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English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
red abu /a'bu/
hot ada /a'da/
warm adze /'adze/
necessary ala /'ala/
open ala /'ala/
ancient apa /'apʰa/
select aple /'aple/
angry ashte /'aʃte/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
well a /a/
little aspi /as'pi/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
/duti/ whose **


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
/duti/ whose **


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
/duti/ whose **


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
/duti/ whose **


A/I English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
a spark aa /'aa/
i portion aba /a'ba/
i heat adae /'adae/
i turbine adatsa /'adatsa/
a attack ae /'ae/
a plague aga /'aga/
a novel age /'age/
i door ahu /'ahu/
i week ake /a'kʰe/
a toddler ake /'akʰe/
i heap akse /'akse/
i test aku /'aku/
i mandate ambekse /'ambekse/
a artery amyu /'amju/
i support ana /a'na/
i cushion anga /a'ŋa/
i merchandise angaki /aŋa'ki/
a clash ange /'aŋe/
a family ansa /'ansa/
i kink (sharp twist) antu /an'tu/
i visa anzuke /'anzukʰe/
i saddle ape /'ape/
a existence aperra /a'perra/
a challenge apu /a'pʰu/
i beverage are /'are/
i sponge ari /'ari/
i paradise arixe /a'rixe/
i wheel arke /'arke/
a service arkem /ar'kem/
a slave arken /'arken/
a maid ashe /'aʃe/
a anger ashtee /aʃ'tee/
a authority asyu /as'ju/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
second ada /a'da/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
across aa /'aa/
under aka /a'kʰa/
during anghukse /aŋ'hukse/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
/duti/ whose **


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
separate abu /'abu/
smash ae /a'e/
attack ae /'ae/
exclude ageda /'ageda/
generate ai /'ai/
cram akesyu /'akʰesju/
stalk aki /a'ki/
embrace aki /'aki/
test aku /'aku/
face aku /'aku/
shine ale /a'le/
intercept ampa /'ampa/
hurt ana /a'na/
support ana /a'na/
swim anga /'aŋa/
pity apa /a'pʰa/
store ape /'ape/
squint apu /a'pʰu/
imitate aputa /a'pʰutʰa/
serve arke /'arke/
answer arra /ar'ra/