gāndārīn — from andṛ- (to build) or andarīn (builder)
  • Jarin, Yarei, Jariga, Yarga (← yaryīn (brewer)); Lālta, Lānda, Lālga (← lālta (guardian)); Murdhāga, Dhāna (← Murkadhāna (inquisitor)).

Some occupational surnames are derived from tools or materials, either in direct case - e.g. Kumis (bamboo), Ṣāṭas (sword) - or from the genitive - e.g. Ṣāṭi, Dhābrami (← dhābram (hammer)).

In some cases, occupational surnames have been later extended with marriage-variable suffixes, so that forms such as Bhityæša or Ṣāṭibayeh may be found.

Toponymic surnames

Toponymic surnames are mostly derived from small places and usually end either in -i (the genitive form) or -(y)ai, rarely with -ųu. Examples include, from common nouns, Jāṇyai, Jāṇųu, Amašai, Hali, Paɂītiai; from proper nouns, Kahašai, Pārindālyai, Nurħalini, Kārṣamūli.

Other surnames

Other surnames include cognominal ones (Māhāmanta "long nose", Tilipāram (← taili pārās "much hair")), Toyubeshian clan names - especially common among people from the East (e.g. Yatakoma, Līkāntām, Putahira, Tandalara, Kašiyota, Yotamyutsu), and other surnames whose origin is disputed, probably from former given names of other areas, especially from the South (e.g. Nāɂahilūma, Ñahanimeh, Hunipaira, Lameihaljheh).

As with all other types of surnames, they also may have marriage-variable suffixes added, as e.g. in Līkāntāmæha or Putahiræša.

Variable and invariable surnames

Chlouvānem surnames, regardless of origin, may be variable or invariable, with about 55% of people having a variable surname.

Variable surnames have three forms: one for all women in the family, one for married men, and one for unmarried men.

While typically it is the matronymic-derived surnames (and sometimes the placename-derived ones) that are variable, these suffixes have also been applied to other kinds of surnames - an example being the late singer-songwriter Lālašvātyāvi Kāmilñaryāh Turabayān, whose unmarried surname was Kašahitræmīs (his mother was called Šulegāvi Kašahitræša Lālašvāti), of clear Toyubeshian origin (cf. the existing, invariable modern surnames Kašahitah and Kašahitra).

In most areas of the Inquisition, men take their wife's surname (in the married male form, if variable) when they marry - so for example a hypothetical Martayināvi Lantakæmīs Kāltarvān who marries the hypothetical Namihūlšāvi Hulyāyæša Lairē will be known as Martayināvi Hulyāyærās Kāltarvān after marrying. Their son Dalaigin's full name will be Lairyāvi Hulyāyæmīs Dalaigin.

In some places, this is not the case, and the husband keeps his birth surname, but if it is variable, it will shift to the married form anyway.

Non-binary people get the option to choose either form, but once chosen it can't be changed without a long bureaucratic process.

Birth surnames of married people, if needed to be cited (such as, for example, in encyclopaedical entries), are listed after all names and followed by gṇyauyų (ablative case of gṇyauya, birth), often shortened to gṇų; taking the previous example it would be Martayināvi Hulyāyærās Kāltarvān, Lantakæmīs gṇyauyų.

Personal names (lilahalenī)

Chlouvānem personal names (lilahaloe, from lila "person" and haloe "name") have a large variety of origins.

Names inherited by the Proto-Lahob culture, or the earliest Chlouvānem names, are usually made by two elements compounded together (a kind of bahuvrihi compound), like for example the male names Gāṇakvyāta "steel hero" or Hånisrajñās "friend of toucans", or the female ones Martayinām "city protector" or Ñaiṭasamin "star child". There are also names made by a single Chlouvānem word, like Lairē "sky", Yānāh “innocence” (both female) or Hånia "toucan" (unisex but mostly female).

Anyway, possibly the majority of nationwide Chlouvānem names are not inherited from Proto-Lahob, but originally from cultures of the central Nīmbaṇḍhāra plain in prehistoric times, many without a known meaning. Such names include for example the female Hæniląuya and Namihūlša or the male Lælicham and Nūkthalin. Other names with a known origin are for example the female Kūldendēla or Naryekaiṣa and the male Kāltarvān or Kāljivaṃṣān, all of Ancient Yodhvāyi origin (once spoken in the current-day dioceses of Ajāƾiljaiṭa and Yodhvāya). A few nationwide given names also have Lällshag or other origins, but they're much rarer.

