IPA for northern Miuicusejrn Knrawi

The charts below show the way in which the IPA represents northern Miuicusejrn Knrawi pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

This page is only for the variety of Knrawi spoken in northern Miuicusejrn. For other varieties see Knrawi IPA keys.

IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
c tjic to cook ski
ntáchin performance key
cji black key
ç asi shark he
çʰ shiupii wheat noodles he
ɸ huf small あいく (Japanese)
ɸʰ ufh middle あいく (Japanese)
ɸˣ fjmm to hold あいく (Japanese)
h ceh many have
ɦ ua fish have
j shaia house yet
k chuh raw scout
ch six cow
cjniu deep cow
q hyk sugarcane Iraq
nkh far Quran
kja sand Quran
m iim because man
jna star anthem
ŋ thga wind sang
ɲ agchi to shoot canyon
ɴ jgr heart song
p puskj yam spin
cuph snake burrow pin
guvpj posture pin
ʀ marg south rai (French)
riti eye start
t̪ʰ nth water tart
t̪ˣ tjay sick tart
θ cniz to try thing
θʰ zherg cloud thing
θˣ zjnr to eat thing
w rtiu where wing
x gij forever juga (Spanish)
shera thunder juga (Spanish)
χ jua all doch (German)
χʰ sjari city doch (German)
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
a agu face father
ɑ kàtiu nine father
ə sheya large island about
e isji big face
ɪ it head bid
o qucjm cubit boat
ɵ wsj to turn book
ʊ cuy angry book
ᵿ qvvs ball book
Syllabic consonants
msh dry man
n̪̍ jrn land anthem
ŋ̍ tgzh night sang
ɲ̍ icg to be sore canyon
ɴ̩ gj gold song
ʀ̩ muaykej to legalize rai (French)
˥ ik to see
˩ ìy to break
˥˧ cûathay sapphire
˧˩ cûathay sapphire (plural)

Differences from standard Knrawi

    • /ŋ/ assimilates as [ɲ,ɴ].
  • Fortition does not occur.
  • /ɹ/ is realized as [ʀ].
    • Labialized /ɹ/ is realized as [w].
      • Syllabic [β̞] is realized as [ʊ].
  • Alveolar consonants are realized as dental.
  • Prevelar, postvelar, and labialized velar consonants are realized as velar, uvular, and bilabial.
    • Prevelar and postvelar consonants are realized as palatal and velar adjacent to /ɪ/.
    • /x̟ˣ/ is realized as [χʰ].
    • /ʍ/ is realized as [w].
    • /ɉ/ is realized as [j].
      • Syllabic /ɉ/ is realized as [ɪ].
  • /ʊ/ is realized as [ᵿ]
  • Unstressed /ɪ,ʊ,a/ are realized as [ɪ,ᵿ,a].
  • [ɪ,ʊ,a,ᵿ] (including [ɪ] from syllabic /ɉ/) are realized as [e,o,ɑ,ɵ] adjacent to uvular consonants and velar-aspirated consonants.
  • [ʔ̞] is realized as [ɦ].
  • /˧˩/ is distinct from /˥˩/ [˥˧].