User:Ílchőfti Lēmáthīd

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I'm Ílchőfti Lēmáthīd (you may abbreviate me as İlL or IlL (majuscule I, minuscule l)), which is supposed to be Themsaran for "just some scribe of [i.e. driven by] adventurousness/curiosity".

ˀAchím mbrútz

As can be gleaned from my languages I have drunk and metabolized the /k/-as-<c> Cool-Aid, and think radical consonants (especially /ħ/ and /ʡ/) are absolutely radical. I'm also fond of marking the possessum and, as it seems, polypersonal agreement (though predisposed to bipersonal).

Languages of Hheergrem (as yet underdeveloped):

  • Tizian: May grandfather (-mother?) in Themsaran lexis/grammar
  • Antidhi: A little bit Greeky, not too much, with infixes, directional-marking verbs and ergativity
  • Bơlơn
  • [Some Khmery thing with construct state]

"Real" world (could be grafted into Waahlis' droll little world, or be called a fanfiction of it :)):

  • Themsaran - My first conlang, might be giving up. Should amend my handle accordingly?
  • Netagin - bizarro Hiberno-Hebrew. I PROMISE this will be the first and last fake-[natlang X]-lang that I will create! Sadly, this promise in all likelihood won't hold, however...
    • Ivris modernis: A short page on the Modern Hebrew spoken in the above world, whose phonology I steered away just a little from Netagin/real-world Modern Hebrew. Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds ugly, lol.

ˀAchím dtaphšíḥáh

Productive.png This user, Ílchőfti Lēmáthīd, has through labour and time become one of the most productive members of the community!