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Nicene Creed, 325 AD (fi Binhithma Tsiyec Nicea)

Bang tsăyec łof Grath doan — fi Ep mo fnga tsor, foang chea tătathbur tsor mo hatnguay te tsor mo dihatnguay,
te łof Păwlop Yeșua Christos doan, fi Rith Grath, fi Rith rădoan faf Ep Ien, iror fi hüpoastarsis* moang fi Ep,
[fi Rith mot] Grath [mo hăgep] fa Grath [fi Ep], chwäp fa chwäp, Grath finaw fa Grath finaw, ănărșeal te die pa'ieng, iror thed fi hüpoastarsis yaf Ep;
Ien mot foang chea to'ieng tsor wang, wăha imwang mif häm te wăha imwang mif tâle;
rüe sochie bang, Ien chea psuy drel fa impngay, te chea răhüp fteach, te chea ha'ieng șa croth;
chea năngol, te chea ithris ftsüen łăduy mifi fnüd histiw, te chea ithris seaf imhäm;
te Ien per psuy drel te rüe łin rüe foang ftsüen te foang łoy;
te łof Șăgor Ăthem;
te soangew binłămduy doan seaf fi binrithwoł frăcing;
te łof Ăcles Yălămtsor Ăthem doan;
te łof bin'ithris ftsüen moang fi fteach;
te łof săftsüen drel sloc imsngeaf.

(*) /hypostaˈziz/; transcription of ὑπόστασις hypostasis, a theological term