
Pategian (nútuvídhi, from nútu 'Pategian' + vídh 'language') is a Dodellic language spoken by the Pategian people in Tricin.

It is inspired by Welsh, Hungarian, and classical IE languages (Latin, Greek and Avestan).

Numbers: mál szebb chí ádos vódh fúz ilem lács kudd rhó


Pategian has 4 main dialects:

  • Tảmrỏna
  • Fathrẩc
  • Kẻlet
  • Ảnfihẻzi



p t ts tc k b d dz dq g ph th s c kh h f x z q m n l r lh rh j

/p t ts tʃ k b d dz dʒ g f θ s ʃ x h v ð z ʒ m n l r ɬ rʰ j/


a â e i o u y ả ẩ ẻ ỉ ỏ ủ ỷ /a ɑ e i o u ɨ a: ɑ: e: i: o: u: ɨ:/

Pitch accent

Old Pategian had a pitch accent in long vowels which could be rising (written ả) or falling (written ạ). The distinction is neutralized in Modern Pategian.


No initial clusters, geminates allowed

Stress follows the Dreimorengesetz
