IPA for Ufhewat Knrawi

Revision as of 12:06, 22 July 2023 by Dillon (talk | contribs)

The charts below show the way in which the IPA represents Ufhewat Knrawi pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

This page is only for the variety of Knrawi spoken on Ufhewat Island, for other varieties see Knrawi IPA guides.

IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
f huf small face
h ufh middle have
j shaia house yet
k hyk sugarcane scout
nkh far cow
tjic to cook ski
kʲʰ chuh raw key
guq small island square
kʷʰ uqh snake queen
m iim because man
n jna star not
ŋ thga wind sang
p puskj yam spin
cuph snake burrow pin
r marg south rayo (Spanish)
s cniz to try sing
zherg cloud sing
t riti eye start
nth water tart
v vuin corner have
w rtiu where wing
ɰ aythá jasper agave (Spanish)
x jua all loch
asi shark he
xʲʰ shiupii wheat noodles he
niwuu guilty white
ʔ ceh many uh-oh
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
a agu face father
??? ??? father
ɒ kjaw to puncture bot
ɒː ??? ??? bot
??? ??? bed
e̞ː ??? ??? face
ə sheya large island about
əː to say above
i it head beet
??? ??? beet
zjeyu shore boat
o̞ː i lizard boat
u cuy angry boot
??? ??? boot
IPA Example Translation
˥ ik to see
˩ ìy to break
˥˧ cûathay sapphire
˧˩ cûathay sapphire (plural)

Differences from standard Knrawi

    • /n/ and /ŋ/ do not assimilate.
  • /θ,θʰ/ are realized as [s,sʰ].
    • Labialized /θ,θʰ/ are realized as [f,h].
  • /k̟,k̟ʰ,x̟,x̟ʰ/ are realized as [kʲ,kʲʰ,xʲ,xʲʰ].
  • /k̠,k̠ʰ/ are realized as [k,kʰ].
  • /x̠,ʍ,h/ are realized as [x,xʷ,ʔ].
  • sequences of /x̠,ʍ,h/ and sonorants (and vice versa) are realized as glottalized sonorants.
  • /ɹ/ is realized as [r].
    • Labialized /ɹ/ is realized as [v] (which doesn't merge with [w]).
  • /ɉ/ is realized as [ɰ].
  • /ˣ/ is realized as [ʰ].
    • /θˣ,x̟ˣ/ (including labialized /θˣ/) are realized as [x].
  • Fortition does not occur.
  • Two-sonorant clusters syllabify the first sonorant.
  • Syllabic consonants are desyllabified adjacent to vowels (including nonsyllabic vowels).
    • Syllabic [m,β] and other syllabic consonants are realized as [o̞] and [ə] respectively.
  • /ɪ,ʊ/ are realized as [i,u].
    • Unstressed /ɪ,ʊ/ are realized as [e̞,o̞].
      • Unstressed /ɪ,ʊ/ are realized as [j,w] before vowels.
  • [i,e̞,a] are realized as [y,ø̞,ɒ] adjacent to labiovelar consonants (except [w], but including deleted underlying /ʍ/).
  • Unstressed /a/ and [ə] are realized as
    • [o̞] adjacent to labiovelar consonants.
    • [ə] if not [o̞].
  • [ʔ̞] is realized as [ː]
  • Sequences of unstressed [ə] or [o̞] and stressed /a/ are realized as [əː] or [o̞ː] respectively.
  • /˧˩/ is distinct from /˥˩/ [˥˧].