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Wyrŝinysko (/wɨrχinɨsko/) is a Balto-Slavic language spoken in western Russia, especially near the Ural Mountains. It's the most spoken Balto-Slavic language in the Unbegotten timeline; it is neither Baltic nor Slavic, and belongs to fictional branch of Balto-Slavic. It has a bit of Slavic like palatalization early on but turns them into geminates or Greekifies them (ly > ll > ɬ etc.).

Wyrŝinysko has lost the Balto-Slavic pitch accent system. Some vowel reflexes differ by accent; the PBS acute makes vowels RTR and thus has RTR-like effects on vowels (i > e, u > o, a > o in some cases).

It is inspired by Welsh and Paleosiberian langauges.

PBS *dōra, *źemē, *waljā, *źwēris > *dōrə, *ðemmē₁, *wallā, *ẑē₁rɨ > duar, ðehmy, wəllo, ẑierə /duər, ðehmɨ, wəɬo, ʀiərə/ "gift, earth, pleasure, animal"

dear? dêr? = tree (derwan > *dē₂r)

  • dʰer-mos > dermas 'is suitable' > derm "good" (~ firmus, dharma)

Altaic/Hindi grammar


Wyrŝinysko has 5 cases: nominative, accusative, oblique-ergative, genitive, and vocative. The oblique-ergative was formed from a merger of the PBS dative, instrumental and locative cases.

Like in Slavic languages, there is an animacy distinction in the masculine gender: the accusative case is the same as the genitive for masculine animate nouns.

gard = fence (m.) gulo = head (f.) morr = sea (m.)
singular plural singular plural singular plural
Nominative gard garde guolo guolos morr morre
Genitive garda gardu guolos guolu morra morru
Accusative gard gardo guolo guolos morr morre
Oblique-Ergative gardi gardăn guole guolon morri morrăn
Vocative gardy! garde! guolă! guolos! morry! morre!