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===Saṃdhi (''mīraṃdīdda'')===
===Saṃdhi (''mīraṃdīdda'')===
Saṃdhi (''mīraṃdīdda'' "reaction") in Dundulanyä is usually internal saṃdhi only.
Saṃdhi (''mīraṃdīdda'' "reaction") in Dundulanyä is mostly internal saṃdhi only.

(to be expanded, only an unordered list for now)
====Internal saṃdhi====
Saṃdhi assimilations are fairly straightforward; in the vast majority of cases, the second consonant assimilates the preceding one(s).

* plosive + '''ḫ''' geminated and aspirated plosive, e.g. ''śud-ḫana'' → ''śuddhana'' "rule"; ''nisakh-ḫamfa'' → ''nisakkhamfa'' "conlang"; cf. the change happening with the corresponding soft consonant '''h''', where the preceding plosive gains aspiration, but is not geminated.
The most basic rules are:
* Nasals assimilate to the PoA of any following consonant except for '''y''' (no assimilation occurs), '''l''' (all become '''ṃ''', phonetically realized as vowel nasalization), and before '''d dh s ṣ c ch j jh ś''', where there is a phonemic contrast between the homorganic nasal and '''ṃ'''; the latter is, in saṃdhi, the result of a preceding '''m'''.
* All plosives assimilate in voicing to a following stop; if the first one is aspirated, then aspiration shifts to the second one.
** Dentals also assimilate to any adjacent (preceding or following) retroflexes, while labials assimilate to adjacent linguolabials.
In stop saṃdhi, a few further changes apart from basic voicing, retroflex and linguolabial assimilation occur. Note that any such combination also applies to aspirated stops.
-'''pc'''- → -'''ṃc'''-;<br/>
-'''p̃ṭ'''- → -'''p̃p̃'''-; -'''p̃c'''- → -'''p̃ś'''-;<br/>
-'''tp̃'''- → -'''p̃p̃'''-; -'''tc'''- → -'''cc'''-; -'''tk'''- → -'''kt'''-;<br/>
-'''ṭp̃'''- → -'''p̃p̃'''-; -'''ṭc'''- → -'''cc'''-; -'''ṭk'''- → -'''kṭ'''-;<br/>
-'''cp'''- → -'''śp'''-; -'''cp̃'''- → -'''hp̃'''-; -'''ct'''- → -'''kt'''-; -'''cṭ'''- → -'''ṣṭ'''-; -'''ck'''- → -'''śk'''-;<br/>
-'''kc'''- → -'''cc'''-.
All combinations involving glottal stops, '''q''' (lenited to a glottal stop), as well as -''pṭ''-, -''pk''-,  -''p̃t''-, -''p̃k''-, -''tp''-, -''ṭp''-, -''kp''-, -''kp̃''-, -''kt''- and -''kṭ''- remain unchanged.
Saṃdhi involving voiced stops mostly mirrors the changes of voiceless ones with, however, a few differences:
-'''b̃ḍ'''- → -'''b̃l'''-; -'''b̃j'''- → -'''b̃l'''-;<br/>
-'''db'''- → -'''bd'''-; -'''db̃'''- → -'''r̃b̃'''-; -'''dj'''- → -'''ñj'''-; -'''dg'''- → -'''gd'''-; -'''dq'''- → -'''ɂd'''-;<br/>
-'''ḍb'''- → -'''bḍ'''-; -'''ḍb̃'''- → -'''r̃b̃'''-; -'''ḍj'''- → -'''ñj'''-; -'''ḍg'''- → -'''gḍ'''-; -'''ḍq'''- → -'''ɂḍ'''-;<br/>
-'''jb̃'''- → -'''r̃b̃'''-; -'''j''' + any other stop, including aspirated ones and '''ɂ''' → -'''jñ'''-;<br/>
-'''gj'''- → -'''ñj'''-; -'''gq'''- → -'''qq'''-.
All combinations with '''b''' as the first consonant, all other ones involving glottal stops and '''q''' (lenited to a glottal stop before other plosives), as well as -''b̃d''-, -''b̃g''-, -''gb''-, -''gb̃''-, -''gd''- and -''gḍ''- remain unchanged.
'''h''' and '''ḫ''' fortify preceding plosives (except '''ɂ'''), turning them into aspirated ones; -'''Ch'''- results in an aspirate, while -'''Cḫ'''- in a geminated and aspirated plosive (e.g. ''śud-ḫana'' → ''śuddhana'' "rule"; ''nisakh-ḫamfa'' → ''nisakkhamfa'' "conlang"). The sequences -'''ɂh'''- and -'''ɂḫ'''- both result in -'''ḫḫ'''-.
'''h''' changes to '''r̃''' in front of linguolabials; the sequence -'''hh'''- changes to -'''hl'''-.
Sibilants trigger various different changes:
* Among themselves, '''-s s-''' remains '''ss''' (but simplified to '''s''' if the latter is followed by a consonant other than ''y''), but any other combination becomes '''kṣ''';
* '''ṣ''', if followed by a dental stop, turns it into '''ṭ''' or '''ṭh''' according to aspiration;
* '''s''' or '''ś''' plus any voiced stop, or '''ṣ''' followed by any non-dental/retroflex voiced stop, disappear but synchronically lengthen the previous vowel;
* Coronal stops followed  by '''ṣ''' or '''ś''' result in a palatal affricate;
* All sibilants become '''r''' in front of '''q'''.
In internal saṃdhi, doubled stops are degeminated (like -''mpp''- > -''mp''-).
====Doubling saṃdhi====
In a few cases of consonant doubling due to saṃdhi, there are irregular results:
* -'''yy'''- → '''-jñ-''';
** This also applies to instances of -'''aiy'''-, which become -'''ājñ'''-;
* -'''vv'''- → '''-bb-''';
* -'''rr'''- → '''-hr-'''.
====Epenthetic vowels====
Epenthetic vowels are usually discussed together with saṃdhi. They are often used in verbal conjugations, as no Dundulanyä word may end in two consonants. The epenthetic vowel used depends on the preceding consonant:
* '''u''' is inserted after labials and linguolabials;
* '''i''' is inserted after palatals;
* '''a''' is inserted after all other consonants.
Note that '''y''', '''v''', and '''r''' in these cases turn into the corresponding vowels '''i''', '''u''', and '''ṛ'''.

====Saṃdhi in consonant stems====
====Saṃdhi in consonant stems====