This is part of a pattern that sees most male nouns being grammatically of lotus gender and most female ones of the parrot one. Only a few nouns are unisex, for example Kailnenya (though female in the vast majority of cases), Terintān, or those ones formed with unisex names, like all of those with -samin (child). -likā or -mitā are typically used to form female names from male ones, while male ones are formed by removing the final -a of a female name (if possible) and adding -gin. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule.

Many areas of the Inquisition also have their own "local" names, taken from pre-Chlouvānem local languages; this is particularly common in the East with Toyubeshian names, which often spread outside that area. Special mention also for the Dabuke female names Amabu and Nīmulšāmi, which have spread outside the local area and are commonly given nationwide.

Most common given names at the 6422 census

The 6422 (387212) Inquisitorial census found these names as the most common among the population of the Chlouvānem Inquisition.

Female names:

  1. Hamilǣṣṇa
  2. Lairē
  3. Namihūlša
  4. Lūṣya
  5. Lilemāvya
  6. Mæmihūmya
  7. Martayinām
  8. Læhimausa
  9. Kalyahīṃsa
  10. Amabu

Male names:

  1. Kāltarvān
  2. Dalaigin
  3. Bhārmatah
  4. Khālbayān
  5. Kāljivaṃṣān
  6. Darkhām
  7. Ārṣam
  8. Jalgudām
  9. Hūlamastān
  10. Mūñcangām

