Aeranir Lexicon



[ˈa.bɛɽ] n. t.
GEN.SG abrī

From PI aðros, from PME ḫešróš “fish.”

  1. fish; the animal, not the food


  • Dalot: abru
  • Ilesse: ovru
  • Iscariano: abro
  • Îredese: abru
  • S'entin: avre
  • Tevrés: avre


[aˈkɛɫ.tɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF acëltīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP acelsus; OPT.1SG acelsid; PFV.1SG acëltīvī

from ac and alta.

  1. it waters me, it gives me water


  • Dalot: agheltía
  • Ilesse: ajeutia
  • Iscariano: acceltìa
  • Îredese: celtie
  • S'entin: azeutie
  • Tevrés: azeutía


[ˈɛː.kuː] pro.
GEN teī

From PME ḫeikuḥ.

  1. first person singular pronoun; I, me, my, etc.

Clitics: NOM te; GEN ; ACC tis


[ˈɛː.daɫ] n. c.
GEN.SG aedālis

From aedaç + -al.

  1. deep, romantic love, which may sometimes be overwhelming; romantic obsession, longing, affection, care.
  2. attachment, craving, desire


  • Dalot: edale
  • Ilesse: eai
  • Iscariano: idale
  • Îredese: dare
  • S'entin: ëal
  • Tevrés: eal


[ˈɛː.dat͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF aedāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP aedātus; OPT.1SG aedārid; PFV.1SG aedāvī

From PI aiðāts, from PME ḫeid- a term of affection

  1. it loves me


[ˈa.ɲɪt͡s] v. di.
IMPF.INF agëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP āctus; OPT.1SG āxid; PFV.1SG ēgī

From PI agets, from PME ḫeyy- “to sow.”

  1. it gives me (time, money, goods), It donates (something) to me
    • āxe mater hānuṅ sēdis etuṅ binne
      The senator would like to donate one hundred horses to the temple of Sede.
  2. it does me, it performs me, it conducts me, it rules me
  3. it applies me (makeup), it adds me (ornamentation, annotation)
  4. it sows me, it seeds me, it scatters me, it sprinkles me
  5. it spreads me far and wide


[ˈãŋ.nũː] n. e.
GEN.SG agnī

From PI aŋnom, from PME ḫeyy-n-ó “seed,” from root ḫeyy “to sow.”

  1. seed (of a plant), pip, kind, variety, quality, tone
  2. material (for an article), matter (of a story), subject, theme
  3. cause, source
  4. sperm, semen


  • Dalot: amu
  • Ilesse: einu
  • Iscariano: agno
  • Îredese: îmn
  • S'entin: aing
  • Tevrés: año


[ˈal.lɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF allissī; PFV.PTCP alsus; OPT.1SG alsor; PFV.1SG alō

From PI alnōr, from PME ḫelḥ “to be grown, feed, nourished, happy, prosperous.”

  1. I am fast, quick, hasty, brisk
  2. I am early, premature
  3. I am (too) soon, not yet, (too) early


[ˈaɫ.ta] n. c.
GEN.SG altae

From PI altā, from PME ḫélḥ “to be grown, feed, nourished, happy, prosperous.”

  1. water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water)


  • Dalot: alta
  • Ilesse: outa
  • Iscariano: alta
  • Îredese: îlt
  • S'entin: aute
  • Tevrés: ota


[aɫˈtoː.kʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG altōcua; E.NOM.SG altōcuṅ

From PI altā + -ōcus.

  1. full of water, wet, soaked


  • Dalot: artobo
  • Ilesse: outugu
  • Iscariano: altoco
  • Îredese: îltuc
  • S'entin: autouq
  • Tevrés: otogo


[ˈa.qʷa] n. c.
GEN.SG aquae

From PME ḫeqw "to open, to spread open, to unwrap," in the sense that the year opens with the spring. May also refer to the opening (blooming) of flowers.

  1. spring, springtime
  2. one's youth; young adulthood


  • Dalot: aba
  • Ilesse: ava
  • Iscariano: acqua
  • Îredese: apã
  • S'entin: eau
  • Tevrés: agua


[ˈa.qᶣɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF aquīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP aqtus; OPT.1SG aqsid; PFV.1SG ēquī

From PI aqʷjets, from PME ḫeqw “to open, to pry open, to spread, to invite.”

  1. it opens me, unwraps me, unlocks me
  2. it begins me, starts me
  3. to bloom, to flower; to come to maturity, to become an adult


[aˈqʊ̃m.nʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG aqumnī

From PI aqʷomnos, from PME ḫeqw “to open, to pry open, to spread, to invite.”

  1. a young, adolescent, youthful etc. person


  • Dalot: agumu
  • Ilesse: agunu
  • Iscariano: aconno
  • Îredese: cumn
  • S'entin: eon
  • Tevrés: agoño


[ˈark.t(ʰ)a] n. c.
GEN.SG archthae

From Dalitian árkhthos. Cognate with native varsus "geyser."

  1. hot water; a bath


  • Dalot: arta
  • Ilesse: irta
  • Iscariano: arta
  • Îredese: îrtã
  • S'entin: arte
  • Tevrés: arta


[aˈrʊ̃m.nʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG arumnī

From PI azomnos, from PME ḫeš “to breath, to be alive; spirit, soul.”

  1. living being, animal


  • Dalot: arumu
  • Ilesse: irunu
  • Iscariano: aronno
  • Îredese: rumn
  • S'entin: aron
  • Tevrés: aroño


[ˈas.pɛɽ] n. t.
GEN.SG aspëris

From Dalitian ásphēs, from Old Marian haspa, from Stiric haśvam, from PME šḥecu ("to be sharp, biting, sour, bitter").

  1. lime


  • Dalot: aspere
  • Ilesse: ispre
  • Iscariano: àspere
  • Îredese: îspere
  • S'entin: aspre
  • Tevrés: aspre


[ˈas.tuːs] n. t.
GEN.SG astȳs

From PME ḫeš “to breath, to be alive; spirit, soul.”

  1. soul, spirit
  2. ghost, spectre, phantom


  • Dalot: astu
  • Ilesse: istu
  • Iscariano: asto
  • Îredese: îst
  • S'entin: ast
  • Tevrés: aste


[ˈaː.sʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG āsa; C.NOM.SG āsuṅ

From PI āssos from PME ḫéḥtł-to- from root ḫeḥtł “to burn, to be dry, hearth, ash.”

  1. roasted, baked
  2. dried


[ˈaː.tɬa] n. c.
GEN.SG ātlae

From PI ātɬā PME ḫeḥtł “to burn, to be dry, hearth, ash.”

  1. alter, shrine


  • Dalot: atzla
  • Ilesse: aza
  • Iscariano: azza
  • Îredese: ațã
  • S'entin: aizhe
  • Tevrés: azha


[ˈɔː.ɲɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF augēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP auctus; OPT.1SG auxid; PFV.1SG augēvī

From PI augējets, from PME ḫeugg “to know, see.”

  • active:
    1. it looks at, sees, perceives (with volition) me
    2. it observes me, it notes me
    3. it understands, perceives, comprehends me
    4. it looks at, considers, reflects upon me
    5. it looks after, keeps an eye on, takes care of me
  • middle:
    1. I look, see, perceive (without volition)
    2. I look (like something), I seem, appear
  • passive:
    1. I am regarded as, seen as, thought to be
  • auxiliary:
    1. to try, to try out, to test


[ˈak.seːs] n. c.
GEN.SG axī

From PI aksis PME ḫecš “axis, axle, pivot.” Cognate with Dalitian axṓn, Stiric akṣaḥ.

  1. school, axēs: the primary social unit of Aeranid society, wherein a child is raised by the collective community. A child is generally raised in their parent's axēs, but this is not always the case, and they may change axēs later in life. An axēs is divided into several smaller cōmur.
    • formīrate rhaeliṅ axī iūrō imëre
      I want to help my child get into a good school.
  2. axle, axis, pivot, centre (of a wheel, or by extension an organisation or endeavour)
  3. shoulder, collarbone

Derived terms:

  • audexēs ("primary out-group")
  • imexēs ("secondary in-group")



[ˈbɛl.lɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF bellëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP bulsus; OPT.1SG bulsid; PFV.1SG bolī

From PI dwelnets, a rebracketing of the PME nasal present infix.

  1. it fills me, it fills me up


[ˈbɔ.ɫɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF bellī; PFV.PTCP boltus; OPT.1SG bellor; PFV.1SG bōlō

From PI dwelōr, from PME ddeul "to fill, to be full."

