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Derived words are shown under the original word. Latin alphabet order is used to help unaccustomed users.

Sceptrian Word Class English


aktas n ear
ala n day
alké part verb permissive
ara n previous day, yesterday
atasi part verb hearsay evidential



bak n table
bap n word
baplóp n sentence
batop n language
birtsil n fire
boi prep down
n lowness
bous v goes down


doth n man


dhoku n head


eja n day
eva n light



fendó n death
fkot n nest
fo pro you (singular)


gana part verb volitive
gat n jug
part in literature for sarcasm
glerk n mace
gln n fat
guh n mouth
gul n blackness


hi pro it (inanimate)
hifthil n air
hil n whiteness
hoi prep behind; after



jaafa pro something (abstract)
jada n pleasant, nice, good
jak postp ABL away
jiti n smallness
jodhi pro some kind of
jofa adj some
jofai pro somehow
jofko pro sometime
jofku pro somewhere
jofo pro something (inanimate)
jofos pro with someone
jokæ part verb exhortative
jon prep between
jonfu pro something (animate)
joqó n disgust
jov pro for some reason
part in literature for verbal irony


ka pro this
kadh pro this kind of
kamps n marsh, swamp
kap pro herefore
karon n soup
kas pro with this
kat n knob, handle
katpas n fern
kep n wash, act of washing
v is washed
keslan n blood
kha pro now
khai pro hereby
khau pro here
kheti n necessity
kho pro then
khoi pro thereby
khu pro there
khurdi n daring
ki n shortness
ko pro that
kodh pro that kind of
koi prep per
kop pro therefore
kos pro with that
kos n tree
koson n wood (also kosoń)
ksaru n guard
kusu n friend
kuth n dog
kuutó n possibility


latep n dance
v dances
loi prep out
lutu n woman
luva n pleasure
luwi n beauty
lzork n worm


mai postp ABL excluding
mak postp ABL except
mak v ABL is given to DAT by ERG
math n cat
mats postp ABL instead of
mel n water
mépi n skill
mjula n life
mo pro we
mofpu n lip
moi prep touching
mol n blueness
mots(i) prep on side
muf n fish


na pro I
nang n sweat
nat n stain
nath n beggar
nin n greenness
Nith pro You (singular)
norka part verb dubitative
not n object



oil(i) prep as
oist(i) prep under
onta pro anything (animate)
ongka pro everything (animate)
ordhi pro all/every kind of
orka adj every, all
orkai pro in every way
orkho pro always
orkhu pro everywhere
orko pro everything (inanimate)
orkop pro for every reason
orkos pro with everyone
ota adj any
othi pro any kind of
otko pro whenever
otku pro anywhere
oto pro anything (inanimate)
otop pro for any reason
otos pro with anyone


ól postp GEN like
adverb similarly
óomi n largeness
óp postp GEN about; ABL according to



paata n separation
pai part verb mirative
adv how (with adj)
petsip n clothes
phe postp LAT for the sake of
phó postp LAT along
pló postp LOC opposite to
po pro you (plural)
pof n feather
poi prep in the middle of, among
pón postp LAT through
pos n servant
prk n wagon


qal n yellowness
qorel n earth
qot n rock
qotol n stone



rkil n orange
roi prep above
rot v leaves, goes
rul n redness


sai postp COM including
saitu pre this one (animate)
sak postp COM concerning; ABL due to
sku pro where
sko pro when
so adj another
pro something else
soi prep on
soi pro otherwise
sokho pro another time
sokhu pro elsewhere
sonop pro for another reason
sos pro with someone else
sothi pro of another kind
sós postp COM with; ABL without; LAT in addition to
souso pro nobody
soutu pro that one (animate)
pro who?
spe pro why?
spii n length
stak n fence
su n it/he?


shi pro how?
sho adj which?, what?
shodh pro what kind of
shos pro with whom
shosleetha n knight


slengu n nose


ta part verb conditional
ta'i n past
tai n for long
tes n eye
tes(os) v is seen
tesei part verb visual evidential
tihtóhnah n assassinator
tlaf n sprig
tlsl n shallow
trk n smithy
trs n smith
tup n stick
tuta n craving, wish


tha pro it (abstract)
thaka pro this (abstract)
thaso pro something else (abstract)
thata pro anything (abstract)
theso pro nothing (abstract)
thorka pro everything (abstract)


tsagadhet n bureau
tsaka pro this one (of two)
tsalka pro this one (of many)
tseso pro neither
tsma n doubt
tso pro other (of two)
pro which one? (of two)
tsoi prep in front of
tso'i n front
tsok n letter
tsoklóp n alphabet
tsoko pro that one (of two)
tsolko pro that one (of many)
tsolo pro another (of many)
pro which one? (one many)
tsolto pro any (of many)
tsongko pro every, each
tsorko pro both
tsoto pro either one
tsøl n purple


tsleso pro none (of many)



ukop n north
ura n following day, tomorrow


vakuh n hand
vang n drink
vangost v is drunk
voi prep in
voq n strange thing


With pro You (plural)


za n height
zait v goes up
zaivi n song
ze adj no
zei pro in no way
zenep pro for no reason
zeng pro never
zengu pro nowhere
zeos pro with nobody
zodhi pro of no kind
zoi prep up
zolo pro some, one (of many)
zurmu n strong person


zho pro one (of two)