Chlouvānem/Syntax: Difference between revisions

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Chlouvānem relative clauses are nonreduced and work exactly the same way as adjectival verbs do: both clauses are independent. Time, place, and similar things are expressed with a distal correlative (see the [[Chlouvānem/Morphology#Correlatives|table of correlatives]]).<br/>
Chlouvānem relative clauses are nonreduced and work exactly the same way as adjectival verbs do: both clauses are independent. Time, place, and similar things are expressed with a distal correlative (see the [[Chlouvānem/Morphology#Correlatives|table of correlatives]]).<br/>
The structure is thus as follows:
The structure is thus as follows:
: ''nanā jāyim sę mešē lilyā buneya.''
: that.<small>DIR</small>. girl.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>2S.ERG</small>. see-<small>IND.PRES.3S.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. <small>1S.GEN.</small> older_sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>.
| phrase = nanā jāyim sę mešē lilyā buneya.
: That girl you see is my older sister.
| gloss = that.<small>DIR</small>. girl.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>2S.ERG</small>. see-<small>IND.PRES.3S.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. <small>1S.GEN.</small> older_sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>.
| translation = That girl you see is my older sister.
Other examples:
Other examples:
: ''mešute gu tarliru ša''.
: see-<small>IND.PRES.1S.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. <small>NEG</small>- know-<small>IND.PRES.1S.INTERIOR</small>. -<small>NEG</small>.
| phrase = mešute gu tarliru ša.
: I don’t know/understand what I see.
| gloss = see-<small>IND.PRES.1S.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. <small>NEG</small>- know-<small>IND.PRES.1S.INTERIOR</small>. -<small>NEG</small>.
| translation = I don’t know/understand what I see.
: ''lilyā ñæltah līlekhaitom tesmudhiṣya ātiya lę lairkeikom khlavasiṣya''.
: <small>1S.GEN</small>. sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>. Līlekhaitē-<small>DAT</small>. depart_with_plane-<small>IND.FUT.3S.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. then. <small>1S.ERG</small>. airport-<small>DAT.SG</small>. go_with.<small>IND.FUT.3S.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
: When my sister takes the plane to Līlekhaitē, I will go with her to the airport.
| phrase = lilyā ñæltah līlekhaitom tesmudhiṣya ātiya lę lairkeikom khlavasiṣya.
| gloss = <small>1S.GEN</small>. sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>. Līlekhaitē-<small>DAT</small>. depart_with_plane-<small>IND.FUT.3S.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. then. <small>1S.ERG</small>. airport-<small>DAT.SG</small>. go_with.<small>IND.FUT.3S.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
: ''nanau kulekte ātmena gu tarliru ša''.
| translation = When my sister takes the plane to Līlekhaitē, I will go with her to the airport.
: that.<small>ACC</small>. say-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. that_reason. <small>NEG</small>=know-<small>IND.PRES.1S.INTERIOR</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
: I don’t know why (s)he said that.
| phrase = nanau kulekte ātmena gu tarliru ša.
| gloss = that.<small>ACC</small>. say-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. that_reason. <small>NEG</small>=know-<small>IND.PRES.1S.INTERIOR</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
| translation = I don’t know why (s)he said that.

The same strategy is used for attributes — ''kamilire pluta'' "blue bag" or "bag that is blue", including participial-like structures such as the following ones:
The same strategy is used for attributes — ''kamilire pluta'' "blue bag" or "bag that is blue", including participial-like structures such as the following ones:
: ''lilei '''pryemęlya''' pluta'' - the bag which has been given back by the person (literally: "by the person it has been given back, the bag")
: ''lilei '''pryemęlya''' pluta'' - the bag which has been given back by the person (literally: "by the person it has been given back, the bag")
: ''plutu '''pritēmęlya''' lila'' - the person who has given back the bag
: ''plutu '''pritēmęlya''' lila'' - the person who has given back the bag
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: ''plutua demye maihei '''primbyemęlya''' lila'' - the person who has been given back the bag by his/her own daughter
: ''plutua demye maihei '''primbyemęlya''' lila'' - the person who has been given back the bag by his/her own daughter
: ''ītulu lāṇṭaṃrye lilei '''utugamǣ''' pluta'' - the bag with which the thief has been hit on the head by the person
: ''ītulu lāṇṭaṃrye lilei '''utugamǣ''' pluta'' - the bag with which the thief has been hit on the head by the person
This "attributive" construction is very commonly used. In fact, the first example in this section may be more commonly found as ''sēyet mešē jāyim lilyā buneya'' (or ''mešite jāyim lilyā buneya'').
This "attributive" construction is very commonly used. In fact, the first example in this section may be more commonly found as ''mešē jāyim lilyā buneya'' (or ''mešite jāyim lilyā buneya'').