  1. I am full, I am at compacity
  2. I am enough sufficient, adequate, proper, satisfactory
  3. I am a lot, much


  • Ilesse: boeaga
  • S'entin: beuloie
  • Tevrés: bolía



[ˈkaː.ra] n. c.
GEN.SG cārae

From PI kāzā, from PME keḫš- “to measure, to give advice."

  1. measure, value, character
  2. bound, limit
  3. manner, method, way


  • Ilesse: cara
  • S'entin: chère
  • Tevrés: cara


[ˈkaː.re.ɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF cārēssī; PFV.PTCP cāstus; OPT.1SG cāsō; PFV.1SG cārēvō

From PI kāzējōr, from PME keḫš- “to measure, to give advice."

  1. (with dative) I heal, cure, remedy, am good for or against a disease
    • cās iūs!
      Get well soon!


[ˈkaːrː.ka] n. t.
GEN.SG cārïcae

From cāreor + -ïca.

  1. medic, doctor, physician, healer


  • Ilesse: carga
  • S'entin: cherge, carique
  • Tevrés: cárica


[ˈka.rɪt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF carëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP cartus; OPT.1SG carrid; PFV.1SG cērī

From PI karets, from PME kḥer- “to sway, to wave.”

  1. I dance (a whirling dance)
    • carrid nēcul
      I want to dance with you.
  2. I flutter about, I revolve


  • Ilesse: careaga
  • S'entin: chieroie
  • Tevrés: caría


[ˈkar.mɛ̃n] n. e.
GEN.SG carmïnis

From PI karmən, from PME kḥer- “to sway, to wave.” Hence also cariç.

  1. ocean , sea, waters


  • Ilesse: carme
  • S'entin: charme
  • Tevrés: cambre, carme


[ˈkar.ta] n. c.
GEN.SG cartae

From cariç.

  1. dance, ball, party


  • Ilesse: carta
  • S'entin: charte
  • Tevrés: carta


[kaːs] n. c.
GEN.SG cānis

From PI kaznis, from PME keḫš- “to measure, to give advice."

  1. month
    • sumerra prīste fac cās appū
      This month will be the hottest of the year.


  • Ilesse: cãe
  • S'entin: chien
  • Tevrés: can


[cɛ] pro.
GEN.SG ceī

From PME ke.

  1. reflexive pronoun; myself, yourself, themselves, etc.


[ˈkɔf.fæ.rɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF cofferëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP coffertus; OPT.1SG cofferrid; PFV.1SG coffērī

From col- + feriç.

  1. it puts up with me, stands me, bears me, withstands me


[kɔˈlɪ̃n.dæ.rja] n. c.
GEN.SG colindëriae

From colindus + -ia.

  1. agreement together, union, concord, accord
    • coliūcētëra colindëria axī tūghī īme
      The accord combines the two schools into one.
  2. harmony, peace


  • Ilesse: cuindeira
  • S'entin: coudoire
  • Tevrés: coldera


[kɔˈlɪ̃n.dʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG colindëris; E.NOM.SG colindëre

From col- + indus.

  1. agreeing, of one heart, mind; concordant
  2. like-minded
  3. peaceful, harmonious


[kɔlˈjuːcɛt͡s] v. di.
IMPF.INF iūcēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP iūctus; OPT.1SG iūxid; PFV.1SG iūcēvī

From col- + iūceç.


  1. it joins it with me, binds it with me


  1. it joins me together, it binds me together, it combines me
    • coliūcētëra colindëria axī tūghī īme
      The accord combines the two schools into one.


  • Ilesse: cullujeaga
  • S'entin: couilluzoie, coujuçoie
  • Tevrés: cojuzía, colyucía


[ˈkɔl.lɨ.ɲɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF colligëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP collectus; OPT.1SG collexid; PFV.1SG collēvī

col- + legiç.

  1. it assembles me, it collects me, it gathers me
    • gēs aplīdiāna collecta
      the Collected Matters of Apleidion


[ˈkoː.mɨ.dʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG cōmïda; E.NOM.SG cōmïduṅ

From cōmus + -ïdus.

  1. of or related to the house, home, cōmus
  2. (cyclical substantive) house name, family name (from noma cōmïda), used after position or noma (if necessary).


  • Ilesse: condu
  • S'entin: cond
  • Tevrés: conde, cómida


[koːˈmiː.nʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG cōmīnī

From cōmus + -īnus.

  1. member of a household, house, family or cōmus


  • Ilesse: coiu
  • S'entin: commin
  • Tevrés: comin


[ˈkoː.mʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG cōmī

From PME kwṓm, from root kwem "to build up, to arrange, to put together." Cognate with Dalitian phómos, Old Marian kāma, Proto-Stravonic komĭ.

  1. house, home
  2. household, family
  3. the round of social order below the axēs, a house or household, where members are not necessarily related by blood, but by common interest, ideas, aims, etc. Each cōmus belongs to an axēs, wherein any children of that cōmus are educated and raised, although children or parents may choose to enter other axēs or cōmus at any time of their own will, provided they are accepted

Derived terms:

  • auccōmus ("secondary out-group")
  • cōmīnus ("member of the house")
  • cōmïdus ("of the house")
  • incōmus ("primary in-group")


  • Ilesse: cõ
  • S'entin: com
  • Tevrés: como


[ˈkɔ̃n.tʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG contī

From PME kontos, from root kenḫ "to pass through, to go through, to pass, to end; limit, bound."

  1. end, stop, finish
  2. bounds, limits
  3. the last moment before action can take place; last chance, decisive moment
    • cīs contus tibōrānium paciendī
      Our last chance to take Tiboraniun approaches.


  • Ilesse: contu
  • S'entin: cont
  • Tevrés: cuente


[kɔˈpjẽː.sũː] n. e.
GEN.SG copēṅsī

From copiç + -ēṅsuṅ.

  1. draft animal (e.g. ox, horse)


  • Ilesse: cujessu
  • S'entin: couvies
  • Tevrés: cuyés


[ˈkɔ.pɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF copīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP coptus; OPT.1SG copsid; PFV.1SG copuī

From PI kʷopjets from PME kʷep "to tie, to bind; a knot."

  1. it ties me (a knot), it binds me


  • Ilesse: coviga
  • S'entin: cœuvie
  • Tevrés: covía


[ˈkɔps] n. t.
GEN.SG copis

From PI kʷops from PME kʷep "to tie, to bind; a knot."

  1. helmet, helm


  • Ilesse: cove
  • S'entin: cœuf
  • Tevrés: cueve


[ˈkoː.rɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF cōrēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP cōrtus; OPT.1SG cōrrid; PFV.1SG cōrēvī

From PI korejets, from PME kḫor-éie-, causative of root kḥer- “to sway, to wave; to bend” Hence also cariç.

  1. it tortures me, to torments me
  2. (middle) I am excruciating


  • Ilesse: coreaga
  • S'entin: coroie
  • Tevrés: coría


[kʊɫ] prep.

From PI kol from PME tł-lḥi from interrogative/relative pronoun .

  1. together, with


[ˈkʊ.pɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF cupëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP cuptus; OPT.1SG cupsid; PFV.1SG cūpī

From PI kupets, from PME keup "to take, to distribute."

  1. it buys me, it purchases me
  2. it values me, it has a high opinion of me


  • Ilesse: cuveaga
  • S'entin: couvoie
  • Tevrés: covía




[ˈt͡sa.ɫa] n. c.
GEN.SG çalae

From PI tsalā, from PME čeḥdł “to be hollow.”

  1. bowl, cup
  2. tub, cauldron
  3. bucket


[ˈt͡] n. c.
GEN.SG çallae

From çala + -üla, through medial *çalola.

  1. bowl, cup


  • Ilesse: çala
  • S'entin: çalle
  • Tevrés: çalla


[ˈt͡sa.ɫʊt] n. e.
GEN.SG çalïtis

From çala + -ut.

  1. tub, cauldron
  2. bucket


[t͡saˈɫɪ.te.ʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG çalitea; E.NOM.SG çaliteuṅ

From çalut + -eus.

  1. tub or cauldron like, container like
  • (cyclical substantive)
    1. bath; bathtub (from archtha calōtea); personal bath, as opposed to a public bath (see archtha nīrïda)


  • Ilesse: çoiza
  • S'entin: cèloize
  • Tevrés: çaliza


[t͡sa.ɫɨˈtiː.nʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG çalïtīnī

From çalut + -īnus.

