User:Ceige/Something Germanic 2
Grouped by historically relevant orthography, not contemporary phonology
- Reduced: e
- Short: a, e, i, o, u
- Long: aa/å, ee, ii, oo, uu
- Diphthongs: åi, åu, ei, ie, oe, ui
- p, t, k
- b, d, g
- m, n, ng
- f, s, h
- v, z, (g)
- ... and l, r, j, w
Sound Changes
From PWGmc Roots to Old
- Loss of most final vowels after umlauting
- Ingvaeonic spirant vowel lengthening:
- *munþ > mouth > måuw
- *tanþiz > teeth > tee
- *tanth > taath > taa
From Old to Modern
- Final -g causes diphthongisation
- weg > wei
- sag > såw
- lig > lij
- Long i/u diphthongise
- tijd > teid > taaid > tåid
- bruun > broun > braaun > bråun
- a and o before (coda?) r lengthen
- hert > hart > haart
- word/wurd > word > woord
- Medial th(d?) Lost in some wors
- weather = weer