Common given names and their meanings

Female names

Name Origin Meaning Notes
Amabu Eastern Dabuke beauty
Bālagudāya Ancient Yodhvāši (variant of Bālagudām)
Bandyē Old Cambhaugrāyi beauty of the wind
Barhāma Tamukāyi sunlight
Bhārmamitā Chlouvānem lion (variant of Bhārmatah)
Bradhma Ancient Kāṃradeši pearl
Buyāna Ancient Kāṃradeši daughter
Chališiroe Old Cambhaugrāyi sage word, (s)he who gives advice Unisex
Chilamulka Ancient Yodhvāši good foot
Chlamijenyū Chlouvānem golden flower
Chlǣvešāh Chlouvānem from chluvaikā (wealth), probably merged with chlǣcæm (better)
Chlærmitūh Chlouvānem body of light
Dāgnabhrāni (female version of Dāgnabhrām)
Dalaigana Ancient Kāṃradeši (probably derived from Dalaigin)
Dāneh unknown (Chlouvānem?[1])
Daryāmitā Ancient Yodhvāši strong woman
Dēlenitā Ancient Yodhvāši leading woman
Dulmaidana Ancient Kāṃradeši (probably derived from Dulmadin)
Hālyehaika Anc.Yodhvāši/unknown hāly- from Anc. Yodhvāši for "reflection"; -haika unknown
Hālyehulca Anc.Yodhvāši/unknown (post-classical corruption of Hālyehaika)
Halinækha unknown
Hamilǣṣṇa unknown
Hānihæmma Ancient Yodhvāši strong reflection
Hānimausa Ancient Yodhvāši beautiful reflection
Hilvarjayā Ancient Namaikehi (variant of Hilvarghom)
Hulāblenīn Chlouvānem (s)he who makes good choices Unisex
Hulyāchlærim Chlouvānem moonlight
Hælahaika Anc.Yodhvāši/unknown (variant of Hālyehaika)
Hæliyǣša unknown
Hæniląuya unknown
Hånya Chlouvānem toucan Unisex
Hånilikā Chlouvānem toucan (variant of Hånya)
Jādāh Archaic Chlouvānem wealth(y)
Janighālah Ancient Namaikehi brave Unisex
Jauhækūmi unknown
Julūmausa Ancient Yodhvāši beautiful gold
Jæhimīnta Aṣasṝkhami sage
Kailemūrṣa Tamukāyi she whose courage is told
Kailnenya Chlouvānem pure soul
Kalyahīṃsa Tamukāyi gifted of courage
Kānyahǣṣa unknown
Kūldendēla Ancient Yodhvāši beautiful flower
Kælidañca Ancient Yodhvāši great joy
Lajñē Archaic Chlouvānem caregiver
Lākhnī unknown, probably Near Eastern
Lairē Chlouvānem sky, air
Lanaijunyā Chlouvānem island flower
Lañekaica Ancient Yodhvāši (variant of Lañikaiṣa)
Lañemulka Ancient Yodhvāši (variant of Lañimulca)
Lañikaiṣa Ancient Yodhvāši blessed hand
Lañimulca Ancient Yodhvāši good hand
Lārta unknown
Lāyašvāti unknown, probably Near Eastern
Liptraišī (female version of Liptrantas)
Lileikhura unknown
Lilemāvya Laiputaši shy [but/and] brave
Līnænulyah unknown
Lūṣya Lällshag she will lead
Læhimausa Tamukāyi ray of light
Maibeh Eastern Dabuke/Chlouvānem archaic diminutive of Amabu
Mailhomma Chlouvānem water pearl
Mambapinga Eastern Dabuke the beautiful one
Mamyeh Eastern Dabuke/Chlouvānem archaic diminutive of Amabu
Martayinām Chlouvānem city protector (historically unisex)
Mæmihomah unknown (variant of Mæmihūmya)
Mæmihūmya unknown (possibly Laiputaši)
Mæmijaiya unknown (possibly Laiputaši)
Mæmimausa unknown/Anc. Yodhvāši mæmi- unknown; -mausa from the Anc. Yodhvāši word for "beautiful"
Naina Old Cambhaugrāyi melodic
Naik​ā Ancient Yodhvāši song
Nājaldhīm Aṣasṝkhami bringer of happiness
Namihūlša Laiputaši ?
Naryejūram Ancient Yodhvāši woman of light
Naryekaiṣa Ancient Yodhvāši blessed woman
Naryekayah Ancient Yodhvāši (variant of Naryekaiṣa)
Naryekūrda Ancient Yodhvāši woman of flowers
Nilāmulka Laiputaši ?
Nimahullē Ancient Yodhvāši smile of the stars
Nīmulšāmi Eastern Dabuke the young one
Nonya Lällshag shimmer(ing)
Nukthælikā unknown (derived from Nukthalin)
Numminaiṣa Laiputaši or Tamukāyi
Ñaiṭasamin Chlouvānem star child Unisex
Ñælihaira Laiputaši ?
Pirkabhrāni (female version of Pirkabhrām)
Ṣastira Tamukāyi water fairy
Šulega Ancient Kāṃradeši happiness
Tainā Tamukāyi gem
Tālimausa unknown/Anc. Yodhvāši tāli- unknown; -mausa from the Anc. Yodhvāši word for "beautiful"
Vælvah Chlouvānem cloud Unisex (usually female)
Yānāh inherited from Proto-Lahob great purity
Yārachilgēn Ancient Yodhvāši[2] sky girl
Yunaira Tamukāyi good doing

