Page history
12 February 2024
→Loan words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Loan words
→Translitteration of foreign letters & sounds
→Translitteration of foreign letters & sounds
→Translitteration of foreign letters & sounds
→Foreign letters & sounds in Germian
→Foreign letters
→Foreign letters
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Loan words
→Countries & languages
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Word creation
→Word creation
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words
→Compound words