Some Trician conlang

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Some Trician conlang or Henosis Ousias (Old Togarmite /tʰa:'hi:datʰ ha'wu:tʰan/ 'Oneness of Being'; one may abbreviate it ΘH or ThH) is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the writings of Hellenistic Greek philosopher Antiochos Euergetes. Some Trician conlang is dominant all over Lõis's Near East, as well as in Eastern Europe, Siberia and India. The liturgical languages used depend on region; Eastern Europe and Siberia use Old Togarmite, the Near East uses Greek and vernacular languages; and India uses [some IE language].

It's somewhere between Sufism and Advaita Vedanta: it holds that all the different gods mankind worships are manifestations of one ultimate God. However, to understand the one true God at a deeper level one must understand one's true self, in order to discern what purpose one was created by God for. (?)