  1. chemist, alchemist, mage, magician, scientist
    • serva rēs ceçalïtīnī vecuṅ exterre
      The king ordered his alchemists to confront the disease.


  • Ilesse: çouziu
  • S'entin: cèlouïn
  • Tevrés: çaldin



[ˈdaː.rʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG dārī

From PI dāzos, from PME ddeḫ- “to put, to prosper, to succeed.”

  1. a helpful god or spirit; benevolent spirit


  • Ilesse: daru
  • S'entin: dair
  • Tevrés: dar


[ˈdɛː.moː] n. t.
GEN.SG daemōnis

From PI dāimō, from PME ddeḫ- “to put, to prosper, to succeed.”

  1. blessing, spell, luck


  • Ilesse: deve
  • S'entin: demmon
  • Tevrés: demon


[ˈdɛː.ʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG daeva; E.NOM.SG daeuṅ

From PI dāiwos, from PME ddeḫ- “to put, to prosper, to succeed.”

  1. kind, gracious, benevolent


  • Ilesse: devu
  • S'entin: dief
  • Tevrés: dievo


[ˈdɛ.cɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF decëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP dectus; OPT.1SG dexid; PFV.1SG decuī

From PI dekets, from PME ďďek- “to hug, to embrace, to hold in arms.”

  1. it embraces me, it holds me in its arms, it hugs me
  2. it harbours me (e.g. a grudge) bears me, has be (e.g. ambition), entertains me (e.g. hope, suspicion)
  3. (vulgar) it has sex with me, makes love to me, sleeps with me


  • Ilesse: dejeaga
  • S'entin: desoie
  • Tevrés: dezía


[dɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF dēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP dītus; OPT.1SG dērid; PFV.1SG

From PI dēts, from PME ďďeḥ “to put in place; to place, to make, to do.”


  1. it cause it to become me, it makes it into me, it turns it into me


  1. it does me
  2. it serves as me (a job or position)
  3. it wears me (small items of clothing, a facial expression, an aura, etc.)


  1. (with dative) I decide (on something)


  1. I decide (to do something)
    • dīvate saub carëghaṅ
      I decided to just dance.


  • Ilesse: deaga
  • S'entin: doie
  • Tevrés: día


[ˈdɪ.ɟjɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF didīsī; PFV.PTCP didītus; OPT.1SG didīrō; PFV.1SG didīvī

From PI didaiōr, from PME ddeḫ “to put in place; to place, to make, to do.”

  1. I am happy, I am prosperous



[ˈɛ.tʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG etuī

From PI etwos, from PME ḥéťu-o-š from root ḥeťu "fast, swift." Cognate with Dalitian eîthos, Fyrdic eþwaz, Stiric aṭvaḥ, Old Marian aθva.

  1. horse, usually for riding
    • rīptiṅ etuōnē iūs
      Can you ride a horse?
    • send etus iucātusquo arumnur çēle tūtërentur
      Riding horses and pack horses are completely different animals.


[ɛks] prep.

From PI ekis, from PME ḥec “near, against.”

  1. back (to, from), against


  • Ilesse: es
  • S'entin: ix
  • Tevrés: eis



[fat͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF façëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP fassus; OPT.1SG fassid; PFV.1SG fētī

Shortened from façiç, from PI θatsets, from PME dḥť-ié-ti "to do, to place, to out, to make."

  1. it does me, it makes me
  2. it cooks me, bakes me


  • aufiç
  • seffiç


  • Ilesse: faziga
  • S'entin: faizie
  • Tevrés: hazía


[ˈfɛ.rɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF ferëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP fertus; OPT.1SG ferrid; PFV.1SG fērī

From PI θerets, from PME der "to hold, to carry." Cognate with Dalitian déreis, Proto-Fyrdic diridi, Proto-Maro-Stiric dʰárati.

  1. it holds me (in its hand), it takes me, carries me, bear me
  2. it possesses me, has me, owns me
  3. it maintains me, keeps me, supports me, holds me up
  4. it endures me

Derived terms:

  • affëriç
  • aufëriç
  • coffëriç
  • diffëriç
  • effëriç
  • offëriç


[ˈfɛs.tɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF festëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP fessus; OPT.1SG fessid; PFV.1SG festuī

From PI xʷestets, from PME gwešť "to hit, to strike, to throw, to kill."

  1. to kill, to slay, to strike down, to murder
    • augeagī tiffestëghaṅ
      They are trying to kill me.


  • Ilesse: festeaga
  • S'entin: fêtoie
  • Tevrés: hestía


[fẽːs] n. c.
C.NOM.SG fentis

From PI xʷentis, from PME ḥgwen "to breath, to blow."

  1. wind


[ˈfiː.ɣe.ʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG fīghea; E.NOM.SG fīgheuṅ

From fīghus + -eus.

  1. bright yellow


[ˈfiː.ɣʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG fīghī

Possibly from a substrate word *θeiɣ-, based on local Dalitian seíos.

  1. palo verde tree
  2. the flower of a palo verde tree


  • Ilesse: figu
  • S'entin: fi
  • Tevrés: higo


[fɪsk] pro.
C.NOM.SG fac; E.NOM.SG fic

From PI θeske, from PME demonstrative pronouns de "The previously mentioned," and ke (alternate of gge) "he, she, it."

  1. proximal demonstrative pronoun; this, this one


[ˈfɔr.mɪt͡s] v. di.
IMPF.INF formīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP formītus; OPT.1SG formīrid; PFV.1SG formīvī

From PI θormīts, from PME drem "to help, to assist."

  1. it helps me (with an activity, action), assists me, aids me
  2. it contributes something to me


  • Ilesse: formiga
  • S'entin: formie
  • Tevrés: hormía


[fɔˈraː.nʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG forāna; E.NOM.SG forānuṅ

From fos + -ānus.

  1. mountainous, hilly


  • Ilesse: forão
  • S'entin: forrain
  • Tevrés: horan


[fɔˈriː.nʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG forīnī

From fos + -īnus.

  1. mountain person, barbarian
  2. hick, hillbilly


  • Ilesse: foriu
  • S'entin: forrin
  • Tevrés: horin


[fɔs] n. t.
GEN.SG foris

From PI θos, from PME deš "to rise above, to tower."

  1. mountain, hill
  2. heap, pile

(adjective noun)

  1. wild, unkempt, uncivilised, barbarian


  • Ilesse: fore
  • S'entin: feur
  • Tevrés: fuer


[ˈfuː.neːs] n. t.
GEN.SG fūnī

Loan from Proto-Anderic ɸoinā, from PME peḫwi-néḫ- from root peḫwi "to swim."

  1. boat, ship, vessel, watercraft


  • Ilesse: fue



[gaˈriː.na] n. c.
GEN.SG garīnae

From garor + -īna.

  1. important platonic relation; stronger than the English word friend
  2. platonic friendship, platonic or familial love


  • Ilesse: gariña
  • S'entin: gèrine
  • Tevrés: garina


[ˈga.rɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF garrī; PFV.PTCP gartus; OPT.1SG garrō; PFV.1SG gērō

From PI garōr, from PME yyeḥr- “to tall, high, valuable, important.”

  1. I am expensive, valuable
  2. I am lovely, dear, beloved, darling, precious, cherished
  3. important, necessary, indispensable


  • Ilesse: gareaga
  • S'entin: jèroie
  • Tevrés: garía


[ɟeːs] n. c.
GEN.SG geī

From PI gēis, from PME ggeḥi-š “wealth, goods.”

  1. thing, matter, issue, affair, stuff
  2. incident, occurence, event
  3. circumstances, situation, state of affairs


[ɟeːsˈheːs.ta] n. c.
GEN.SG geīhēstae

From gēs and hēstus. Alternatively written gēs hēsta.

  1. rule, government
    • serī gēshēsta tīnī gariaṅ
      The government sets the price of tea.


  • Ilesse: geèsta, geista
  • S'entin: gehête, gête
  • Tevrés: gehesta, gesta



[ˈhaː.nũː] n. e.
GEN.SG hānī

From PI χaznom, from PME gheḥš “god, diety, sacred place.”

  1. temple, shrine, holy place


[ˈheːs.tʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG hēsta; E.NOM.SG hēstuṅ

From PI χēstos, from PME gheḥš “god, diety, sacred place.”

  1. of or related to festivals, holidays, holy days
  2. happy, joyous, celebratory, festive
  3. of or related to the government (see gēshēsta)


[çɪk] part.

From PI xeke, from PME yek “to step, to walk, to tread.”

