IPA for Kaikiwan

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Kaikiwan pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

IPA Examples (nearest English) equivalent
g migu good
k keno scar
ʎ olu Portuguese mulher
m migu man
n keno nose
ɲ tona Spanish niño
p òpan spar
s sámo sweet
t matimatik star
ʔ túlelù uh-oh
IPA Examples (nearest English) equivalent
a sima ant
ɨ keno European Portuguese ⟨e⟩
i sima eat (short)
o olu eau (French)
ɤ tumi foot (South African English)
u olu und (German)
w sikiwa wing
ˈ Primary stress
ˌ Secondary stress