Male names

Name Origin Meaning Notes
Ārṣan Tamukāyi strength of the hill(s)
Aubakī unknown, probably Western Unisex (most commonly male)
Bālagudām Ancient Yodhvāši long breath (= long life) Unisex (most commonly male)
Bhārahūlgin Chl. + Old Cambhaugrāyi bhāra- from Chl. bhārmatah (lion); -hūlgin Old Cmbh. for "man"
Bhārmatah Chlouvānem lion
Bradhmin Ancient Kāṃradeši (variant of Bradhma)
Braivaren Ancient Kāṃradeši carrying great hope
Chališiroe Old Cambhaugrāyi sage word, (s)he who gives advice Unisex
Chaukārī unknown Unisex (most commonly male)
Chīlgantāram Ancient Yodhvāši light foot
Dāgnabhrām unknown, probably Near Eastern
Dalaigin Ancient Kāṃradeši having light
Daṃdhigūlan Ancient Kāṃradeši blue star
Darkhām Ancient Yodhvāši strong
Dēlendarhām Ancient Yodhvāši strong leader
Dulmadin Ancient Kāṃradeši lucky, of a miracle
Egiljiṃhai Old Cambhaugrāyi bold, brave
Gāṇakvyāta Chlouvānem iron hero
Gārindelgīn Old Cambhaugrāyi good friend
Geñchīntāram Ancient Yodhvāši light blade
Halinurkam unknown (variant of Halinækha)
Hilvarghom Ancient Namaikehi famous warrior
Hulāblenīn Chlouvānem (s)he who makes good choices Unisex
Hūlamastān unknown
Hūrtalgān Ancient Yodhvāši man of gems
Hūyurhūlgin Old Cambhaugrāyi black man
Hånisrajñas Chlouvānem friend of toucans
Hånya Chlouvānem toucan Unisex
Hånigin Chlouvānem toucan (variant of Hånya)
Jalgudām Ancient Yodhvāši distant sight
Janighālah Ancient Namaikehi brave Unisex
Jardām Ancient Yodhvāši sight in the dark
Jīvardām Ancient Yodhvāši fighting word
Kāljivaṃṣān Ancient Yodhvāši sage man
Kāltarvān Ancient Yodhvāši painted man
Khālbayān Ancient Yodhvāši brown man
Khāltiṃhāgyan Old Cambhaugrāyi companion spirit
Klætsplyan unknown (probably from the Near East)
Kuretsupan Toyubeshian strong boy
Lāyašāgin (male version of Lāyašvāti)
Liptrantas unknown, probably Near Eastern
Lælicham unknown
Mūñcangām Ancient Yodhvāši warrior
Nūkthalin unknown
Ñaiṭasamin Chlouvānem star child Unisex
Pirkabhrām unknown, probably Near Eastern
Ṣastirvam Tamukāyi (variant of Ṣastira)
Ṣarṣilhāgyan Old Cambhaugrāyi hunting spirit
Ṣarṣilhūlgin Old Cambhaugrāyi hunting man
Švaragūlan Ancient Kāṃradeši star of the sea
Terintān Ancient Yodhvāši fast jump Unisex
Turabayān Ancient Yodhvāši brown step
Turgandām Ancient Yodhvāši step into the dark
Vælvah Chlouvānem cloud Unisex (usually female)
Yāmurtān Ancient Yodhvāši fast kick

Official adaptations of other languages' names

Names of foreign people, and foreigners that become Chlouvānem citizens, always get their name converted according to the official Chlouvānem equivalent; note, though, that this mostly applies to Western and Skyrdegan people. As most names from other cultures have no Chlouvānem equivalent but may have different forms depending on the language (cf. on Earth "John, Iōannēs, João..."), there is an Inquisitorial list of Chlouvānem equivalents for most common names. (Note that sometimes the common origin of two names was not recognized - for example Cerian Imúbánidu and Holenagic Hmiurvaisd [m̥ʲurjɛʃt] have the same origin, but correspond to adapted Chlouvānem Imūbāñjus and Mūryæṣṭas respectively, with Nivarese-derived Amuvranṣus making it a triplet.)

As for adapting feminine names, most often the -n ending common to most Evandorian languages is scrapped or augmented with an -a (rarely -i); on the contrary, -s or -s may be added to male names.

The Chlouvānem versions of those names are often taken from the Auralian, Cerian, Nordulaki, or Majo-Bankravian dialects spoken in the northwest of the Inquisition; sometimes, however, they have been created ad hoc by the Inquisitorial Office for the Language. Finally, a minority is adapted from Holenagic (like Paistre [ˈpaʃtrə] → Paṣṭras).

Skyrdagor vysk- [vu͡ɯʃk-] "servant of", a component of more than half of male given names in Skyrdegan societies, is usually rendered as ūṣk-.