  1. negative particle


[ˈçɪ.nɛː] pro.
GEN.SG neī

From PME ggṇḫéi.

  1. second person singular pronoun; you, your, etc.

Clitics: NOM ne; GEN ; ACC nis


[ˈçɪs.tuː] n. e.
GEN.SG histȳ

From PI xistū, from PME geištu ("white, glittering, clear, ardent").

  1. silver (metal, element)
  2. a silver thing


[ˈhɔ.dʊs] n. t.

From PI xoðos ("like, around, about, when"), from PME ged ("to resemble; image").

  1. degree, extent, bounds, limit; upper limit
  2. (in dative) to the extent; the more (can be relativised without marking with participles)
  3. (dative with negative) not as much, less than


[ˈhoː.sat͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF hōsāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP hōsātus; OPT.1SG hōsārid; PFV.1SG hōsāvī

From PI χonsāts, from PME ğenḥ "free, unbound, unattached."

  1. it releases me, lets me go, frees me, sets me free, lets me loose


[ˈhʊ.ne.ɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF hunissī; PFV.PTCP huntus; OPT.1SG hūsor; PFV.1SG hunuō

From hunuṅ.

  1. I am dusty, dirty
  2. I am arid, infertile
  3. I am light brown


[ˈhʊ.nũː] n. e.
GEN.SG hunī

From PI xonom PME yonḥ-ó- "earth, soil, dirt; humans, regular folk."

  1. dust earth; specifically arid and infertile earth



[ˈĩː.kʊɽ] n. e.
GEN.SG īcis

From Proto-Iscaric (PI) eikor (stem eikn-), from Proto-Maro-Ephenian (PME) héikṛ "fire." The -gn- of the oblique stem was replaced with the nominative -k-. The opposite process also occured with īgnur (genitive īgnī), with also means 'fire,' but with a more negative connotation. Cognate with Dalitian eikhna, Stiric ekṛ, Old Marian aixra, Proto-Fyrdic eihur.

  1. fire, flame (collective, uncountable)
  2. passion, enthusiasm, joy, 'spark'


  • Dalot: igu
  • Ilesse: igru
  • Iscariano: igro
  • Îredese: icru
  • S'entin: igre
  • Tevrés: igre


[ˈiː.dɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF īdēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP īsus; OPT.1SG īsid; PFV.1SG īdēvī

From PI eizdējets, from PME ḥeiš “clearly, manifestly" and ďďeḥ "to do, to put, to render."

  1. it hears me, it listens to me
    • īsur fīsc oeta carmïnis
      You can hear the sound of the ocean here.
  2. it asks me


[ˈĩːŋ.nʊɽ] n. e.
GEN.SG īgnis

From Proto-Iscaric (PI) eikor (stem eikn-), from Proto-Maro-Ephenian (PME) héikṛ "fire." The -k- of the nominative stem was replaced with the oblique -gn-. The opposite process also occured with īcur (genitive īcis), with also means 'fire,' but with a more positive connotation.

  1. fire, flame (collective, uncountable)
  2. rage, anger, fury, resentment
    • feratequo īgnur agnīrī opaṅ fessō
      I still carry anger for the person who killed my father.

Derived terms:

  • īgneor
  • īgnēsciç
  • īgnal
  • īgnālümus


  • Late Aeranir: ígnëre
    • Ilesse: inre
    • Îredese: îmnâre
    • S'entin: inre
    • Venzano: ignere
  • Iscariano: ignos
  • Tevrés: iños


[ɪ̃m] prep.

From PI əm, from PME - “in, inside.”

  1. in, inside, within


  • Ilesse: ẽ
  • S'entin: am, eim
  • Tevrés: en


[ˈɪ.mɪt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF imëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP imptus; OPT.1SG imsid; PFV.1SG imuī

From im.

  1. I go in, I enter
    • deō hānō imundū saub hicimptīvī
      I tried to enter the temple, but I was not let in.


[ˈiː.mʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG īma; E.NOM.SG īmuṅ

From PI eimos, from PME ḥei- “cardinal number one, singular, alone.”

  1. cardinal number one


  • Ilesse: iu
  • S'entin: am
  • Tevrés: imo


[ˈɪ̃m.niː] adv.

From PI epnis, from epniōr, from PME ḥep-né-ḫōr from root ḥep- “to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many.”

  1. not very (with a negative sentence), not much
  2. excessively, too much


[ˈɪ̃m.tɛɽ] adv.

From earlier impter, from īmus + teriç "I turn."

  1. once, one time


[ˈɪ̃n.dʊs] n. c.
GEN.SG indëris

From PI əndos, from PME ḥṇd-óš- from root ḥend “mind, thought, spirit, heart.”

  1. mind, heart, spirit
  2. core, center, origin, source
  3. capital city
  4. leader, chief


  • Ilesse: indre
  • S'entin: andre
  • Tevrés: enre


[ˈjɔ.ʋɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF iovēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP ioctus; OPT.1SG ioxid; PFV.1SG iovēvī

From PI djegʷējets, from PME ďďieggw “to carve, to scratch, to etch.” Cognate with Dalitian zépteis.

  1. it writes me
  2. it draws me


  • Ilesse: joveaga
  • S'entin: jouvoie
  • Tevrés: jovía


[ˈjuːcɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF iūcēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP iūctus; OPT.1SG iūxid; PFV.1SG iūcēvī

From PI joukējets, from PME ieuc “to attach, to hook onto, to stick onto.”

  1. it attaches me, it joins me, it adds me, appends me, affixes me, sticks me, glues me, fastens me, sews me on, applies me (ointment)
  2. it furnishes me (e.g. furniture in a house)
  3. it puts me on, it wears me (small trinkets, jewellery, glasses, etc.)
  4. it appraises me, it puts a price on me, it sets me
  5. it gives me a name
  6. it keeps an eye on me


  • Ilesse: juzeaga
  • S'entin: juzoie
  • Tevrés: juzía


[jʊˈcẽː.sũː] n. e.
GEN.SG iucēṅsī

From iuciç + -ēṅsus. Cognate with Dalitian zýkhatton "sword."

  1. name, title, moniker (formal)


  • Ilesse: jujessu
  • S'entin: jouzois
  • Tevrés: juzés


[ˈjʊ.cɪt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF iucëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP iuctus; OPT.1SG iuxid; PFV.1SG iucuī

From PI jukets, from PME ieuc “to attach, to hook onto, to stick onto.”

  1. I am attached, I am connecteed with, I adhere, I stick, I cling
  2. I am given (a name, a price)


  • Ilesse: jozeaga
  • S'entin: jouzoie
  • Tevrés: jozía


[ˈjuː.lja] n. c.
GEN.SG iūliae

From PI jouljā, from PME ieul- “to chant, to sing, to recite.”

  1. song, music
  2. poem, poetry
  3. spell, curse, charm, enchantment, incantation


  • Ilesse: julla
  • S'entin: juille
  • Tevrés: juya

iūliaī iūliaṅ

[ˈjuː.lja.iː ˈjuː.ljãː]

  1. "We shall sing a song," a phrase said traditionally at the beginning of a musical or poetic performance, can also be said before beginning any endeavour or activity that once started must end. It is similar in use to English "the die is cast."


[ˈjuː.lɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF iūlīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP iultus; OPT.1SG iullid; PFV.1SG iūlīvī

From iūlia.

  1. it sings me, it says, recites me (a poem)
  2. it composes me (a song or poem)
  3. it curses me, casts me (a spell)


  • Ilesse: juliga
  • S'entin: julie
  • Tevrés: julía


[ˈjuːlː.tʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG iūlïtus

From ioveç + lotus, from earlier jewilotos.

  1. scribe


  • Ilesse: juitu
  • S'entin: joue
  • Tevrés: juch


[ˈjʊlːː.tʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG iullïtī

From iūliç + lotus.

  1. singer, muse


  • Ilesse: juitu
  • S'entin: joue
  • Tevrés: juch


[ˈjʊ.mɨ.dʊs] adj. n.
GEN.SG iumïdī

From iumus + -ïdus.

  1. trifling, unimportant, idle, trivial


[jʊˈmiː.nʊs] n. c.
GEN.SG iumīnī

From iumus + -īnus.

  1. a pigmy, a person of short stature
  2. a person of little importance, an uncharismatic person
  3. a commoner, a peasant, a regular person


  • Tevrés: jomin


[ˈjʊ.mʊs] n. c.
C.NOM.SG iuma; E.NOM.SG iumuṅ

From PI gjumos, from PME ggieu "to lick, to taste, to savour."

