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Animacy marking is differentiated for the neuter genders only, as the masculine and feminine genders are inherently animate and thus require no special marking.  Both the masculine and the feminine 3rd person plurals have merged into one common gender, while the gender for animate and inanimate neuter nouns are still distinguished.  Remnants of a split ergativity can be found in the third person neuter animate singular, where the submorphememe of the portmenteau affix for the patient is derived from an earlier ''*-tir-'' Accusative form, as opposed to the expected form ''-mah-''.
Animacy marking is differentiated for the neuter genders only, as the masculine and feminine genders are inherently animate and thus require no special marking.  Both the masculine and the feminine 3rd person plurals have merged into one common gender, while the gender for animate and inanimate neuter nouns are still distinguished.  Remnants of a split ergativity can be found in the third person neuter animate singular, where the submorphememe of the portmenteau affix for the patient is derived from an earlier ''*-tir-'' Accusative form, as opposed to the expected form ''-mah-''.

Due to the complexity of the transitive pronominal affixes, their full forms are summarized in the next table:<br/>
Due to the complexity of the transitive pronominal affixes, their full forms are summarized in the next table:<br/><br/>

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In comparison to the transitive pronominal affixes, the affixes for the intransitive verb are much simpler, although the passive forms demonstrate quite a bit of unexpected variability.  Most noticeable in the passive forms is the occurrence of lenition, a morphophonemic alternation that occurs nowhere else in the Minhast verb, or nouns for that matter.  Moreover, the passive forms show considerable polysemy.  Diachronic developments explain the source for these otherwise aberrant features.  These developments can be found in [[Minhast/Diachronic_Changes]]
In comparison to the transitive pronominal affixes, the affixes for the intransitive verb are much simpler, although the passive forms demonstrate quite a bit of unexpected variability.  Most noticeable in the passive forms is the occurrence of lenition, a morphophonemic alternation that occurs nowhere else in the Minhast verb, or nouns for that matter.  Moreover, the passive forms show considerable polysemy.  Diachronic developments explain the source for these otherwise aberrant features.  These developments can be found in [[Minhast/Diachronic_Changes]]
Based on early Classical Minhast texts, as well as the pre-Modern Stone Speaker dialects, an additional pronominal form has been reconstructed, ''-ya-'', which functioned as the nominative case for an indefinite third person form (c.f. English "one", French "on", Spanish "se", etc). 
From Old Minhast, the reconstructed indefinite pronominal affix appears in the verb complex of ''*wušun-'' "to hit":
|phrase = ** Wušunyakyaharuna
| IPA = /wuʃunyakya'haruna/
| morphemes = wušun-yak-ya-har-u-na
| gloss = hit-1S.ACC-3INDEF.NOM-PST-do-NMZ
| translation = Someone hit me (lit. Someone did the hitting of me)
This reconstructed pronominal form merged with the accusative segment of the portmanteau pronominal affixes, triggering lenition of velars and palatalization of dentals.  Eventually, the meaning of indefinite "one" was lost and the verb was re-analyzed as a stative verb, leading to the replacement of the Transitivizer ''-u'' with the Detransitivizer ''-an''.  Soon after, or perhaps even simultaneously with these developments, the Inchoative marker ''-saxt-'' surfaced, most likely due to analogy with stative verbs.  The final result is a passive voice where the Inchoative is applied in semantically transitive verbs which then licenses the passive pronominal affixes, e.g.:
|phrase = Saxtušnexaran
| IPA = /saxtuʃ'nɛxaran/
| morphemes = saxt-ušn-ex-ar-an
| gloss = INCH-hit-1S.PASS-PST-INTR
| translation = I got hit (lit. I became the one hit)
In those uncommon instances where an independent pronoun is used, the simple Absolutive form is used, eg. 1S.ABS ''yak'', 2S.ABS ''tah'', 3S.ABS ''kua'', etc:
|phrase = Yak saxtušnexaran
| IPA = /yak saxtuʃ'nɛxaran/
| morphemes = yak saxt-ušn-ex-ar-an
| gloss = 1S.ABS INCH-hit-1S.PASS-PST-INTR
| translation = I got hit (lit. I became the one hit)
Just as a patient demoted by antipassivation can be retained in the clause with a postpositional clitic, in this case the Dative clitic ''=aran'', the demoted agent of a passivized clause can be retained with a postpositional clitic, namely the Ablative clitic ''=yār''
|phrase = Duyyār saxtušnešexaran
| IPA = /du:'ja:r saxtuʃnɛ'ʃexaran/
| morphemes = dūy=yār saxt-ušn-eš-ex-ar-an
| gloss = salmon=ABL INCH-hit-1S.PASS-PST-INTR
| translation = I got smacked by the salmon's tail.
Despite the degree of polysemy in the passive pronominal affixes, ambiguity is resolved via the S/O pivot; in fact it is the preservation of the S/O pivot that is the primary motivation for using the passive voice.  The following comes from a Classical Minhast text:
|phrase = Saxtimassašpuhaxxarammā, ruwwaššundekarun.
| IPA = /saxtɪmassaʃpuhax:a'ram:a: ruw:aʃ:un'dɛkarun/
| morphemes = saxt-massap-šuhap-x-ar-an-mā ruwwas-xunde-ek-ar-un
| gloss = INCH-wound-sword-1S.PASS-PST-INTR-SUBORD help-wound-1S.ACC+3S.NOM-PST-TRN
| translation = I had been wounded by (the enemy's) sword, (so) then he tended to my wounds.

The forms of the Absolutive and the Passive are listed below in Table X:
The forms of the Absolutive and the Passive are listed below in Table X:
