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'sii means "four" (四), or "arrow" (矢), or the verb "to look at" (視). For other uses in compounds, see below.

Dan'a'yo continues the Far East Asian tradition of having some superstition about the number four (四) because it is a homophone for dying (死).

Alternative forms

Roman: sii


(Dan'a'yo) IPA: /sij/


  1. (num) four
  2. (n) 'arrow
  3. ( to look at, to inspect
  4. (adj) private, personal --> 私立(싀립)
  5. (v.intr) to die --> 死亡(싀망)
  6. (n) surname --> 姓氏(싱싀)
  7. (n) expert, teacher --> 教師(걋싀)
  • (n) posthumus name --> 諡号(싀핫)
  • (v.intr) to act brazenly --> 恣肆(즤싀)
  • (n) lion --> 獅子(싀지)
  • (n) shit
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