  1. a lick, a bit, a small amount, a trifle


[ˈjuː.rʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG iūra; E.NOM.SG iūruṅ

From PI gjouzos, from PME ggieu "to lick, to taste, to savour." Cognate with Dalitian zóulos. Hence also gȳmus "a bit, a lick".

  1. having a nice taste; tasty, delectable
  2. good, nice, pleasant
  3. healthy, well, in good health


  • Ilesse: juru
  • S'entin: jur
  • Tevrés: jur



[ɫaˈdɛs.ta] n. c.
GEN.SG ladestae

From lador + -esta.

  1. happiness, joy, pleasure, jubilation


[ˈla.dɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF lassī; PFV.PTCP lassus; OPT.1SG lassō; PFV.1SG lēdō

From PI laðōr, from PME lehd - “to be warm, to be well.”

  1. I am happy, glad, joyous
    • lador et carpidïnī vandō tibī deāstī
      I am glad that you would choose me to go to Carpider.

Derived terms:


[ˈɫɛ.ɲɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF legëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP lēctus; OPT.1SG lēxid; PFV.1SG lēgī

From PI legets, from PME ḫleyy- “to sway, to wave.”

  1. it assembles me, collects me, gathers me
  2. it chooses me, it picks me, it selects me


  • Ilesse: leaga
  • S'entin: lëoie
  • Tevrés: leía


[ˈliːr.reːs] n. c.
GEN.SG līrrī

From collective form of līs, through intermediate līreris

  1. letter, brief, message
    • predium pactus iovēva līrreṅ ab
      They took a pen and wrote up a letter.
  2. handwriting


  • Ilesse: llire
  • S'entin: lir
  • Tevrés: llir


[liːs] n. c.
GEN.SG līris

From PI leis, from PME ḫwlei- “to cut, to carve, to etch.”

  1. letter, character, glyph


  • Ilesse: llire
  • S'entin: lir
  • Tevrés: lir


[ˈɫɔ̃n.tũː] n. e.
GEN.SG lontī

From PI lontom, from PME lemḥ “foot, to walk, to tread.” Hence also lēms "foot," limöra "step."

  1. plain, field
  2. ground, earth


  • Ilesse: lontu
  • S'entin: lont
  • Tevrés: lluente


[ˈɫʊ.pɛt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF lupēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP luptus; OPT.1SG lupsid; PFV.1SG lupēvī

From PI slupējets, from PME šleup- “to shout, to scream; a loud noise.”

  1. I weep, I cry, I lament
  2. I shout, I cry, I scream, I shriek, I yell, I exclaim


  • Ilesse: luveaga
  • S'entin: louvoie
  • Tevrés: lovía



[ˈma.tɛɽ] n. t.
GEN.SG matëris

From Dalitian mathḗs. Cognate with native menter.

  1. senator, representative; high ranking legislative official


  • Ilesse: intre
  • S'entin: maîre
  • Tevrés: madre, máter


[ˈma.ʋat͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF mavāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP mavātus; OPT.1SG mavārid; PFV.1SG māvī

From PI mowāts, from PME meuḫw- “to turn, to revolve, to spin.”

  1. I turn, I revolve
  2. I search for something
  3. I visit several places
    • māvis haccānā cepricïtïcābus plātīs
      They visited the graves of their ancestors on the plain.


  • Ilesse: mavà
  • S'entin: maivée
  • Tevrés: mavá

[meː] adv.

From earlier mēg, mēc, from mēgus.

  1. indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
    • iultïsur iūs
      They can sing quite well


[ˈmeː.dɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF mēdissī; PFV.PTCP mēsus; OPT.1SG mēsid; PFV.1SG mēvō

From PI mezðōr, from PME meḥš- “to follow, to lag behind.”

  1. I follow, I come after
    • mēderra cās mīsïda cānī lūcïdō
      The Misid month follows the Lucid month.


[meːˈɲɛs.ta] n. c.
GEN.SG mēgestī

From mēgus + -esta.

  1. truth, reality, fact
    • se mēgestaunē. tauniaunē. hipplior iūs.
      Is this reality? Is this a dream? I cannot tell.
  2. right, correct, upright, well-done
    • iovēvane ubraṅ iūliam mēgeste
      You recited the poem marvellously.


  • Ilesse: meista
  • S'entin: moyète
  • Tevrés: mesta


[ˈmeː.ŋʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG mēga; E.NOM.SG mēguṅ

From PI mēgos from PME meḥyy "true, truth." Cognate with Dalitian mêkos, Stric mājaḥ, Old Mirian māda.

  1. true, real, genuine, actual
  2. proper, suitable
  3. right, just
  4. moniker of a god; a god

Derived terms:

  • mēgesta ("reality, truth")


[ˈmɛ.nɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF menīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP mentus; OPT.1SG mēsid; PFV.1SG menuī

From PI menjets, from PME men “body, shape; alike.”

  1. it pleases me, appeases me
  2. I like it, I enjoy it
    • meniç tīn tessūs salvae vōnïtūs cartūsquo
      I like to drink tea, read books, and dance.
    • hicauctistīnē menīsso nīgēs
      Can you not see that he likes you?


  • Ilesse: meiga
  • S'entin: menie
  • Tevrés: menía


[ˈmɛ̃n.tɛɽ] n. t.
GEN.SG mentëris

From PI məntēr from PME mṇ-tḗr-, from root men "body; to be equal, to be like, to resemble."

  1. sibling; brother or sister of around similar age
  2. peer, classmate, coworker, etc. (person of similar age)
  3. comrade


  • Ilesse: mentre
  • S'entin: mentre
  • Tevrés: mientre


[ˈmɛr.ɟɪt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF mergëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP mersus; OPT.1SG mersid; PFV.1SG merguī

From PI mergets, from PME mergg (“to spin, to swirl, to spiral, to do a spinning dance."). Occasionally margïtus is seen as an alternative past participle, to differentiate it from merror.

  1. I am mixed, mixing, blending with
  2. I associate with, mingle with, am interested in
  3. I marry with them

Derived terms:

  • mergiō ("marriage")


[ˈmɛr.rɔɽ] v. tr.
IMPF.INF merrissī; PFV.PTCP mersus; OPT.1SG mersō; PFV.1SG merruō

From PI merzōr, from PME merš- “to pile, to stack.”

  1. to be piled up, to lie on top of one another
  2. to come after one another, to happen over and over, to pile up, to accumulate
  3. to overlap, to occur at the same time, to happen simultaneously


  • Ilesse: merriga
  • S'entin: merie
  • Tevrés: merría


[ˈmeːs] n. t.
GEN.SG menis

From PI mens from PME men "body, to be like."

  1. body
  2. oneself
  3. main part


  • Ilesse: ẽ
  • S'entin: mien
  • Tevrés: mien


[ˈmʊr.ra] n. c.
GEN.SG murrae

From PI morzā from PME merš "to stack, to pile."

  1. wall, partition, barrier, obstacle
  2. (plural) walled city, town
  3. (plural) fortress, encampment
    • pēcenda tibōrer murrae carpidïnīs
      The Tibori took the fortress at Carpider.


  • Ilesse: mura
  • S'entin: morre
  • Tevrés: morra


[ˈmyː.na] n. c.
GEN.SG mȳnae

From PI mūīnā from PME ḥmuḥ-íḫn-eḫ-, from root ḥmuḥ "to swell, to break."

  1. chest, breast
  2. breasts, bosom, bust
  3. heart
  4. stomach
  5. heart, mind, feelings
  6. hollow, cavity
  7. curve, fold, winding
  8. gulf, bay (see. mȳneuṅ)


  • Ilesse: miña
  • S'entin: minne
  • Tevrés: mina


[ˈmyː.ne.ũː] n. e.
GEN.SG mȳneī

From mȳna + -euṅ.

  1. gulf, bay


  • Ilesse: miu
  • S'entin: min
  • Tevrés: miño


[neː] part.

From PME "not."

  1. interrogative marker, question marker


[ˈnɛ.mɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF nemëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP nemïtus; OPT.1SG nemsid; PFV.1SG nemuī

From PI nemets, from PME nemḫw "to name, to call, to summon."

  1. it sues me, it calls me to court
  2. it judges me


  • Ilesse: nega
  • S'entin: niemme
  • Tevrés: nemía


[ˈnɛ.moː] n. t.
GEN.SG nemōnis

From nemiç + -ō.