Name Gender Corresponds to
Amuvranṣus Male Niv. Amubranšu
Dūrkirvas Male Evangelic Velken Dowrkriwo > Kal. Dourkřvo
Imbocas Male Cer. Imbóčo (Ísc. Imbóscios) Nrd. Imbaskeħ, Niv. Nèbokios (ANiv. Nēbaukios), Hol. Neboais
Imūbāñjus Male Cer. Imúbánidu, Bes. Imubbanxu, Nrd. Imurbaig
Khyukṣṭih Male Hol. Qyqshdir
Lātenas Male Cer. Ráteno, Bes. Erratteu (Ísc. Raltenus), Nrd. Ralti, Evangelic Velken Raltynjs > Kal. Ralčyn
Lyāni Female Cer. Leáni, Reáni; Nrd. Llany, Hol. Lian, Niv. Leān, Hel. Reàni
Lyūnocas Male Cer. Rúnóče, Nrd. Llinoit, Niv. Šynòtio (ANiv. Lhȳnautiōm), Evangelic Velken Ljynchrým > Kal. Ļyshým
Mūryæṣṭas Male Hol. Hmiurvaisd
Paṣṭras Male Cer. Pétéro, Bes. Pesteu, Nrd. Paxer, Niv. Pestéro, Hol. Paistre (Ísc., ANiv. Pestéros)
Ryasnas Male Niv. Rivàussos (ANiv. Rivaōsonos), Evangelic Velken Rjásons > Kal. Řáson
Tanūrēṣa Female Cer. Tanúréšen, Bes. Tanurexi
Vatsoṇḍus Male Hel. Huazontu
Yolkah Female Hol. Fiâlge, Niv. Fiòšikan (ANiv. Fiáulhikan)

Foreigners that become Chlouvānem citizens always have a matronymic added, and the same is usually done also for and by people who have business with the Chlouvānem-speaking world or are Yunyalīlti (as, for example, the incumbent Minister of Agriculture of Holenagika, Qyqshdir Hgoabein [ˈqyqsir ˈɣɔbeɲ] is usually referred to as Yolkāvi Gåbeña Khyukṣṭih). Other people are simply known by their Chlouvānemized names but without an added matronymic - like incumbent Cerian Prime Minister Pétéro Bafín is referred to as Bapīn Paṣṭras.

Countries of the former Kaiṣamā

In the former Kaiṣamā, and for people with ancestry in those areas living in the Chlouvānem Inquisition, rules are typically less strict as the names are usually adapted as it is in their language. [TBA]

In Bronic, Fathanic, and Qualdomelic names, matronymics are already a part of the name and the structure is similar to the Chlouvānem one, so that names are only adapted to Chlouvānem phonology - unless they are already of Chlouvānem origin - and reordered (both Qualdomelic and Brono-Fathanic names follow the structure given name + surname + (son/daughter of) + mother's name). Their matronymics are cognates: jamwhaʰ "son of" and jamhniʰ "daughter of" in Qualdomelic; eimoa (aemŏ) "son of" and emine (aemń) "daughter of" in Bronic (Fathanic).

For example, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Qualdomelic Communist Party, Răjultiq Mittuc jamhni Whăngeă, is known in Chlouvānem as Kvalyāvi Mittuka Rayultikah.

Many people in Brono, Fathan, and Qualdomailor have also adopted the Chlouvānem marriage-dependant suffixes and added them to their surnames: their forms are -(j)ẹš (♂MAR -(j)ẹrá, ♂UNM -(j)ẹmí) in Qualdomelic; -esy (♂MAR -era, ♂UNM -emi) in Bronic; -aeš (♂MAR -araš, ♂UNM -emiš) in Fathanic. The current President of the Republic of Brono, Memioamy Antisioanesy emine Taeane, has both a Chlouvānem origin name and a Chlouvānem variable surname, and therefore she is known in Chlouvānem sources as Tahæniyāvi Antišvanæša Mæmihomah. Her husband, Oarebato Antisioanera eimoa Tregeady, is referred to as Celyajāvi Antišvanærās Varebatu.

Informal names (laltihalenī)

The Chlouvānem informal name (laltihaloe, from lalteh (friend) and haloe (name)) is the form of the given name used in many particularly informal settings. As with all things informal in the Chlouvānem-speaking world, there is no uniform rule because they are deeply influenced by the local vernacular and, more often than not, they are never even used when speaking Chlouvānem as such kind of conversations may often be exclusively in the vernacular.
However, there is a simple pattern that can be used in order to derive pan-Inquisitiorial informal names from given names: either the first or the stressed syllable of the name is taken, with optional vowel changes (usually a to æ, æ and ai to e, e to i, and often o to either a or u), and for female informal names or -em for male ones. Female names often shift post-tonic velars, h, or s, to palatals.
As different syllables may be taken, there are even for this pattern different possibilities. Some examples (usually, the more common a name is and the more informal forms it has):

