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English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
red abu /a'bu/
hot ada /a'da/
warm adze /'adze/
necessary ala /'ala/
open ala /'ala/
ancient apa /'apʰa/
select aple /'aple/
angry ashte /'aʃte/
clean atale /a'tʰale/
mid ayeta /a'jetʰa/
messy azesh /'azeʃ/
pregnant bedad /be'dad/
black beg /beg/
keen bege /'bege/
insane beged /'beged/
grim bekyeg /'bekjeg/
technological bigash /'bigaʃ/
damp dadze /'dadze/
domestic dalat /'dalat/
fragile dale /'dale/
adolescent danat /da'nat/
appropriate dapem /'dapem/
native datam /da'tʰam/
instant datat /'datʰat/
likely daxe /da'xe/
stark daxi /'daxi/
loud dayet /da'jet/
scarce dea /'dea/
urban deesh /de'eʃ/
imaginary dena /de'na/
thin (of an object) di /di/
slim (of a person) di /di/
fake dingeng /di'ŋeŋ/
anxious dixe /'dixe/
special dubya /dub'ja/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
well a /a/
little aspi /as'pi/
allegedly bitsa /'bitsa/
okay dake /'dakʰe/
nowadays dexe /'dexe/
instead digang /'digaŋ/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
since da /da/
so daki /'daki/
or de /de/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
much axi /a'xi/
little axi /'axi/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
/duti/ whose **


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
goodbye date /da'te/


A/I English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
a spark aa /'aa/
i portion aba /a'ba/
i heat adae /'adae/
a turbine adatsa /'adatsa/
a attack ae /'ae/
a plague aga /'aga/
a novel age /'age/
i door ahu /'ahu/
i week ake /a'kʰe/
a toddler ake /'akʰe/
i heap akse /'akse/
i test aku /'aku/
i mandate ambekse /'ambekse/
a artery amyu /'amju/
i support ana /a'na/
i cushion anga /a'ŋa/
i merchandise angaki /aŋa'ki/
a clash ange /'aŋe/
a family ansa /'ansa/
i kink (sharp twist) antu /an'tu/
i visa anzuke /'anzukʰe/
i saddle ape /'ape/
a existence aperra /a'perra/
a challenge apu /a'pʰu/
i beverage are /'are/
i sponge ari /'ari/
i paradise arixe /a'rixe/
a wheel arke /'arke/
a service arkem /ar'kem/
a slave arken /'arken/
a maid ashe /'aʃe/
a anger ashtee /aʃ'tee/
a authority asyu /as'ju/
a boost ata /'atʰa/
a memory atakem /a'tʰakʰem/
i spit ate /'ate/
a others atsa /a'tsa/
a air atsa /'atsa/
i bench au /'au/
a tornado axe /a'xe/
a debt aye /a'je/
a bush ayi /'aji/
a military ayi /'aji/
i paste ayita /a'jitʰa/
i mess aze /'aze/
i cereal beag /'beag/
i speed bebug /be'bug/
i south bed /bed/
i terminal bedad /be'dad/
a rhetoric bela /be'la/
i memo benge /'beŋe/
i brass bensa /ben'sa/
a snow bere /'bere/
a niece beri /be'ri/
i church beug /be'ug/
a expert beye /be'je/
a loser beyeg /be'jeg/
i bread beyeg /'bejeg/
i premiere beyi /be'ji/
a sound beyig /'bejig/
a energy bi /bi/
a technology big /big/
i soap bike /'bikʰe/
a trader bira /'bira/
i shrine biug /'biug/
i canopy bixe /'bixe/
i bracelet biyyu /'bijju/
a wife daa /da'a/
a birther daa /da'a/
i cigar daban /'daban/
i horn dablen /'dablen/
i oven dabu /'dabu/
i chapel dabum /'dabum/
a ensemble dabun /'dabun/
a navy dada /da'da/
i saucepan dada /'dada/
i bead dadam /'dadam/
a melody dae /'dae/
i allergy dahu /'dahu/
a journey dahum /'dahum/
a addiction dakem /da'kʰem/
i preparation dakemem /da'kʰemem/
i resolution daki /'daki/
a fruit daksen /'daksen/
i urine dakyen /'dakjen/
i explanation dalam /'dalam/
i needle dale /'dale/
i proof dalkutem /dal'kutem/
a water dan /dan/
a rain dan /dan/
i variable dana /'dana/
i sphere danzu /'danzu/
a pick dapen /'dapen/
i region daplem /'daplem/
a smile dapu /'dapʰu/
i dam dara /'daɾa/
i band dare /da're/
i chord darem /da'rem/
i counter (flat, elevated surface) dari /'dari/
a capture darke /'darke/
i dome darra /'darra/
a farm dashem /'daʃem/
a farmer dashemin /da'ʃemin/
a team dat /dat/
i building date /'date/
i nose datte /'datte/
i candle datyam /dat'jam/
i look (appearance) dau /'dau/
a city dee /'dee/
i arch dehun /'dehun/
i platter dekun /de'kun/
i side den /den/
i initiative depe /'depe/
a patron deri /de'ri/
a patriot deri /'deri/
a plantation detsa /de'tsa/
i cart detsan /'detsan/
i linen deu /'deu/
a sea dexi /'dexi/
i kitchen deye /'deje/
i insight dia /'dia/
a devil diba /'diba/
a proliferation dibu /di'bu/
i fingerprint dibung /di'buŋ/
i formula dien /di'en/
a enemy dien /'dien/
i scrap dige /di'ge/
i advice dii /'dii/
a experience dikeg /'dikʰeg/
i doctrine diki /di'ki/
i garbage diking /'dikiŋ/
i trash diking /'dikiŋ/
i census dile /'dile/
i east dima /di'ma/
a monster dimbe /'dimbe/
a parsley dimyug /'dimjug/
a desert dina /'dina/
a help ding /diŋ/
i path dipa /'dipʰa/
a carriage dipe /'dipe/
a spider diple /'diple/
a pressure dipu /'dipʰu/
i fence diri /'diri/
a laugh dirrang /dir'raŋ/
a elastic dita /di'tʰa/
i compartment dite /di'te/
a calf dityang /'ditjaŋ/
a anxiety dixee /di'xee/
i bank dixi /'dixi/
a breakthrough dixi /'dixi/
i colour diye /'dije/
a counselor diying /di'jiŋ/
i summary dubung /'dubuŋ/
i carcass dudap /'dudap/
a evil dudzeng /du'dzeŋ/
i transcript dueg /'dueg/
a waiter dueg /'dueg/
a organisation duez /'duez/
i name ming /miŋ/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
second ada /a'da/
hundred (144, or 12^2) dabyam /'dabjam/
thousand (1728, or 12^3) - -
billion (12^9) diga /di'ga/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
across aa /'aa/
under aka /a'kʰa/
during anghukse /aŋ'hukse/
inside ata /'atʰa/
after dabu /'dabu/
per dakam /'dakʰam/
because dama /'dama/
from din /din/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
each atsu /a'tsu/