  1. judge, barrister, lawyer


  • Ilesse: neve
  • S'entin: nemon
  • Tevrés: nemon


[ˈniː.ɫe.a] n. c.
GEN.SG nīleae

From nīs + -ülea.

  1. doll, puppet, figure


  • Ilesse: nilla
  • S'entin: nille
  • Tevrés: nía


[ˈniː.rɨ.dʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG nīrïda; E.NOM.SG nīrïduṅ;

From nīs + -ïdus.

  1. popular, public; related to the people


[niːs] n. t.
GEN.SG nīris

From PI ŋnēis, from PME ynéḥ-iš-, from root yneḥ "dirt, soil, earth."

  1. person, wumbo
  2. human being, human
  3. another person, other person, others
  4. adult


  • Ilesse: inre
  • S'entin: nir
  • Tevrés: nir


[ˈnɔ.ma] n. c.
GEN.SG nomae

From PI nomos, from PME nemḫw "to name, to call, to summon."

  1. name; specifically one's personal name


  • Ilesse: noa
  • S'entin: nomme
  • Tevrés: nuema


[ˈnoː.rũː] n. e.
GEN.SG nōrī

From PI ŋnōzom, from PME neḥ "to till, to drive, to plow."

  1. field (for agriculture)


  • Ilesse: noa
  • S'entin: nomme
  • Tevrés: nuema



[ˈɲɔː.tũː] n. e.
GEN.SG ñautī

From PI ɲāutom, from PME ñeḫu “water.”

  1. lake


  • Ilesse: ñodu
  • Iscariano: gnuodo
  • Îredese: iot
  • S'entin: gnaut
  • Tevrés: ñued
  • Venzano: gnuoto



[ˈøː.lɪt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF oelīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP oeltus; OPT.1SG oellid; PFV.1SG oeluī

From oeluṅ.

  1. I work, I labour
  2. I function, I operate, I am effective


[ˈøː.lɨ.dʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG oelïda; E.NOM.SG oelïduṅ

From oeluṅ + -ïdus.

  1. of or related to work, labour, profession
  2. (cyclical substantive) professional name, professional title (e.g. iūlïtus prīstus materris "first scribe of the senate").


  • Ilesse: eidu
  • S'entin: œud
  • Tevrés: elde


[øːˈlɪ̃] n. c.
GEN.SG oelinnae

From oeluṅ + -inna. Alternative ūlinna.

  1. odd job; small work, task


  • Ilesse: eina
  • S'entin: elanne
  • Tevrés: ileña


[ˈøːlːː.tʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG oellïtī

From oeluṅ + lotus, through medial **oelolotus. Alternate of oerolïtus.

  1. worker, (manual) labourer


  • Ilesse: eitu
  • S'entin: œut
  • Tevrés: eute


[ˈøː.ɫũː] v. tr.
GEN.SG oelī

From earlier oi(d)ɮom, from PI ḫweiddł-ó-, from PME ḫweiddł “to work, to labour, toil.” Cognate with Dalitian oisḗ, Fyrdic aitɬą, Stiric ejam, Old Marian aidam. Hence also oeliç "to work."

  1. work, labour
  2. job, business, occupation


[ˈøː.ta] n. c.
GEN.SG oetae

From oetaç ("make a noise, sound").

  1. sound, noise, report
  2. pronunciation


  • Ilesse: eada
  • S'entin: oie
  • Tevrés: eda


[ˈøː.tat͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF oetāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP oetïtus; OPT.1SG oesid; PFV.1SG oetuī

From PI oitāts, from PME ḥeit ("to sound, resound").

  1. it sounds me, utters me, speaks me, expresses me, calls me, rings me
  2. it cries me out, calls me; sings me, celebrates me, praises me, extols me


  1. I make a noise, sound, resound


  • Ilesse: edaga
  • S'entin: oyée
  • Tevrés: edá


[øːˈrɔlː.tʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG oerolïtī

From oeluṅ + lotus, through medial **oelolotus. Alternate of oellïtus.

  1. worker, (manual) labourer


  • Ilesse: iroute
  • S'entin: érout
  • Tevrés: erote


[ˈɔ̃m.nɔɽ] v. neg.cop.
IMPF.INF ōsī; PFV.PTCP vuctus PFV.1SG vucō

Of uncertain origins, perhaps an extended version of PME interjection ono ("no!"). Perfective forms from ḫuec ("to lack, to miss").

  1. I am not, do not exists, I am not had


[ˈɔ̃n.dɛt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF ondēghaṅ; PFV.PTCP ōṅsus; OPT.1SG ōṅsid; PFV.1SG ondēvī

From earlier ondejets, from PI ḥond-éie-ti, from PME ḥend “mind, thought, spirit, heart.”

  1. it alerts me, it advises me
  2. it reminds me, it tells me


  • Ilesse: ondeaga
  • S'entin: onnoie
  • Tevrés: onía


[ˈɔ.pɨ.tat͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF opïtāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP opïtātus; OPT.1SG opïtārid; PFV.1SG opïtāvī

From ops ("living place, abode"), possibly through intermediate augmentative oput.

  1. I live, I reside, I inhabit, dwell in, abide, I nest
    • opïtaṅquo ingabïnīsnē
      Do you still live in Gabinia?

Derived terms:

  • colipïtaç ("to cohabitate")
  • colïpïtāliō ("cohabitation")


[ˈɔps] n. t.
GEN.SG opis

From PI ops, from PME ḫwep ("to hang over").

  1. (small) house, domicile, abode, dwelling, hut

Derived terms:

  • opïtaç ("I live, reside")
  • opüla ("hit, small house, hovel")
  • opur ("neighbourhood")
  • opërīnus ("common person; lower class person")


[ˈoː.tjɔɽ] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG ōtiōris; E.NOM.SG ōtiōre

From PI ōtujōr, from PME heťu “fast, swift."

  1. faster, swifter, quicker
  2. earlier
  3. rather, sooner, earlier
    • ved carmïnī ōtior et cōmō exed
      I’d rather go to the ocean than return home.



[ˈpa.cɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF pacīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP pactus; OPT.1SG paxid; PFV.1SG pēcī

From PI pakjets, from PME peḥk “ to take, to grab, to grasp.”

  1. it takes me, grabs me, grasps me
  2. it captures me, seizes me
    • pēcenda tibōrer murrae carpidïnīs
      The Tibori took the fortress at Carpider.
  3. it takes me in, it understands me
  4. it has me (a meal)


  • Ilesse: pajiga
  • S'entin: paizie
  • Tevrés: pazía


[ˈpãn.nũː] n. e.
GEN.SG pannī

From PI pennom from PME peť-nó from root peť “ to cook, to bake (in an oven), to boil, to make a stew, to ripen.”

  1. bread, pastries, pastry based products


  • Ilesse: panu
  • S'entin: pan
  • Tevrés: paño


[ˈpãɴ.qʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG paṅquī

From PI paɴqʷos from PME peḥñ “head, horn, top.”

  1. horn, antler, tusk
  2. head, top, highest point, peak
  3. (of an non-horned wumbo) nose

Derived terms:

  • appeṅquaç


  • Ilesse: pangu
  • S'entin: pang
  • Tevrés: pango


[ˈpeː.ɫũː] n. e.
GEN.SG pēlī

From PI petslom from PME peť-šló- from root peť “ to cook, to bake (in an oven), to boil, to make a stew, to ripen.”

  1. kiln, oven, furnace


  • Ilesse: pei
  • S'entin: peu
  • Tevrés: pel


[ˈpɛ̃m.mɛ̃n] n. e.
GEN.SG pemmïnis

From PI petmən from PME peť-mṇ- from root peť “ to cook, to bake (in an oven), to boil, to make a stew, to ripen.”

  1. food cooked by boiling or stewing
  2. pepper


  • Ilesse: pemme
  • S'entin: pemme
  • Tevrés: piembre


[ˈpɛ.ra] n. c.
GEN.SG pera

From mimetic perper ("quick speech"). See also perpërīnus and periç. Can be traced to PME pṛpṛ ("to babble"), hence also Dalitian praphranós ("barbarian"), práphreis ("to babble").

  1. speech, word, chatter


  • Ilesse: pera
  • S'entin: piere
  • Tevrés: piera


[ˈpɛr.sʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG persa;E.NOM.SG persuṅ

From PI pressos from PME pred-tó-, from root pred “to join, to attach, to suit, to agree or be in unison with.”

