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Českoen is an a priori artlang supposed to be very simple and analytic. However, speakers of the language hold on to the idea that the language used to be quite complex in the past with a School trying to bring awareness of its once lost complexity. The language pokes fun at the conceit that "complexity" makes a "better language" and also that the complexity can only be determined in one subjective set of parameters (mostly imitating ancient European languages).


In its backstory the Ezgizo Ezgeskoinama school fought the Azgizu school for control over the teaching of the language. The idea was a language that sounded pretty much like Jabba the Hutt's Huttese but with minimal class prefixes for noun and adjective, with singular and plural numbers. Many of other features of the language are hinted as being retro-fitted by the Ezgizo Ezgeskoinama school in a kind of attempt to make the language "more complex" or "more on par with languages of other international powers", but are mostly hypercorrections or full-on arbitrary creations by grammarians.





Bilabial Dental Palatal Velar Labio-Velar Glottal
Stop p b t d t͡ʃ č k g
Fricative f v x h
Sibilant s z ʃ ʒ š ž
Nasal m n (ŋ)
Liquid l r
Approximant j y w


  • The palatal č is not a stop though it is treated as one due to distribution.




nouns: i(n)- (sg); mi-, m- (pl).

čibu, ičibu sg, mičibu pl.


adjectives: a(n)- (sg); na-, n- (pl)




Derivational morphology

Example texts

anta čoga haska m’ onzo
There seem to be spider-webs.

Other resources