Fifth Linguifex Relay/I Kronurum
The morphological alignment of I Kronurum is Nominative-Accusative and the canonical word order OSV, with nouns following their modifiers. There is an I Kronurum wiki page, but all details needed for this translation will be made available here.
I Kronurum Text
- Alanni
- Náŕa angr nédor, nwo setr wonaftógwartan gar jóstosjet, arajur
- i-étŕirum ó þetren okrerumaftó alangur
- as ór okren nédor tró angr arajti kealeinåtrur ini,
- man nwo noraftó farkahirumaftó ór i-arajten nwo bréfeþrum jóhlásánur arajur
- man won wartaftó tróśenasig étrénu ini
- – Dogrili Gogrot
Interlinear Gloss
Alanni |
alanni |
a(l)-ang-nni |
INT2-to.enjoy-INF |
Náŕa angr nédor, nwo setr wonaftógwartan gar jóstosjet, arajur | ||||||||||
Náŕa | angr | nédor | , | nwo | setr | wonaftógwartan | gar | jóstosjet | , | arajur |
náŕa | angr | nédor | , | nwo | setr | wonaftógwartan | gar | jó-stoj-sjet | , | ∅-ara-jur |
although | 1S.NOM | DEM.PROX.S.NOM | that | 2s.NOM | in.the.end | AUX | PERF-to.die-2S.FUT.IND.ACT | CONT-to.know-1S.PRES.IND.ACT |
i-étŕirum ó þetren okrerumaftó alangur | ||||
i-étŕirum | ó | þetren | okrerumaftó | alangur |
i-ét-ŕi-rum-∅ | ó | þetren | okre-rum-(a)ftó | a(l)-ang-ur |
NLZ-to.stay-INF-DET-NOM | GEN.I | 2S-GEN.II | fire-DET-LOC | INT2-to.enjoy-1S.PRES.IND.ACT |
as ór okren nédor tró angr arajti kealeinåtrur ini | |||||||||
as | ór | okren | nédor | tró | angr | arajti | kealeinåtrur | ini | |
as | ó(r) | okre-(e)n | nédor | tró | angr-∅ | arajti | ke-alei-(n)å-trur | ini | , |
because | GEN.I | fire-GEN.II | DEM.PROX.S.NOM | ACC.I | 1S-ACC.II | to.know-INF | IMPERF-to.desire-CAUS-1S.PRES.IND.ACT | GNOM | , |
man nwo noraftó farkahirumaftó ór i-arajten nwo bréfeþrum jóhlásánur arajur | |||||||||
man | nwo | noraftó | farkahirumaftó | ór | i-arajten | nwo | bréfeþrum | jóhlásánur | arajur |
man | nwo | nédor-(a)ftó | farkahir-(r)um-(a)ftó | ó(r) | i-arajti-(e)n | nwo | brefa-{´}eþ-rum-∅ | j(ó)-hlá-sánur | ∅-ara-jur |
AND | that | DEM.PROX.S.LOC | world-DET-LOC | GEN.I | knowledge-GEN.II | that | leaf-PL-DET-NOM | PERF-to.bloom-3PL.INAN.FUT.IND.ACT | CONT-to.know-1S.PRES.IND.ACT |
man won wartaftó tróśenasig étrénu ini | |||||
man | won | wartaftó | tróśenasig | étrénu | ini |
man | won | warta-(a)ftó | tróśenasig | étr-sénu | ini |
AND | then | time-LOC | forever | to.remain-3PL.INAN.FUT.IND.ACT | GNOM |
Glossing Key
1 | First person |
2 | Second person |
3 | Third person |
S, SG | Singular |
PL | Plural |
NOM | Nominative |
ACC.I | Accusative (case governing particle) |
ACC.II | Accusative (case marker) |
GEN.I | Genitive (case governing particle) |
GEN.II | Genitive (case marker) |
DAT | Dative |
LOC | Locative |
COL | Collective noun |
DET | Determiner |
ANIM | Animate gender |
INAN | Inanimate gender |
INDEF | Indefinite gender |
AND | Coordinative conjunction and, & |
PR | Present tense |
PST | Part tense |
FUT | Future tense |
IND | Indicative mood |
ACT | Active voice |
PERF | Perfect aspect |
CONT | Continuous aspect |
GNOM | Gnomic aspect |
AUX | Auxiliary verb |
INT2 | Intensifier 2 (Abstract: e.g. to.wish → to.hope) |