  1. fair, appropriate, suitable
  2. just, equitable
  3. correct, right


  • Ilesse: pessu
  • S'entin: pés
  • Tevrés: pies


[ˈpɪ.pɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF pipëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP piptus; OPT.1SG pipsid; PFV.1SG pipuī

From PI pipets, from PME pei “to flap one's arms, to paddle, to wave.”


  1. it paddles me, it rows me (a boat)
  2. it waves me, it flaps me
    • oscī auctūnus pipuete voenuṅ ubrō
      Seeing Oscus, I waved at him.


  1. I swim, I paddle
  2. I fly (a bird); I flap my wings and fly
  3. I flutter, I flap (in the wind)

Derived terms:

  • pipüluṅ ("canoe, row-boat")


[plɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF plīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP plītus; OPT.1SG plīrid; PFV.1SG plīvī

From PI plijets, from PME plei “to divide, to dissect.”

  1. it knows me, is aware of me
  2. it understands me, grasps me, comprehends me
  3. it notices me, feels me


[ˈpriːs.tʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG prīsta; E.NOM.SG prīstuṅ

From PI prīsotos from old particle pri “before” (supplanted by pae) + -isotos (see -issïtus).

  1. (ordinal) first
  2. (with adj.) superlative, -est; the most


  • Ilesse: pristu
  • S'entin: prît
  • Tevrés: priste


[ˈpuː.tɛɽ] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG pūtëra; E.NOM.SG pūtëruṅ;

From PI pūteros from PME peuḥ “to shine, to sparkle, to glimmer.”

  1. pretty, lovely, beautiful, fair
  2. clean, clear, pure, tidy, neat
  3. completely, entirely


  • Ilesse: pudru
  • S'entin: pûre
  • Tevrés: pudre



[quːs] n. t.
IMPF.INF qūris

From PI qūs, from PME qúḥ-š- “pig, swine.”

  1. pig, boar, pork



[qʷɔ] part.

From PI qʷe, from PME qwe “and.”


  1. and
  2. also, too, in addition, as well, even


  1. if, when



[ˈraː.de.ɔɽ] v. tr.
IMPF.INF rādēsī; PFV.PTCP rāsus; OPT.1SG rāsō; PFV.1SG rādēvō

From PI xrādējōr, from PME yerḥ “to be strong, powerful, capable.” Hence also rāscus "strong."

  1. I am scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful
    • rādērra satercās tīrhaelī
      My child is afraid of the dark.


  • Tevrés: arraía


[ˈrɛ̃n.nũː] n. e.
IMPF.INF rennī

From PI rənnom, from PME rṇ-nó from root renḫw- “to lead, to rule, to be straight, to straighten.”

  1. kingdom


  • Ilesse: irrenu
  • S'entin: ran
  • Tevrés: arreño


[reːs] n. t.
IMPF.INF rēnis

From PI rēns, from PME rēnḫw-š from root renḫw- “to lead, to rule, to be straight, to straighten.”

  1. king, monarch, ruler, leader, sovereign


  • Ilesse: irrẽ
  • S'entin: ran
  • Tevrés: arren


[ˈrʊ.mʊs] n. t.

From PI romos, from PME rṓm “cow, cattle.”

  1. cattle, cow, bull, ox, calf
  2. beef



[ˈr̥ɛː.kʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG rhaecua; E.NOM.SG rhaecuṅ

From PI r̥āikʷos, from PME ďéḫi-kʷo-, from root ďeḫi “small, few, little.”

  1. few, little, scarce, insufficient, seldom


  • Ilesse: regu
  • S'entin: rieu
  • Tevrés: rieguo


[r̥ɛːɫ] n. t.
IMPF.INF rhaelis

From PI r̥āil, from PME ďéḫi-li-, from root ďeḫi “small, few, little.”

  1. child, son or daughter
  2. person
  3. heir, prince


  • Ilesse: rei
  • S'entin: rieu
  • Tevrés: riel


[ˈr̥aj.jʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG rhaia; E.NOM.SG rhaiuṅ

From PI r̥ajjos, from PME ďḫi-ió-, from root ďeḫi “small, few, little.”

  1. small, little, tiny


  • Ilesse: reiu
  • S'entin: rai
  • Tevrés: rey



[ˈsa.kuːs] n. t.
GEN.SG sacȳs

From PI sakus from PME žḥecu- “to be sharp, pointy acidic, bitter.”

  1. needle, pin, spike


  • Ilesse: sagu
  • S'entin: sau
  • Tevrés: sague


[ˈsɛː.pɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF saepīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP saeptus; OPT.1SG saepsid; PFV.1SG saepīvī

From PI saipjets from PME šḫeip “to cut, slice, cut through.”

  1. it cuts me, it cuts through me
  2. it severs me
  3. it terminates me
  4. it opens me (something sealed)
  5. it starts me
  6. it reduces me, decreases me
  7. it crosses me, traverses me
  8. it acts decisively towards me, it resolves me
  9. it dismisses me, it sacks me, lets me go
  10. it trumps me
  11. it finishes me, completes me
  12. it kills me (a human) with a sword


  • Ilesse: seviga
  • S'entin: sevie
  • Tevrés: sebía


[ˈsaɫ.ʋa] n. c.
GEN.SG salvae

From PI salwā from PME šḫl-w-eḫ- from root šeḫl “to spin, to furl, to curl.”

  1. book, volume, script


  • Ilesse: souva
  • S'entin: sauve
  • Tevrés: salva


[ˈsaɫ.ʋaɽ] n. c.
GEN.SG salvāris

From collective form of salva.

  1. collection, cannon (literary, judicial, etc.), library (in abstract)


  • Ilesse: souvare
  • S'entin: sauver
  • Tevrés: salvar


[saɫˈʋaː.rjũː] n. e.
GEN.SG salvārī

From salvar + iuṅ.

  1. library (a physical location), bookshelf; any place for storing books
  2. shelf, shelves, ledge, rack


  • Ilesse: souveiru
  • S'entin: sauver
  • Tevrés: salver


[sɔːb] prep.

From PI sāuβ, from PME se-ḫubi.


  1. only, just, merely, simply, no more than, nothing but, alone
  2. (with -quo) even


  1. but, however, though, nevertheless, still, yet, even so


[ˈsɛ.kᶣɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF secuëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP secuïtus; OPT.1SG sexid; PFV.1SG sēcuī

From PI sekwets from PME žḥecu (“to bite, to sting, to be bitter, sour, acidic”).

  1. it bites me, stings me
  2. it tastes bitter to me, sour to me
  3. it is disagreeable to me; I dislike it
    • sēcuī ubra salvaso īmā binnō
      I did not like that book one bit!


  • Dalot: séghega
  • Ilesse: seviga
  • S'entin: siegue
  • Tevrés: sieguia


[ˈsɛ.rɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF serëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP sestus; OPT.1SG sessid; PFV.1SG sevī

From PI sezets from PME še-šḫw-é-ti, reduplicated form root šeḫw "to point; ray." Cognate with Dalitian héois, Stiric sasati, Old Marian hahatiy.

  1. it pierces me, stabs me, prick me, sticks me, thrusts into me (see īṅsëriç)
  2. it points to me, it identifies me, indicates me (axëriç)
  3. it nominates me, it selects me
  4. it shines on me (see apsëriç)
    • moeiç au carmen serentuṅ
      I like to see the sun shining on the ocean.
  5. it holds me (an umbrella, flag, etc.) up, it raises me (see surrïdiç)
  6. it extend me (one's arm) forward (see collëriç)
  7. it wears me (a sword) at the waist (see illëriç)
  8. it pours me (liquid), it serves me (drinks) (see dērïdiç)


  1. it orders, directs, dictates it to do something
    • seva rēs turātāriṅ soncarpidïnīs murrae façëghaṅ
      The king ordered the army to erect walls around Carpidre.


  • Ilesse: sariga
  • S'entin: serie
  • Tevrés: sería


[ˈstɛ.rʊs] adj. n.
C.NOM.SG stera; E.NOM.SG steruṅ

From PI steros from PME š-ťér-o- from root ťer “to hit down, to smack, to beat, to pack down.” Cognate with Stiric ṣṭaraḥ (Doti ṭharo).

  1. hard, solid, tough
    • se pannuṅ fic steruṅ hicectequo
      This bread is hard and I cannot eat it.
  2. stiff, inflexible, rigid
  3. strong, firm


  • Ilesse: isteru
  • S'entin: ètier
  • Tevrés: estier


[ˈsiː.kat͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF sīcāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP sīcātus; OPT.1SG sīcārid; PFV.1SG sīcāvī

From PI seikājō, from PME šeik “to taste, to try out, to notice.”