Martayinām [ˌmaˤ.ta.(j)iˈnaːm] → Mærī, Mætī, Matī, Næmī, Nāmī
Mæmihūmya [ˌmɛ.mʲiˈɦuː.mja] → Memī, Hūmī, Mæmī
Kælidañca [ˌkɛ.ɴ̆iˈdaɲ.c͡ɕa] → Kelī, Kælī, Dæñī, Dañī
Kāltarvān [ˌkaːɴ̆.taɐ̯ˈʋãː] → Kālem, Kælem, Vānem, Vænem, Kāltem
Khālbayān [ˌkʰaːɴ̆.baˈjãː] → Khælem, Khālem, Yænem, Yānem
Læhimausa [ˌɴ̆ɛ.ɦiˈmaʊ̯.sa] → Læšī, Læhī, Lešī, Maušī, Mūšī, Mūsī

Using names

→ See also: Chlouvānem morphology § Honorific titles

Chlouvānem names are rarely used alone: they are most often coupled with some kind of honorific. There is a so-called "politeness scale" for their use:

1. When speaking to someone:

  • All three parts of the name are used alone in roll calls exclusively;
  • The most polite form is to use the appropriate honorific title or formula plus the honorifics yamei and lāma, all applied to matronymic and given name; e.g. Martayināvi yamei murkadhāna Læhimausa lāma (something like Respectable Inquisitor, Ms. Læhimausa, daughter of Martayinām). This form is usually used at the beginning of a conversation, as subsequently the norm is to use a shorter form - in this case either yamei murkadhāna or yamei Læhimausa lāma;
  • The usual polite form is simply given name plus lāma (or any other appropriate title, like e.g. kauchlærīn (professor), or suntam, tanta, lallāmaha...); e.g. Læhimausa lāma (Ms. Læhimausa), Læhimausa kauchlærī (Professor Læhimausa);
  • Using any of the three parts alone (usually the name) is a moderately colloquial form, usually used between colleagues or friends with a moderate degree of acquaintance. Even between colleagues of the same age this is somewhat rude if they do not each other much, and in that case tanta or lāma should be used;
  • The informal name is the form used by close friends, by siblings, partners, and towards all family members of a younger generation. It is however generally rude to use any kind of personal name towards an older family member, or a non-sibling of the same generation (brothers/sisters-in-law, unless they are close friends).

2. When speaking of someone:

  • If the listener is likely to not know who the person spoken of is, the full three parts of the name are used (but sometimes the surname is omitted), usually with yamei, a title (lāma, tanta, suntam), and usually the profession too (e.g. Martayināvi yamei murkadhāna Læhimausa lāma), but no titles are used (only optionally yamei) if they're of a lower rank — for example a teacher speaking about one of his/her students to another teacher;
  • If the person spoken of is respected (of higher rank), then the appropriate formula is used the first time they're mentioned, then the norm is to use a shorter form - in this case, a form like yamei Læhimausa murkadhāna is accepted, while it is not when speaking directly to that person. The higher rank that person is, usually the longer it takes to completely shift to a shorter form — e.g. while the Great Inquisitor will not be referred to every time as nanū aveṣyotāra lallāmaha Hæliyǣšāvi yamei Dhīvajhūyai Lairē camimurkadhāna lāma, it will not probably get shorter than nanū aveṣyotāra yamei lallāmaha ([Her] Respectable Most Excellent Highness) or nanū aveṣyotāra lallāmaha camimurkadhāna ([Her] Most Excellent Highness, the Great Inquisitor);
  • If the person spoken of is of equal rank, in a polite context they'll be referred to with tanta (the usual title for equal grades), or lāma;
  • The use of the bare given name (or matronymic or surname) and of the informal name follow the same guidelines as when talking to that person. Note that, though, in a family context it will be more common to use the names of older family members in order to disambiguate about them (e.g. Amabu paṣmeinā ukula Læhimausa paṣmeinā prišniliukula no (Grandma Amabu has spoken and Grandma Læhimausa has answered [her]).

The second- and third-person pronouns used with the various honorific styles also vary. See the respective section of the Grammar for more details.


  1. ^ The word dāneh means "nut" in Chlouvānem but the similarity is probably only coincidental.
  2. ^ Coined in the late Third Era for the main character of a novel by writer Ñælihairāvi Kaitakalīm Lileikhura.