
From Linguifex
Revision as of 22:18, 12 November 2012 by Chrysophylax (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div style="float:{{{float|left}}}; border:{{{border-width|{{{border-s|1}}}}}}px solid {{{border-color|{{{1|{{{border-c|{{{id-c|#999}}}}}}}}}}}}; margin:1px; width:238px;" cla...")
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info id

| border-c      = border color
| border-s      = border width in pixels
| id            = id text or image
| id-c          = id background color
| id-fc         = id font color
| id-s          = id text size
| id-p          = id cell padding space
| id-lh         = id line height 
| id-op         = id other parameter (CSS)
| id-w          = id box width
| id-h          = id box height
| info          = info text
| info-c        = info background color
| info-fc       = info font color
| info-s        = info text size
| info-p        = info padding (distance between cell contents & cell border)
| info-lh       = info line height (or distance in between text lines)
| info-op       = info other (CSS) parameter(s)
| usercategory  = user category (optional)
| usercategory2 = user category (optional)
  • Text size is assumed to be in points
  • If border-c is not specified, id-c will be used
  • All parameters are optional