Chlouvānem/Syntax: Difference between revisions

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==Quoted speech==
==Quoted speech==
The English distinction between direct and indirect speech is not present in Chlouvānem; instead, it uses a quotative particle, '''tati''', which follows a quoted sentence; this instance of quoted speech is used basically everywhere English uses indirect speech:
The English distinction between direct and indirect speech is not present in Chlouvānem; instead, it uses a quotative particle, '''tati''', which follows a quoted sentence; this instance of quoted speech is used basically everywhere English uses indirect speech:
: ''håltęrmim '''tati''' kulaikate.''
: They said they were ready. (or, literally: They said "we are ready")
| phrase = håltęrmim tati kulaikate.
| gloss = be_ready.<small>IND.PRES-1PL.COMMON.INTERIOR</small>. <small>QUOT</small>. say.<small>IND.PAST-3PL.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
: ''dvārme palyu jonyegde '''tati''' demyai maihi lāṃryāṇom kulekte.''
| translation = They said they were ready. <small>(or: "They said 'we are ready.'")</small>
: (S)he told his/her daughter's boyfriend/girlfriend that she is painting her face in her room. (… "she paints her face in her room")
: ''cāṃkręe, karthāgo bīdardṛsūyē '''tati''' vvlirute.''
| phrase = dvārme palyu jonyegde tati demyai maihi lāṃryāṇom kulekte.
: [[w:Carthago delenda est|Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.]] (literally: "last [but not least], I think: "Carthage must be destroyed")
| gloss = room-<small>LOC.SG</small>. face-<small>ACC.SG</small>. paint.<small>IND.PERF-3SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. <small>QUOT</small>. <small>REFL.GEN-GEN</small>. daughter-<small>GEN.SG</small>. relationship_partner-<small>DAT.SG</small>. say.<small>IND.PAST-3SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| translation = (S)he told his/her daughter's boyfriend/girlfriend that she is painting her face in her room.
| phrase = cāṃkręe, karthāgo bīdardṛsmau tati vvlirute.
| gloss = be_final-<small>ADV</small>. Carthage.<small>DIR</small>. destroy.<small>OPT.PERF-3SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>. <small>QUOT</small>. think.<small>IND.PRES-1SG.COMMON.INTERIOR</small>.
| translation = [[w:Carthago delenda est|Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.]] <small>(literally: "last [but not least], I think: 'Carthage must be destroyed.'")</small>
This is the norm even in more complex sentences:
| phrase = hānihæmma mæn jæhimīnta utsmā taili lācāk menni, lānicunyų nanū gu ē ša mīmišvayatite nin lañšijijeltsute tati yaiva laltesām kulekte.
| gloss = Hānihæmma.<small>DIR</small>. <small>TOP</small>. Jæhimīnta.<small>DIR</small>. that_much.<small>MEDIAL</small>. much. love.<small>IND.PRES-3SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>. because. / lānicunih-<small>ABL.SG</small>. more. <small>NEG</small>=be.<small>IND.PAST.3SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>=<small>NEG</small>. see-<small>FREQ-SUBJ.IMPF-1SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. after. marry-<small>DESID-IND.PRES-1SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. <small>QUOT</small>. all. friend-<small>DAT.PL</small>. say.<small>IND.PAST-3SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| translation = Hānihæmma loved Jæhimīnta so much, that she<sub><small>1</small></sub> told all her<sub><small>1</small></sub> friends that she<sub><small>1</small></sub> wanted to marry her<sub><small>2</small></sub> after only 2 weeks of seeing her<sub><small>2</small></sub>!<ref>Example taken from a translation challenge on the ''Constructed Languages'' Facebook group, posted on Sep 8, 2018, adapted for the purpose of this page.</ref>
The verb ''tṛlake'' "to know, to understand" simply requires the sentences to be juxtaposed. Note that Chlouvānem uses the natural sequence of tenses:
The verb ''tṛlake'' "to know, to understand" simply requires the sentences to be juxtaposed. Note that Chlouvānem uses the natural sequence of tenses:
: ''ajāƾilbādhyom pūrṣei tarliru.''
: I know you went to Ajāƾilbādhi.
| phrase = ajāƾilbādhyom pūrṣei tarliru.
| gloss = Ajāƾilbādhi-<small>DAT</small>. go_with_vehicle.<small>MULTIDIR-IND.PAST-2SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>. know.<small>IND.PRES-1SG.COMMON.INTERIOR</small>.
: ''ajāƾilbādhyom pūrṣei tṛlirau.''
| translation = I know you went to Ajāƾilbādhi.
: I knew you had been (= lit.: you went) to Ajāƾilbādhi.
| phrase = ajāƾilbādhyom pūrṣei tṛlirau.
| gloss = Ajāƾilbādhi-<small>DAT</small>. go_with_vehicle.<small>MULTIDIR-IND.PAST-2SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>. know.<small>IND.PAST-1SG.COMMON.INTERIOR</small>.
| translation = I knew you had been to Ajāƾilbādhi.
Future in the past also uses juxtaposed sentences, with the future meaning being shown by the general future tense:
Future in the past also uses juxtaposed sentences, with the future meaning being shown by the general future tense:
: ''ajāƾilbādhyom pūrṣiṣyes gu tṛlirau ša.''
: I did not know you would have been to Ajāƾilbādhi.
| phrase = ajāƾilbādhyom pūrṣiṣyes gu tṛlirau ša.
| gloss = Ajāƾilbādhi-<small>DAT</small>. go_with_vehicle.<small>MULTIDIR-IND.FUT-2SG.PATIENT.EXTERIOR</small>. <small>NEG</small>=know.<small>IND.PAST-1SG.COMMON.INTERIOR</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
| translation = I did not know you would have been to Ajāƾilbādhi.

==See also==
==See also==