English Gapauti Pronunciation Orthography
separate abu /'abu/
smash ae /a'e/
attack ae /'ae/
exclude ageda /'ageda/
generate ai /'ai/
cram akesyu /'akʰesju/
stalk aki /a'ki/
embrace aki /'aki/
test aku /'aku/
face aku /'aku/
shine ale /a'le/
intercept ampa /'ampa/
hurt ana /a'na/
support ana /a'na/
swim anga /'aŋa/
pity apa /a'pʰa/
store ape /'ape/
squint apu /a'pʰu/
imitate aputa /a'pʰutʰa/
serve arke /'arke/
answer arra /ar'ra/
happen asyu /'asju/
remember atake /a'tʰakʰe/
clean atale /a'tʰale/
relieve ate /'ate/
spit ate /'ate/
dive axia /'axia/
enforce aye /a'je/
react ayku /'ajku/
show be /be/
groan bedze /'bedze/
speculate bee /'bee/
maintain beke /'bekʰe/
complement bele /'bele/
snow bere /'bere/
differ betsud /'betsud/
lend bexi /'bexi/
rally beyed /'bejed/
accept bibug /'bibug/
head bida /bi'da/
scramble biku /bi'ku/
affect binsa /'binsa/
precede bintu /'bintu/
mock bitsu /'bitsʰu/
become dake /'dakʰe/
prepare dakem /'dakʰem/
explain dala /'dala/
prove dalkut /'dalkut/
can dam /dam/
flush damyun /'damjun/
scrape danga /da'ŋa/
claim danga /'daŋa/
propel dange /da'ŋe/
attend danget /'daŋet/
lay daple /da'ple/
smile dapu /'dapʰu/
escape dasyum /'dasjum/
nurture data /da'tʰa/
align data /'datʰa/
envision datem /'datem/
warn daum /da'um/
rub daxim /'daxim/
applaud daze /da'ze/
stain deba /'deba/
pray deblen /de'blen/
suck debun /de'bun/
amend dega /de'ga/
behave (well) deken /'dekʰen/
sweep dekun /'dekun/
raise dig /dig/
inquire dikang /di'kʰaŋ/
display dikna /'dikna/
emphasize diku /di'ku/
help ding /diŋ/
depart dinga /'diŋa/
warrant dinga /'diŋa/
discriminate dinzu /'dinzu/
save (put aside) dire /'dire/
recommend diri /'diri/
laugh dirrang /dir'raŋ/
hurry diseng /'diseŋ/
crouch ditag /di'tʰag/
substitute diyi /di'ji/
manufacture dua /'dua/
rely dubya /dub'ja/
perform duda /du'da/
burst dudze /'dudze/
swirl dudzep /'dudzep/
confine due /'due/