Such constructions can also be used where English uses gerundive constructions:
Such constructions can also be used where English uses gerundive constructions:
# ''plutu demye maihei primbyemęlya lila hånyadaikirek.''
#: bag-<small>ACC.SG</small>. one's_own-<small>ERG</small>. daughter-<small>ERG</small>. give.back-<small>IND.PERF.3.EXTERIOR-DAT</small>. person.<small>DIR.SG</small>. be_happy-<small>IND.PAST.3SG.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>.
| phrase = plutu demye maihei primbyemęlya lila hånyadaikirek.
#: The person, having been given back the bag by his/her own daughter, was happy.
| gloss = bag-<small>ACC.SG</small>. one's_own-<small>ERG</small>. daughter-<small>ERG</small>. give.back-<small>IND.PERF.3.EXTERIOR-DAT</small>. person.<small>DIR.SG</small>. be_happy-<small>IND.PAST.3SG.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>.
# ''ālīce guṃsek lilyā pamih uyūṭarumi rileyek.''
| translation = The person, having been given back the bag by his/her own daughter, was happy.
#: that.way. cut-<small>IND.PAST.3SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. my.<small>DIR</small>. finger.<small>DIR.SG</small>. operation-<small>GEN.SG</small>. need-<small>IND.PAST.3SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
#: My finger, having been cut that way, needed an operation.
# ''panaɂetatimu læmilāṇe arūppumei ilakatū læmilila menire memiṃsūyiṣya.''
| phrase = ālīce guṃsek lilyā pamih uyūṭarumi rileyek.
#: pole_position-<small>ACC.SG</small>. championship-<small>LOC.SG</small>. rival-<small>ERG.SG</small>. take-<small>IND.PERF.3.EXTERIOR-ANTIBEN</small>. driver.<small>DIR.SG</small>. tomorrow. risk-<small>NECESS-IND.FUT.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| gloss = that.way. cut-<small>IND.PAST.3SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>. my.<small>DIR</small>. finger.<small>DIR.SG</small>. operation-<small>GEN.SG</small>. need-<small>IND.PAST.3SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
#: The driver, being disadvantaged as (his/her) championship rival has taken pole position, will have to take some risks tomorrow.
| translation = My finger, having been cut that way, needed an operation.
| phrase = panaɂetatimu læmilāṇe arūppumei ilakatū læmilila menire memiṃsūyiṣya.
| gloss = pole_position-<small>ACC.SG</small>. championship-<small>LOC.SG</small>. rival-<small>ERG.SG</small>. take-<small>IND.PERF.3.EXTERIOR-ANTIBEN</small>. driver.<small>DIR.SG</small>. tomorrow. risk-<small>NECESS-IND.FUT.3.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| translation = The driver, being disadvantaged as (his/her) championship rival has taken pole position, will have to take some risks tomorrow.
==Translation of sentential subjects==
Using little subordination, sentential subjects common to English are rendered in different ways in Chlouvānem.
Sentences expressing judgement are often translatable with evidentials (and are therefore single-clause):
| phrase = kite annē.
| gloss = home-<small>LOC.SG</small>. be.<small>INF1.PRES.IND-3SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>.
| translation = It's probable that (s)he is at home.
| phrase = lilyā purvās pūnākē.
| gloss = <small>1SG.GEN-DIR</small>. son.<small>DIR.SG</small>. work.<small>PRES.IND-INF2-3SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>.
| translation = It seems that my son is working.
Other sentences are simply juxtaposed, not subordinated. A dummy "that" in the appropriate case may be inserted if the required case is not direct, accusative, or ergative, but it's often omitted:
| phrase = kānyahǣṣa demyāṣati dṛkte [nanāt] pęrdirek dām?
| gloss = Kānyahǣṣa.<small>DIR</small>. one's_own_way. do.<small>PAST.IND-3SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. [that.<small>EXESS.SG</small>.] annoy.<small>PAST.IND-3SG.COMMON.INTERIOR</small>. <small>INTERR</small>.
| translation = Whom did that Kānyahǣṣa did [it] her way annoy?

==Conditional sentences==
==Conditional sentences==