  1. it tastes me, savours me
  2. it experiences me, it undergoes me
  3. it attains me, earns me, wins me


  • Ilesse: xigaga
  • S'entin: sichée
  • Tevrés: sigá


[ˈsɔ.ɲja] n. c.
GEN.SG soniae

From PI somjā, from PME šem “to be, to exist.”

  1. presence of mind, mindfulness
  2. humility, modesty, being humble

Derived terms:

  • soniāghus ("humble, present, mindful")
  • soniāghō ("humble person, mindful person, sage")


  • Ilesse: soña
  • Iscariano: suogna
  • Îredese: soiã
  • S'entin: suigne
  • Tevrés: sueña
  • Venzano: sogna


[ˈsɔ.pʊɽ] n. c.
GEN.SG sopris

From PI sopor, from PME šópr~šopnós (“snow”). Hence also sumnus (“wise, old, sage’ elder”) and supentus (“snowy, snow-covered”).

  1. snow

Derived terms:

  • soperna ("snowflake")
  • sopreuṅ ("winter pine")


  • Dalot: sobre
  • Ilesse: sovre
  • Iscariano: sobre
  • Îredese: sopre
  • S'entin: seuvre
  • Tevrés: suevre


[ˈsuː.bɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF sūbëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP sūptus; OPT.1SG sūpsid; PFV.1SG sūvī

From PI soiðets, from PME šeid “to drive, to push, to strike, to thrust.” β to ð perhaps occurred due to confusion between oi and ou. Found alongside dialectal sībiç. Cognate with Dalitian hídeis, Stiric sédhati. Hence also silluṅ "plow," simmus "strike."

  1. it pushes me, drives me, hurls me, compels me, propels me
    • s'oelun nemōnis nīrī mēgestum perre sūptū
      It is the job of the judge to compel people to tell the truth.
  2. it expels me, banishes me, ejects me, casts me out
    • sūvend rēs matërī audindërī
      The king banished the senate from the capital.
  3. it strikes me, it sets me in motion
  4. it moves me

Derived terms:

  • cērūbiç


  • Ilesse: suviga
  • S'entin: suvie
  • Tevrés: subía


[ˈsʊ.mɔr] v. stat.
IMPF.INF sumissī; PFV.PTCP sumptus; OPT.1SG sumsid; PFV.1SG sūmō

From PI sumōr from PME šeum “to warm, hot.”

  1. I am warm, hot
    • sumerra prīste fac cās appū
      This month will be the hottest of the year.


  • Ilesse: suiga
  • S'entin: sommie
  • Tevrés: somía


[sʊ̃nt͡s] cop.
IMPF.INF seṅaṅ; PFV.PTCP quitus; OPT.1SG sēsid; PFV.1SG quī

From PI sonts from PME šem “to be, to exist.”

  1. I am, I exist; the copula


  • Ilesse: sũ
  • S'entin: sonz
  • Tevrés: son



[tĩːn] n. e.
GEN.SG tīnis

From PI tein, of unknown origins, probably a loan.

  1. tea; black tea


  • Ilesse: çi
  • S'entin: tin
  • Tevrés: tin


[ˈtɛl.lɪt͡s] v. tr.
IMPF.INF tellëghaṅ; PFV.PTCP tulsus; OPT.1SG tulsid; PFV.1SG tolī

From PI telnets, from PME tedłḫw “to see, to know.” Originally meaning "to know, to learn," was shifted to replace the similar toleç "to tell, make known." Original meaning was then replaced by tesciç "to learn, grasp."

  1. it teaches me, it instructs me
  2. it tells me, it informs me

Derived terms:

  • abstelliç "It tells them about me"


  • Ilesse: telliga
  • S'entin: tellie
  • Tevrés: tellía


[ˈtoː.nʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG tōnī

From Old Aeranir tōmnos, PI towomnos ("verdict, decision, judgement"), from PME ḥtou-omno-š, from root ḥteu ("to sieve, to sift, to filter").

  1. crime, sin, wrongdoing, indiscretion
  2. penalty, sentence, punishment
  3. fault, responsibility, culpability


[ˈtraː.ʋat͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF trāvāghaṅ; PFV.PTCP trāvātus; OPT.1SG trāvārid; PFV.1SG trāvāvī

From PI trāwā, from PME treḫ “to tend to, to nurture.”

  1. I walk


  • Ilesse: travaga
  • S'entin: traivée
  • Tevrés: travá



[ˈtɬaː.na] n. c.
GEN.SG tlānae

From PI tɬaznā, from PME tłeḫš “to bloom, to blossom.”

  1. flower, blossom
  2. the best of something, the peak


  • Ilesse: xã
  • S'entin: lhaine
  • Tevrén: lhana


[tɬaːˈnaː.rja] n. c.
GEN.SG tlānārī

From tlāna + -āria.

  1. flower garden


  • Ilesse: xeira
  • S'entin: lhainère
  • Tevrén: lhanera


[t͡ɬɪs] pro.
GEN.SG tleī

From PME tł- “what.”

  1. interrogative pronoun; what, which
  2. relative pronoun; that, which



[ˈʊ.ma] n. t.
GEN.SG umae

From PI omā, possibly from baby talk.

  1. mother (humble), my own mother


  • Ilesse: ma
  • S'entin: ouma
  • Tevrés: oma


[ˈuː.rʊs] n. t.
GEN.SG ūrī

From PI ouros, from PME ḥeuď ("to bend, bend over").

  1. back, behind, rear



[ʋat͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF vaghaṅ; PFV.PTCP vatus; OPT.1SG varid; PFV.1SG vaevī

From PI wats, from PME weḫw “to go, to walk.”

  1. I go, I move (in a direction) I head (towards somewhere)
  2. (causative) it forgets me, overlooks me


[ˈʋɛ.kũː] n. e.
GEN.SG vecī

From PI wekom, from PME uekḫ “ illness, sickness, disease, disability, disfigurement, bad luck, curse.”

  1. poison, toxicant, venom
  2. harm, evil influence, curse
  3. ill will, spite, malice


  • Ilesse: vegu
  • S'entin: viec
  • Tevrés: viego


[ˈʋɛ.ljɔɽ] v. stat.
IMPF.INF velīsī; PFV.PTCP velïtus; OPT.1SG vellō; PFV.1SG veluō

From PI gʷeljōr, from PME ggweli "to be lying down on one side, to be resting, to be prone."

  1. I am sad, scared, dejected
  2. I am weak
  3. I am prone to, I am weak against


  • Ilesse: velliga
  • S'entin: veillie
  • Tevrés: velía


[ˈʋɛ.nɪt͡s] v. intr.
IMPF.INF venīghaṅ; PFV.PTCP ventus; OPT.1SG veniërid; PFV.1SG venīvī

From PI gʷənjets, from PME ggw-ṇ-í-ti “I am victorious, I am winning, I win,” n-present of root ggwei “I am able, I have won.” Hence also voenuṅ “arm, skill.”

  1. I win, I again victory, I prevail


  • Ilesse: veiniga
  • S'entin: venie
  • Tevrés: venía


[ˈʋøː.nũː] n. e.
GEN.SG voenī

From PI gʷoinom, from PME ggwoi-nó-m “strength, skill,” from root ggwei “I am able, I have won.” Hence also veniç “I win.”

  1. arm
    • hōsaeneso voenuṅ. condērurso.
      Let go of my arm! It hurts!
  2. skill, effort, ability


  • Ilesse: veiu
  • S'entin: vein
  • Tevrés: ven


[ˈʋoː.mɛ̃n] n. e.
GEN.SG vōmïnis

From PI weksmən, from PME ueggš- “ to stream, to flow, to run, to sweep, to spread; to drift, to float, to wander, to stray.”

  1. river, stream


  • Ilesse: vomme
  • S'entin: vomme
  • Tevrés: vombre




[ˈzɛf.fɔn~ˈzɛf.fõː~ˈsɛf.fõː] n. e.
GEN.SG zepphoi

Loaned from Dalitian zepphón from PME žḥecu- “to be sharp, pointy acidic, bitter.” Is often found in Aeranized form zepphuṅ. Cognate with Stiric haśvam, Old Marian daspam. Doublet with earlier borrowing sippuṅ ("lemonade, lemon juice").

  1. lemon, lime, citron

Derived terms:

  • zeppheus (“citric, citrus, lemony, sour”)
  • zepphïdiuṅ ("citrus, citric acid")


  • Ilesse: sefu
  • S'entin: sèf
  • Tevrés: siefo